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  1. Ah, I can get that… >! ``` ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Module: OnDeath.ess ' ' Author: Stephan J.R. van Schaik ' ' Date: August 30th, 2009. ' ' Version: 1.0.0 ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Function: OnDeath ' ' Brief: executes when a player dies outside of an arena. ' ' Parameters: ' ' Index: the index number of the player who died. ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sub OnDeath(Index) If GetMapBootMap(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetMapBootMap(Index), GetMapBootX(Index), GetMapBootY(Index)) Else Map = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "Map")) X = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "x")) Y = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "y")) >! Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map, X, Y) End If >! Call SetPlayerHP(Target, GetPlayerMaxHP(Target)) Call SetPlayerMP(Target, GetPlayerMaxMP(Target)) Call SetPlayerSP(Target, GetPlayerMaxSP(Target)) Call SendPlayerData(Target) End Sub ``` I haven't even touched the file yet.. I'm running Eclipse Stable, by the way.
  2. **Edit: I just realized after posting this that I meant to put it in the Bugs and Glitches child board but it somehow didn't wind up there…. sorry for that. If anyone could move it, that would be great.** I started working on a game yesterday, a basic PMD game that so far has nothing more than a few maps, a few enemies, and a few items, and I've already run into two errors I can't seem to shake… **1\. The "death" error.** ![](http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn16/halofire9/ServerError.png) This error pops up every time anybody dies. If I don't close it, the game freezes for everybody after a while, and it's very annoying considering my friends who run around in my game while I work on it absolutely love to kill each other. I ended up scaring people with my ranting about them dying, and still they killed each other, so I ended up having to boot the player killers out of my server because I couldn't take the constant errors. However, if anybody is ever going to have fun in my game without me going on a booting rampage, I'm going to need this problem fixed. **2\. Overflow Error.** ![](http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn16/halofire9/OverflowError.png) I saw this mentioned in the bugs and glitches thread, but as for what files I'm supposed to check is beyond me. I haven't made all of the classes for Pokemon yet, so I simply change people in my server to whatever they want to be by changing their sprite value. But if I try to change someone's sprite to one with a value of over something around 250, I crash. This is not as big of an error, I tell people just to deal with it, but if I want to get them to stop yelling "I CAN BE CACTURNE" at me and have me yelling back that I'd crash, having a solution for this problem would be excellent.
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