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Everything posted by Dzastin

  1. > ' in party? > If TempPlayer(attacker).inParty > 0 Then > EXPRATE = frmServer.expratescrl.Value > exp = (NPC(npcnum).exp * EXPRATE) > ' pass through party sharing function > Party_ShareExp TempPlayer(attacker).inParty, exp, attacker > Else > ' no party - keep exp for self > Call SetPlayerExp(attacker, GetPlayerExp(attacker) + exp) > SendEXP attacker > SendActionMsg GetPlayerMap(attacker), "+" & exp & " EXP", White, 1, (GetPlayerX(attacker) * 32), (GetPlayerY(attacker) * 32) > ' check if we've leveled > CheckPlayerLevelUp attacker > End If This is don't work…
  2. How to change this tutorial to warp the all players in team when kill boss npc?
  3. How to change this to party exp rate?
  4. Hi, how rewrite the code on tile_type_blocked to move on this when i click Shift, CTRL itd?
  5. Install Visual Basic 6, or lock the topic. Life is brutal…
  6. Go to item editor, and change : Price : 0 0 - sell value Currency - Item Nr.1 in Item Editor
  7. ``` Case QUEST_TYPE_GOGIVE 'Give X amount of X item to X npc. If TargetIndex = Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).NPC Then For I = 1 To MAX_INV If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, I) = Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).Item Then If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, I) >= Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).Amount Then TakeInvItem index, I, Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).Item QuestMessage index, QuestNum, Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).Speech, 0 If CanEndQuest(index, QuestNum) Then EndQuest index, QuestNum Else Player(index).PlayerQuest(QuestNum).ActualTask = ActualTask + 1 End If Exit For End If End If Next End If ``` How can i change this to take the item Req(scrlItem) in player EQ when mission end? Because when i talk to NPC, he give me items and mission end or item Req don't have take.
  8. ``` Case QUEST_TYPE_GOGIVE 'Give X amount of X item to X npc. If TargetIndex = Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).NPC Then For I = 1 To MAX_INV If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, I) = Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).Item Then If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, I) >= Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).Amount Then TakeInvItem index, I, Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).Item QuestMessage index, QuestNum, Quest(QuestNum).Task(ActualTask).Speech, 0 If CanEndQuest(index, QuestNum) Then EndQuest index, QuestNum Else Player(index).PlayerQuest(QuestNum).ActualTask = ActualTask + 1 End If Exit For End If End If Next End If ``` How can i change this to take the item Req(scrlItem) in player EQ when mission end? Because when i talk to NPC, he give me items and mission end or item Req don't have take.
  9. Ok i repair all my bugs with this. And…i'm working on multiple-reward because this tutorial is great!and i must have this in my game 0-o. Thanks!
  10. because it is currently not possible to edit a file
  11. New problem, when i restart server i don't have items. Items disappeared from the item editor.
  12. Ok, all work, this Quest System as awesome! You could add to this multi-reward! 5 stars!
  13. Server Error when i go to game : If Player(Index).PlayerQuest(QuestNum).Status = QUEST_STARTED Then 'Status=1 means started
  14. In handlesavequest: ' Update the Quest QuestSize = LenB(Quest(n)) - ambiguous name detected
  15. If something is not found, then asks a question Help.
  16. Hi, when i attack NPC on weapon (weapon on attack animation)animation is visible. When i attack Player on weapon (weapon on attack animation) animation is hidden (and sound of animation) How to edit source to repair this problem?
  17. How do add activation lock classes by player on game?
  18. This work, thanks you very much!
  19. Now when I take the mission from the NPC immediately gets reward
  20. Hi, i have Sweek tutorial for Quest, or when i add to this : reqitemamount = 10 and when i give NPC the reqitem = 5 and reqitemamount = 5 he accept Quest and give reward. How to change this : ``` If HasItem(attacker, reqitem) Then ``` to check the amount on the reqitemamount?
  21. Yes, hovewer when i attack npc, sounds is don't play.
  22. How to add attack sound to player weapons? Hmm … in frmeditor item : Sounds and list. How to add this to attack sound when i attack npc on weapon? Note: Sounds work when i equip a weapon
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