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  1. Introduction I was make a simple colored Whisperer for Bluefish. It help you to make scripts. Images **Old version - without colors** >! ![](http://img9.mediafire.com/80159412bd32bc7e0d3d0f0363eb07fc5g.jpg) >! ![](http://img25.mediafire.com/8f972253bb550cce5fb9460cff24b3dc5g.jpg) **New version - With colors** >! ![](http://img22.mediafire.com/525b00788ff8785c73ab37861cd0859d5g.jpg) Install guide Windows * Download [Bluefish](http://bfwiki.tellefsen.net/index.php/Installing_Bluefish#Installing_Bluefish_on_Windows_XP.2FVista.2F7_.2832_bit.29) * Download [GTK+ Runtime](http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtk-win/) * Download [sadscript2.zip](http://download740.mediafire.com/wdqvs1n6t5yg/2geu1k1o5zt8jem/sadscript2.zip) * Unzip archive (sadscript2.zip) * Install GTK+ Runtime * Install Bluefish * Copy file sadscript.bflang2 to **C:\Program Files\Bluefish\share\bluefish\bflang\** * Restart your computer * Run Bluefish * Write a new script **WARNING:** File Install is for Linux only! Linux * [Install Bluefish](http://bfwiki.tellefsen.net/index.php/Installing_Bluefish) * Donwload file _[sadscript2.zip](http://download740.mediafire.com/wdqvs1n6t5yg/2geu1k1o5zt8jem/sadscript2.zip)_ * Unzip archive (sadscript2.zip) * As an root run file _Install_ * Run Bluefish * Write your scripts If you have any problem with sadscript.bflang2 try to delete ~./bluefish. Change colors * Run Bluefish * Go to _Edit > Properties_ * In Text styles change colors for : **function, warning, string, preprocessor, tag, operator**. Future plans * Add more commands Tutorial by Lorin
  2. lorin

    More sprites

    It is posible to add more than 10 tiles of sprites to the Map Maker? Thanks.
  3. lorin

    Edit GUI (help)

    Can anybody give me a link to GUI tutorial? I will make my own GUI, but i dont know how. I have VB 2008
  4. lorin

    Mount script

    Is this script good ? ``` Select Case LCase(Trim(TextSay)) Case "/mount" ' Zadas /mount If GetVar("Scripts\Characters\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","Mount","OnHorse") = 1 Then ' Pokud jsi na koni speed = GetPlayerSP(Index) strength = GetPlayeSP(Index) Call SetPlayerSP(Index,$speed) Call SetPlayerSP(Index,$strength) Call PlayerMsg("Slezl jsi z kone",15) ' Nahlasi ze jsi slezl Else ' Pokud nejsi na koni speed = GetPlayerSP(Index) strength = GetPlayerSP(Index) Call SetPlayerSP(Index,$speed) Call SetPlayerSP(Index,$strength) Call PlayerMsg("Nalezl jsi na kone",15) End If End Case ```
  5. lorin

    Mount script

    I know it. But where are users dats? I think speed, mana, xp, etc.
  6. lorin

    Mount script

    This is my code: ``` Select Case LCase(Trim(TextSay)) Case "/mount" ' Zadas /mount If GetVar("Scripts\Characters\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","Mount","OnHorse") = 1 Then ' Pokud jsi na koni Call GetVar("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","","Speed") ' Zjisti si tvoji rychlost Call GetVar("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","","Strength") ' Zjisti si tvoji silu Speed1 = Speed - 10 ' Nastavi na Rychlost - 10 Strength1 = Strength - 10 ' Nastavi na Sila -10 Call PutVar("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","","Speed","$Speed1") ' Nastavi rychlost Call PutVar("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","","Strength","$Strength") ' Nastavi silu Call PlayerMsg("Slezl jsi z kone",15) ' Nahlasi ze jsi slezl Else ' Pokud nejsi na koni Call PutVar ("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName (Index) ".ini","Mount","OnHorse","1") ' Nastavi ze jsi na koni Call GetVar("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","","Speed") ' Zjisti si tvoji rychlost Call GetVar("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","","Strength") ' Zjisti si tvoji silu Speed1 = Speed + 10 ' Nastavi Rychlost na +10 Strength1 = Strength + 10 ' Nastavi Sílu na +10 Call PutVar("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","","Speed","$Speed1") ' Nastavi rychlost Call PutVar("Acounts\" &GetPlayerName(Index)& ".ini","","Strength","$Strength") ' Nastavi silu Call PlayerMsg("Nalezl jsi na kone",15) End If ``` But it is wrong because I dont know, where i can get user dats (Speed, strength …). (is in this script another mistake?) Thanks L.
  7. lorin

    Mount script

    I want to make script which can do this: 1\. if i write /mount > Have I got a subject horse? > if yes, add + to speed and strength and change sprite (add horse under player) > else, write You havent got a horse. But, where can i find, whether player has got a horse? And how can i add horse under player?
  8. lorin

    Where Im in the map

    @shadowchris: > What game is this? Regnum online.
  9. lorin

    Where Im in the map

    (sorry for my English) Where can i find script which show me, where Im in map? Example: The red triangle in this map http://i37.tinypic.com/2zsz6kx.jpg Thanks
  10. lorin

    Need Map

    Thanks. But this is GENERATOR. I cant make my own map. UPDATE: Im looking for something as [this](http://www.profantasy.com/products/cc3.asp)
  11. lorin

    Need Map

    (sorry for my englis) I need a good map for my MMO, but i can't create it (i haven't got a photoshop and i don't know how can i do my own map). If anybody can help me… I can't pay, because i haven't got a money...
  12. Which version is easier?
  13. (sorry for my English) I have this questions about Eclipse What are the differences between versions of Eclipse? * What are the different versions than the Stable and Origin? * Which version is the best? * Why are so many versions? Thanks L.
  14. I had this problem when I edited file Main.ess L.
  15. lorin

    Map help

    (sorry for my english) oh, i thing map size…sorry. I had this problem too. I rewrote the numbers to original and then I rewrote it to others. Then it worked. I dont know if is it the same problem.
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