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Everything posted by deminizer

  1. @'Mohenjo: > Open the cient, right click the frmMain and paste the top on the top then search for "Sub Form_Load()" and paste the other part there. You'll probably have to fiddle a bit to get it working how you want, then debug or compile. Thanks a lot
  2. @'Mohenjo: > Open it in vb6 and change the background image, or you can open the data folder (client side) and go into the gui/menu and just edit that file. Thank you :D
  3. How to remove the pic i have shown in the attachement Thank You
  4. ``` Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "GetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "SetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal crKey As Long, _ ByVal bAlpha As Byte, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Private Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20) Private Const WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000 Private Const LWA_COLORKEY = &H1& Private Const LWA_ALPHA = &H2& Private Sub Form_Load() 'Set the Form transparent by color. BackColor = RGB(127, 127, 0) 'Unique but explicit (non-system) color. SetWindowLong hWnd, _ GWL_EXSTYLE, _ GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) Or WS_EX_LAYERED SetLayeredWindowAttributes hWnd, BackColor, 0, LWA_COLORKEY End Sub] ``` Please help me get this code into frmMenu in Eclipse Renewal 1.7.0
  5. Is there a tutorial for this kinda stuff ? Or could tell me what should i google for to find a tutorial ? Thanks in advance.
  6. How to edit my main screen in which some part of the picture is out of the frame and it has to be transparent no background likt this ![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hlqOVYuJ4x0/hqdefault.jpg) See that girls head is out of the GUI but its still transparent. Thank you.
  7. @'Mohenjo: > As of now, we're not planning on making a converter to switch from 1.7 to 1.8, but if there's enough demand then it might be made. We have the files, just takes some time to change them all. However, NPCs will not be able to be ported over due to a huge system rework on how they are made and handled by the game. 1.8 should be released in a month or two, so if you use 1.7, plan to use it to get more familiar with the engine (though the editors have a huge single panel now, so expect a lot to be different between the two engines). Thanks a lot. Will use 1.7 to get familiar with the system. :rolleyes:
  8. Thanks a lot guys . Appreciate for the help. Please look into this post as well : https://www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-Custom-Title * * * A quick question can we use scripts of RPG maker VX ace ? * * * ``` /*global battle, print, sys*/ /*jshint strict: false, shadow: true, evil: true, laxcomma: true*/ /*jslint sloppy: true, vars: true, evil: true, plusplus: true*/ var ROOT = this; var TEMP = { player: [ {confused: 0, critical: 0, flinch: 0, frozen: 0, miss: 0, name: "", paralyzed: 0, slept: 0}, {confused: 0, critical: 0, flinch: 0, frozen: 0, miss: 0, name: "", paralyzed: 0, slept: 0} ], tier: "", turn: 0 }; var SAVED_DATA_DIR = "NovaBattleScriptSavedData.json"; var SAVED_DATA = { tierRating: {} }; var NEW_TIER_RATING = {win: 0, lose: 0, tie: 0, battle: 0, longestTurn: 0}; var PO_BATTLE_EVENT; function init() { if (sys.isSafeScripts() === true) { sendBotMsg("Unable to load or save script data due to Safe Scripts being enabled."); } loadData(); showCurrentTierRating(); if (SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier] === undefined) { SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier] = deepCopyObject(NEW_TIER_RATING); } TEMP.player[battle.me].name = battle.data.team(battle.me).name; TEMP.player[battle.opp].name = battle.data.team(battle.opp).name; return; } function loadData() { if (sys.isSafeScripts() === true) { return; } sys.appendToFile(SAVED_DATA_DIR, ""); if (sys.getFileContent(SAVED_DATA_DIR) === "") { saveData(); sendBotMsg("Created battle save data for first time use."); } else { try { var loadedObjData = JSON.parse(sys.getFileContent(SAVED_DATA_DIR)); fillObject(SAVED_DATA, loadedObjData); SAVED_DATA = loadedObjData; } catch (error) { sendBotMsg("Unknown error occurred. The saved data might be corrupted."); sendBotMsg("Debug information: " + error); } } } function saveData() { if (sys.isSafeScripts() === true) { return; } sys.writeToFile(SAVED_DATA_DIR, JSON.stringify(SAVED_DATA)); return; } function fillObject(from, to) { for (var key in from) { if (from.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(from[key]) === "[object Object]") { if (!to.hasOwnProperty(key)) { to[key] = {}; sendBotMsg("Creating missing saved data object: " + key); } fillObject(from[key], to[key]); } else if (!to.hasOwnProperty(key)) { to[key] = from[key]; sendBotMsg("Creating missing saved data perimeter: " + key); } } } return; } function sendBotMsg(message) { print("[bot]: " + message); return; } function sendChatMsg(message) { battle.battleMessage(battle.id, "[bot]: " + message); return; } function deepCopyObject(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } function commmandHandlerPrivate(commmand, commandData) { if (commmand === "eval") { eval(commandData); return; } if (commmand === "obj") { try { var x, objKeys = Object.keys(eval(commandData)); sendBotMsg("Printing " + commandData + ".keys"); for (x = 0; x < objKeys.length; x++) { print("//" + objKeys[x] + ": " + eval(commandData)[objKeys[x]]); } sendBotMsg("Done."); } catch (error) { print(error); } return; } if (commmand === "stat" || commmand === "stats") { showBattleStats(); return; } } function pokesRemaining(team) { // battle.me / battle.opp var x, count = 0; for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) { if (battle.data.team(team).poke(x).isKoed() === false) { count++; } } return count; } function showBattleStats() { var x = TEMP.player[battle.me], y = TEMP.player[battle.opp]; sendChatMsg(x.name + ": Confused " + x.confused + ", Criticals " + x.critical + ", Frozen " + x.frozen + ", Flinches " + x.flinch + ", Misses " + x.miss + ", Paralyzed " + x.paralyzed + ", Slept " + x.slept); sendChatMsg(y.name + ": Confused " + y.confused + ", Criticals " + y.critical + ", Frozen " + y.frozen + ", Flinches " + y.flinch + ", Misses " + y.miss + ", Paralyzed " + y.paralyzed + ", Slept " + y.slept); return; } function showCurrentTierRating() { if (SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier] === undefined) { sendChatMsg("No data exists for this tier."); return; } var x = SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier]; sendChatMsg("Tier Stats: Wins " + x.win + ", Loses " + x.lose + ", Ties " + x.tie + ", Battle " + x.battle + ", Longest Turn " + x.longestTurn); return; } function updateBattleRecord(result, winner) { // result: 0 forfeit, 1 win/lose/timeout, 2 tie if ((result === 0 || result === 1) && winner === battle.me) { SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier].win++; } else if ((result === 0 || result === 1) && winner === battle.opp) { SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier].lose++; } else if (result === 2) { SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier].tie++; } SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier].battle++; if (TEMP.turn > SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier].longestTurn) { SAVED_DATA.tierRating[TEMP.tier].longestTurn = TEMP.turn; } return; } PO_BATTLE_EVENT = { onBattleEnd: function (result, winner) { updateBattleRecord(result, winner); showBattleStats(); saveData(); return; }, onBeginTurn: function (turn) { TEMP.turn = turn; return; }, onCriticalHit: function (spot) { if ([0, 2, 4].indexOf(spot) !== -1) { TEMP.player[1].critical++; } if ([1, 3, 5].indexOf(spot) !== -1) { TEMP.player[0].critical++; } return; }, onFlinch: function (spot) { if ([0, 2, 4].indexOf(spot) !== -1) { TEMP.player[0].flinch++; } if ([1, 3, 5].indexOf(spot) !== -1) { TEMP.player[1].flinch++; } return; }, onMiss: function (spot) { if ([0, 2, 4].indexOf(spot) !== -1) { TEMP.player[0].miss++; } if ([1, 3, 5].indexOf(spot) !== -1) { TEMP.player[1].miss++; } return; }, onPlayerMessage: function (spot, message) { if (spot === battle.me) { var commmand = "", commandData = ""; if (["-"].indexOf(message.charAt(0)) !== -1) { var split = message.indexOf(" "); if (split !== -1) { commmand = message.substring(1, split).toLowerCase(); commandData = message.substr(split + 1); } else { commmand = message.substr(1).toLowerCase(); } } try { commmandHandlerPrivate(commmand, commandData); } catch (error) { sendBotMsg("commmandHandlerPrivate() error on line " + error.lineNumber + ", " + error.message); } } return; }, onStatusDamage: function (spot, status) { if ([0, 2, 4].indexOf(spot) !== -1 && status === 6) { TEMP.player[0].confused++; } if ([1, 3, 5].indexOf(spot) !== -1 && status === 6) { TEMP.player[1].confused++; } return; }, onStatusNotification: function (spot, status) { if ([0, 2, 4].indexOf(spot) !== -1 && status === 1) { TEMP.player[0].paralyzed++; } if ([1, 3, 5].indexOf(spot) !== -1 && status === 1) { TEMP.player[1].paralyzed++; } if ([0, 2, 4].indexOf(spot) !== -1 && status === 2) { TEMP.player[0].slept++; } if ([1, 3, 5].indexOf(spot) !== -1 && status === 2) { TEMP.player[1].slept++; } if ([0, 2, 4].indexOf(spot) !== -1 && status === 3) { TEMP.player[0].frozen++; } if ([1, 3, 5].indexOf(spot) !== -1 && status === 3) { TEMP.player[1].frozen++; } return; }, onTierNotification: function (tier) { TEMP.tier = tier; try { init(); } catch (error) { sendBotMsg("init() error on line " + error.lineNumber + ", " + error.message); } return; } }; ``` Ps; this script wasn't scripted by me i copied from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NightfallAlicorn/po-scripts/master/battle/NovaBattleScript.js All credits go to Nightfall Alicorn
  9. @'Mohenjo: > Seeing as I'm the dev of ER, I'll support that (probably should wait until 1.8 comes out. > > If you want other engines, check out my signature. Could we transfer all the files of 1.7 into 1.8 when it is released , does it affect the whole game GFX or anything ?
  10. deminizer

    Custom Title

    Is there a way to add a title above the name of your character ? and change color of that title or give it a border or background I know about the DEV and thoes title edit in modPlayer but i wanna know is if we can put it in different color or we could have some achievement to get some titles and some titles can be like Golden background animated. Thoes stuff. Any idea ?
  11. How do we add custom Script into the game ? Would appreciate if someone could explain in a little bit detailed manner. Thank you Peace~
  12. Please let me know which engine is the best engine to start with. Eclipse the final frontier or Eclipse Renewal 1.7.0 or any other suggestions would be great. Thank you. Peace~
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