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Everything posted by Exvayate

  1. Wait so you can compile and code without a problem with portable? Didn't the mods in here specify that you couldn't use Portable? And all you had were Enterprise or Professional?
  2. I have enterprise.
  3. Pretty sure I did. I downloaded the SP6 file from your tutorial. Extracted it. Ran it. And then a command prompt shows up for 2 secs like you said. O.o
  4. Just got a legit copy. Well at least I think it is. I was able to go through Robin's installation guide, however. After installation I was ready to jump in and start coding but an odd pop up occured after opening Eclipse Origins.vbp, VB6 popped up with a window saying, "Object libraries not registered." But after that I could continue loading the .vbp, but when I to edit some of the forms, vb6 tells me to close. Any way I can fix this? I am running VB6 though Virtualbox that is running Windows XP. If worse comes to it. I'll just install XP on another partition and work on it from there.
  5. Hmmmm. Well, this IS under my file manager. Maybe it's invalid because it isn't shown on my actual site. I think I'll try to find a way to show up on my site somehow…
  6. Hmmmm no dice. I get the same runtime error. :confused:
  7. May I get an example of an update site? I Followed word for word on Robin's (Yami's Editted) Updater. The only thing I can't get to work is the UpdateURL. My site is being hosted by freewebs and I upload a .rar file to be used as a patch on the launcher. However I copied the link location but the readme.txt said not to use a link/path that didn't have the file given in the path name. Here's what I have done shown below.
  8. Ahh okay. Thanks! That took a load off my mind. NOW! Will the launcher automatically execute Eclipse Origins.exe after checking/patching the latest client? And do I have to replace the games config.ini/src folder with the updaters config.ini/src folder?
  9. Well that sounds a pretty hard, since the attack animations are simply based off a couple frames from the walking animation. My suggestion is to find those frames and edit them slightly to make it look like they're attacking and walking. :/ My other suggestion is, is to make a spell that animates over the character and does a certain attack animation without a mana cost.
  10. Okay. Uhmmm, my head is all jumbled up from over-analyzing this problem… Help me out here step by step... hooooooooooooooooooooookeh. Here we go: (I modified the GUI to my tastes and such.) However I run the launcher.exe and I grab and error saying 'URL is malformed' What event causes this problem? After clicking Okay after getting the previous error, I get another one saying 'Run-Time Error 13' Then the task kills itself.
  11. I don't really get it. But like my goal here is, do I put all the files into a folder or something? I'm pretty sure in a typical MMO the game itself has the patcher inside the actual game folder. However if I were to merge these 2 folders, I will end up overwriting one or the other. Point is. Do I put the 2 folders together or not? :S
  12. I can't seem to understand how to work the updater/patcher with EO. :mad: Sooooo, here's a pic with all my Q's on it.
  13. 1) Port Forward your actual IP address with the port 7001 2) Modify config.ini so that the IP = EXTERNAL IP 3) ???? 4) Profit :3
  14. Errrm… Well they really made it distinctive between male and female xD I guess I can work with it. Thanks.
  15. Lulz Sorry I guess I didn't specify enough. It's 32x64 and it needs to be the nude versions of these sprites. Without armor thinknesses or hair either. I just need the face.
  16. Does anyone have a nude version of the eclipse sprites with eyes, both male/female? I need it so if you would be so kind to hand me a copy? :3
  17. Use Copy and paste, then edit the newly pasted sprite. You can use tools such as Photoshop or GIMP for all your editing needs. However, either program will require some experience and getting used to.
  18. Below, near the description, it will say Tool: [__________] and it will have a scroll down box that will list, hatchet/pickaxe/etc
  19. Sounds good. Thanks! However, the one I torrented was in the form of a .nrg file, so I had to be mounted then ran. My virtual disk won't allow me to pick out properties to run a different Compatablity. Also, Why can you not offer advice for a modified OS Rainbow Dash? I only run it because I do love Windows7 However, my craptop's poor quality and it being 6 years old won't let me run actual Windows7\. Then again, my craptop has crashed about 3 to 4 times since I've gotten it, so I'd rather install a quick OS on it.
  20. I torrented VB6 enterprise edition and followed Robin's installation guide and received this error. How can I fix this? If anyone's curious. I'm using Tiny7 OS.
  21. Exvayate

    Shop camp fix?

    If you don't want to go into the hassle and read the jargon on editting the source code, then I suggest you make players warp one unit in front of the warp point and make it so if a player were to block the entrance then they would end up warping 1 unit outside the exit.
  22. Exvayate

    Spawn Point.

    I have run into another problem. And without thinking I made a new topic in the forum… *facepalm* Anyways, I edited the source and I get errors saying that I have invalid variables which I never messed around with.
  23. SO! I followed the tutorial word by word, and it felt pretty easy and I'm finally getting the hand of VB. HOWEVER! I decided to recreate the .exe and I receive these errors over things I haven't touched and such! (See pics below)
  24. Exvayate

    Spawn Point.

    Will I have to compile using VB6?
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