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Posts posted by ranslsad

  1. Hi, im trying to draw more equipement items i added to my EA Project.

    but im having the next error when i try to set each item position on Character Window Draw.

    Select Case Item(itemNum).Type gives me the next error:


    The following error occured at 'Render_Graphics' in 'modGraphics'.

    Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range.




    Public Sub DrawEquipment()

    Dim x As Long, y As Long, i As Long

    Dim itemNum As Long, ItemPic As DX8TextureRec

    For i = 1 To Equipment.Equipment_Count - 1

    itemNum = GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, i)

    ' get the item sprite

    If itemNum > 0 Then

    ItemPic = Tex_Item(Item(itemNum).Pic)


    ' no item equiped - use blank image

    ItemPic = Tex_GUI(28 + i)

    End If

    Select Case Item(itemNum).Type


    y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop

    x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) Mod EqColumns)


    y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop + 34

    x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) Mod EqColumns)


    y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop + 68

    x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) Mod EqColumns)


    y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop

    x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns)))


    y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop

    x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns)))


    y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop

    x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns)))


    y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop

    x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns)))

    End Select

    'EngineRenderRectangle itempic, x, y, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32

    RenderTexture ItemPic, x, y, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32


    End Sub


    Sry for bad english and thanks.


  2. Love you music… i cant pay you, but i can offer you to join my project.

    Im doing hard work on my project...

    More info: [http://www.touchofde…ecruiting-team/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/132681-noname-recruiting-team/)

    +10 [Morning At The Forest](https://soundcloud.com/carfonu/morning-at-the-forest)

    +10 [Enthalion Main Theme](https://soundcloud.com/carfonu/enthalion-main-theme)

    im hearing each one…

    Good work.


  3. > **I need:**
    > * Mapers
    > * History Writers
    > * Coders
    > * Etc…
    > So you are doing nothing right? You are just an ideas guy?

    Watch the first post again, updated.

    > Mapper*
    > And I know people dont like sending their ideas everywhere but people need a basis to go on, tell us what is so special about your project to every other Eclipse project.

    Im working to have a nice gameplay and alot of unique features…

    Need time only, i realy only need mappers, and ppl to help me make the game,quests, not the code.. i can code, read first post and you will see the news!


  4. Thanks… here you got the message on english:

    **Client Side:**


    Dialogue "Invitacion al Guild", GInvName & " te ha invitado a su clan." & vbNewLine & "Nombre del Clan: " & GName & vbNewLine & _

    " Deseas unirte?", DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE, True

    Replace with:


    Dialogue "Guild Invitation", GInvName & " has invited you to his guild." & vbNewLine & "Guild Name: " & GName & vbNewLine & _

    " want to Join?", DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE, True


    Did you tested the code?


  5. First of all, this is my first release Topic… i want to thanks you all for the work you do with this engine...

    Im member of this forum since 2010 and i started a game just a pair weeks ago...

    I will start to release some of my sources...

    Sry for bad english... Lets Start!

    **Required Tutorial: [[EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/124848-eo-2030-guilds/)**

    **What This code Do?**

    Screen will explain it 100%.



    Maybe i dont do the tut as well.. i can forget any code, i will try to do it as well i can…

    If you got error, please tell me where and ill try to resolve!

    **Server Side:**

    Find SGuildAdminSwitchTab on Public Enum ServerPackets - modEnumerations and add after:


    SGuildInvite 'Guild


    Find in modServerTCP


    Sub SendTrade(ByVal index As Long, ByVal tradeTarget As Long)

    Dim Buffer As clsBuffer

    Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

    Buffer.WriteLong STrade

    Buffer.WriteLong tradeTarget

    Buffer.WriteString Trim$(GetPlayerName(tradeTarget))

    SendDataTo index, Buffer.ToArray()

    Set Buffer = Nothing

    End Sub


    add after:


    Sub SendGuildInvite(ByVal GName As String, ByVal GInviterName As String, ByVal guildTarget As Long)

    Dim Buffer As clsBuffer

    Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

    Buffer.WriteLong SGuildInvite

    Buffer.WriteString GName

    Buffer.WriteString GInviterName

    SendDataTo guildTarget, Buffer.ToArray()

    Set Buffer = Nothing

    End Sub


    In modGuild find:


    PlayerMsg index, Player(Inviter_Index).Name & " has invited you to join the guild " & GuildData(GuildSlot).Guild_Name & "!", Green

    PlayerMsg index, "Type /guild accept within the next 2 Minutes to join.", Green

    PlayerMsg index, "Type /guild decline to remove the offer.", Green


    and replace with:


    SendGuildInvite GuildData(GuildSlot).Guild_Name, Player(Inviter_Index).Name, index


    **Client Side:**

    Find SGuildAdminSwitchTab on Public Enum ServerPackets - modEnumerations and add after:


    SGuildInvite 'Guild


    Find in modHandleData


    HandleDataSub(SAdminGuild) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleAdminGuild) 'Guild


