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Everything posted by Carim123

  1. @Robin: > That's not cell-shading. That's just sharpening them in Photoshop. I suggest you go read up on cell-shading. If this was aimed at me, already have, thank you. So, just because it was made by playing around with the Ink-Sketch effect, they can't be seen as cel-shaded? Robin, being entirely honest, I don't care about your opinion on how it was made, I just want your opinion on how you like/dislike it, and what you think can be done to help me improve it. Kusy, thank you for the help. -_-'. Thanks, skevsama C:
  2. ~~Well, I'm new to using EO, so I have no idea. Every time I open the Items Editor, it brings up ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/cd31485cab0e742e7d5a0e7f4ce83513.png) And instantly closes the client. I'm not sure, but I think it's something to actually do with one of the item graphics, as I was editing them earlier, and it was working before then.~~ Never mind, I found out that it was because I removed a Paperdoll-item earlier, that was currently in use.
  3. Eh…what do you mean exactly? If you mean using the Mask/Fringe layers, no they don't, it works perfectly fine. I've semi-finished a City map with it, and it's okay, so far.
  4. If I have time, and you send me the sprites, I can try and do some for you. Plus, if you have Paint.NET, just use the Ink Sketch effect, and play around with the brightness and contrast, if you like.
  5. Finished re-uploading them ;D. I used a couple of effects in Paint.Net. I used a massive tilesheet (The thing was about 45000px long…) and I used the "Ink sketch" effect, and played around with the colours, and outlines. Otherwise, I didn't really do much work, but I had to fix a couple of errors, like the grass, water and sand. I'm making a Cel-shade ORPG, and now that I've finished the graphical side, pretty much, I can get on with it.
  6. Meh, never noticed that. 'll just have to re-upload them. ;/.
  7. Never mind, I'll re-upload them another time…
  8. Well, I've finished them now, and like I've said, they ARE RMXP, so expect nothing entirely special. These tilesets are…progressive, so as I use them in my maps, I'll be constantly changing them. Have fun using them ;D. Note; last time I checked, these were 33MB in total... >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2363b64d215d3ec8630aa6e9e677a7af.BMP) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/6d240dc7a119dabf0d4a3baa18f8e365.BMP) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/69d23de0fd463abf4914f34157ea18da.BMP) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/23f651151ee19926fb358b3313cdacc2.BMP) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/ecad594eebf07913b7ea2d51845d7d3a.BMP)
  9. OK, I've done the tilesets, and I've split them into 5 sections. Seeing as I'm gonna upload them, may as well lock this.
  10. OK, thanks for clearing that for me.
  11. Urh…this is Eclipse Origins. Not Total Eclipse, or Eclipse Evolution... 1) I can't find any GUIs in the data files in client. 2) I've found that if you make a tileset any longer than 9184, it'll glitch if you attempt to use tiles that've gone further... This's pretty much what I've found out for myself...
  12. I agree about the outline thing, and I'm going to try my best to fix the colours. "Again, only my own opinion." Which is highly valuble to me. Thanks. C:
  13. First off, unless if I haven't looked hard enough, how can I edit the GUI in EO, if possible? Also, for Tilesets, is there any way I can use a Tileset longer than 256px by 9184px, without it glitching? And, is it possible to be able to use more than 3 tilesets, without the need for VB?
  14. I've polished off what I could find, now I'm just running it through P.net, to see what else I can do. I'll have the 'sets here in some time….
  15. I used the Ink Sketch effect in Paint.Net, and simplified the Colours. "you will need to take only their outline and simplify them." Which I've done. "no offence to you" I'm not offended, I'd just like to know what you don't like about it exactly.
  16. Hmm…there is an element of truth in that...perhaps I can mess around with the brightness and contrast, a bit. I've played around a bit, and in truth, there's no difference. I'm going through it now, and I'm modifying what needs to be modified, and then I'm gonna cut them. :D
  17. I know. I'm gonna try and split it into 256 by 9184 tilesets.
  18. Heh, thanks :D. I was thinking about splitting it into about 6 sections, because the file itself is 256px by 46176px. ;/.
  19. Well, for a game I'm working on, I've decided on doing a Cel-shade style, so I'm using RMXP tilesets as a base, and I'd like your opinions. ![](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/236/0/9/Cel_shade_Tileset_example_by_RisingShine.png) As soon as I'm done compresing, and splitting the files into smaller images (The Total Filesize is 33.9MB!), I'm gonna put it up on dA.
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