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  1. Yes, I'm aware that I'd need VB6, and thanks for the link for the tutorial. Do you know if there are any tutorials of some of these features already?
  2. My Questions Okay. I want to develop an MMORPG, and I figured I'd go with Eclipse since it's a pretty stable engine. I have a few questions regarding the features I want to add on my game. Here they go: A more modern feel I want my game to be unique. Something for everybody. A lot of the MMO's out there are set back in the past. rRight Click - View Profile While walking around, I want to be able to do a right click on a player and it'll bring up an interface almost like Club Penguin's: ![](http://clubpenguincp.com/images/2009/09/gizmopic.jpg) I also want to have chatbox effects that designate the rank of the player. Like what RuneScape has: [![](http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090621091729/runescape/images/8/88/PMod_crown.PNG)](http://runescape.wikia.com/index.php?title=Player_ModeratorI=PMod_crown-PNG) As you can see, it shows that this player is a Moderator by showing the crown. I want to add a symbol like that in my chatbox that whenever a moderator or administrator of the game speaks, the icon or symbol shows. Paperdolling I want to be able to paperdoll. I'm aware that this is available, but I also want it to show if the right clicking on the player's profile is available. Betting/gambling/lottery Are these features possible? and if so, are there tutorials? I want to be able to have lottery features in my game as well. Summary I know it seems like a lot, but are any of these features possible with Eclipse? Thanks,
  3. I want to edit the source of eclipse, and see what I can do with it, but I have Visual Basic 6 Portable Edition. Is this compatible?
  4. I am still awaiting any reply if possible. This would be great if I could get an answer. ;D
  5. @Soul: > Source edit. I can move it over there if you'd like. Yeah. That would be good.
  6. @Black★Gold: > I wouldn't call them symbol because thats misleading. They're icons. It'd be easier to just change the name colors of the Admins and stuff, in my opinion. Yes I'm aware of that, however I want to make it look fancy, and I like the idea of the special icon next to a special user's name. I'm open to any other ideas.
  7. Hi there. I'm trying to figure out (If this is even possible) how to add a special symbol next to someone's name on my game. The goal of this is to identify if the person is a Moderator or Administrator. In a game called RuneScape (Which I'm pretty sure that many of you are familiar with) they have a crown next to a Player Moderator's name (Same goes for a Jagex staff member) ![](http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090621091729/runescape/images/8/88/PMod_crown.PNG) So, my question is how to add symbols like this next to the names of special members of the game such as Moderator, Developer, Administrator, Owner - ETC. Thanks, much appreciated ;D
  8. Is this still being worked on? Hasn't been updated or posted in a while :S
  9. DUCK YOU xD I love that saying now. Anyway, good luck.
  10. Hopefully this will be released soon. I want to start work on it ASAP :P
  11. Alright. If anyone knows of any other open source that's already released or when this one will be released - let me know.
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