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Everything posted by Antisora

  1. @IdoFreePixel: > I was going more for this. > ![](http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/6858/55a.png) Oh, sorry D: Here, this is the map using what you want:
  2. @IdoFreePixel: > ah typo, grass/pond Oh, change the shape of the pond, ok. here's the new result:
  3. @IdoFreePixel: > make the **grass/pound** a different shape, a square and a rectangle isn't the way to go. Ok then, whats a grass/pound?
  4. @IdoFreePixel: > make the grass/pound a different shape, a square and a rectangle isn't the way to go. If you mean the dirt walkways, it isnt just a square. i have seperate corner pieces,
  5. Added a puddle, some flowers NOTE: there are NPCS on my map, im using screenshot option
  6. I wuz wunderingz how do I let my friends play? I sentz tehm teh EXE documentz, but when the try to joinz, it sayz server down D: T_T ._.O_O sdasdfds :3
  7. 8433 skeletons shooting lazers out their cocks (chickens you fools, what were you thinking?)
  8. @Frosty: > Try adding some plants ect in the open grass. I added trees :D
  9. All critizism is welcome, map is in attachments Its the base camp where you start out.
  10. @Frosty: > With VB6 Do you happen to know how/have the codes?
  11. @Kinjiru: > Buy Robin's Crystalshire engine, im pretty sure its included. Or program it in yourself. No sh*t sherlock, of course i know i could buy it. I was HOPING someone had the codes.
  12. How do i make a chat box like the one found in the attachments?
  13. ~~What do i put before what im typing so only my party can see it?~~ /p. got it.
  14. @gigavenom: > could u make me a paperdoll of a weapon i created i'll send a pic Sure, send me pic.
  15. Never mind, were having the issues again. and he reinstalled library files.
  16. @janpan40: > Could you make me some runescape skill cape paperdolls please? > :) I need the picture of the cape(s), and sure, i'll try. But if its multiple, It may take like 3-4 days.
  17. @Suppositoire: > How to run with the key shift ? I press on the key shift but I don't run.. Maybe because I have a French keyboard? No, because the game client is already set to walk while holding shift, you need VB6 to change it.
  18. You all are just plain banned.
  19. @Greendude120: > Why are they all the same. shouldnt there be a weapon for each direction? Well on the going down line they are in the left hand, so it would only make sense for the paperdoll to appear in the left hand and not the right.
  20. Here are some paperdolls i have done, Please constructive feedback only! If you want me to make you a paperdoll, please send me the item icon, should have it built very quickly.
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