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Posts posted by SolidLink

  1. I haven't looked much into it, but if you search for cmbClass.ListIndex, you should find that it adds the classes to the combobox, just make it so it shows 1. When I look into the code myself, I'll post the answer here
  2. Alright let's all cool down.
    - Credit the owner of the system

    It dosen't matter if he is your brother or not, if you coded the encrypter or not. By looking at the link it appears that Terabin is the creator of this encrypter. Give credits where it's due or else actions will be taken. We take plagiarism very serious here and now if he ACTUALLY is your brother and you DID code the system then show us the proof otherwise again, actions will be taken.
  3. Hi Bestboy,
    The main limitation should usually be the player count. These engines are optimal for OPRG makers but running 1000s of players or more may be an issue unless we can optimize it a lot more. And the engines send data to the server so it should be secured. There is no need for a database and the game engines will let you customize most of the features but some features like the GUI etc have to be edited through VBt. I hope these answer your questions. As for a strong base ER should be a good engine, in terms of features, AE should be a good engine.
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