    Add after:


    HandleDataSub(SGuildInvite) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleGuildInvite) 'Guild


    In modGuild add at the bottom or elsewhere you want:


    Public Sub HandleGuildInvite(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)

    Dim Buffer As clsBuffer

    Dim GName As String

    Dim GInvName As String

    ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

    If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

    Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

    Buffer.WriteBytes Data()

    GName = Buffer.ReadString

    GInvName = Buffer.ReadString

    Dialogue "Invitacion al Guild", GInvName & " te ha invitado a su clan." & vbNewLine & "Nombre del Clan: " & GName & vbNewLine & _

    " Deseas unirte?", DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE, True

    ' Error handler

    Exit Sub


    HandleError "HandleAdminGuild", "modGuild", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


    End Sub


    Find in modConstants:


    Public Const DIALOGUE_TYPE_PARTY As Byte = 3


    Add after:


    Public Const DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE As Byte = 4


    Find in modGameLogic:





    Add after:





    in Same sub a few lines down find:





    and add after:





    in modClientTCP add at botton or where you prefer:


    Sub SendAcceptGuildInvite()

    Call GuildCommand(6, "")

    End Sub

    Sub SendDeclineGuildInvite()

    Call GuildCommand(7, "")

    End Sub



    Thanks you all for read and add the script!!

    If you can optimize, do better code, modify it for get a better function, do it and show us all!

    Was it useful for you? - Like This!

    **Working on: Buff Icons**

    Show Buff Icon by Type: 100%

    Show Buff TimeLeft: 100%

    GUI: -

    Draw the max 10 Buff on screen: 100%


    **Screen:** [Click Here](http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/ShowcaseBuffIconsSystem.JPG)



  6. **Recruiting Team**

    **Updated * 15/4/2013**

    Im looking for spanish members or english members, depend on the team i will do the game on english or spanish…I already got a game name, classes and some history.**I need:**

    * Mapers
    * History Writers
    * Helpers
    * Etc…

    Skype: ranslsad

    **Pictures are attached**

    ATM Game Changelog in spanish:




    . [*] Click derecho sobre Jugador se abre menu con opciones

    . [*] Invitacion Visual de Dialogo al Guild

    . [*] Agregada opcion para cambiar el spawn al empezar en classes.ini

    . [*] Agregado tipo de poder de transformacion.

    . [*] Agregados NPC: Guardia hombre y mujer.

    . [*] Agregadas animaciones de armas y de cast de echizos.

    . [*] Agregada Armadura de Cuero

    . [*] Agregado sistema para elejir el pelo al crear personaje.

    . [*] Nombres de personajes y NPC se ven al pasar mouse por encima.

    . [*] Sistema de Buffs

    . [*] Iconos de los Buffs se muestran en la pantalla con su tiempo restante.

    . [X] Iconos de buffs no se muestran los iconos otros tipos de buffs, solo el de vida.

    . [-] Solucionar envio masivo de paquetes de la informacion de los buffs, laguea.

    . [-] Menu boton derecho sale en cualquier lado.

    . [*] Añadido editor de personaje enlinea en el servidor.

    . [*] Mejorado sistema de rareza de objetos.

    . [*] Agregados nombres a los tipos de rareza.

    . [O] Ya se actualizan los stats del jugador al equipar objetos o buffs.

    . [-] Test Buff STR, AGI...ETC

    . [*] Añadido sistema de bonificacion por rareza 100% customizable.

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Vida

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Mana

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Daño Normal

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Daño Magico

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Defensa

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta Vida

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta Mana

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % velocidad de ataque

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % velocidad de movimiento

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Reduce % tiempo de lanzamiento de echizo

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta Defensa

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % Reg Vida

    . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % Reg Mana

    . [*] Agregado mapa con nombre temporal: Cueva de Vampiros

    . [*] Habilitado Personaje Vampiro





    . [*] Bloqueada clases al elejir

    . [*] Agregado Sistema de ModoVentana y VentanaCompleta

    . [*] Agregado Sistema de Clanes

    . [*] Renombrado mapa Bosque Jiduth a Bosque Ancestral




    . [*] Agregadas clase: Humano

    . [*] Agregadas clase: Guerrero

    . [*] Agregadas clase: Guerrero de Luz

    . [*] Agregadas clase: Mago de Luz

    . [*] Agregadas clase: Asesino de Sangre

    . [*] Agregadas clase: Mago de la Sangre

    . [*] Agregadas clase: Druida

    . [*] Nuevo Objeto Oro

    . [*] Agregado Mapa Bosque Jiduth


    [b]Some [/b][b]ScreenShoots:[/b]

    [b]Rarity system with custom bonification for each item.[/b]


    [b]Buff System:[/b][img]http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/ByffSystem.JPG[/img]

    [b]Hair and Eyes[/b]( ready)[b] paperdoll, choose on character creation:[/b]



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