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Everything posted by deminizer

  1. @SolidLink You aint getting any Nutella -.-
  2. And I've been forgotten again :'( as always
  3. Hi there, I would like to add some features into my game if anyone is interested in it please PM me. Thank You,
  4. Firstly, I would like to thank Zyn for allowing me to upload the apk file. What does the apk do ? Basically it just opens up the eclipse website . Yeah i know doesn't do much. But makes it easier for lazy people like myself :D If any bug comes up please report it in this thread. Download link: [Eclipse Engine Website apk](http://www15.zippyshare.com/v/WY64dbTn/file.html) Makes your browsing easier. Supports: - Android v.1.0.0 ( basically any version of android ) VirusTotal Link: [Check For virus](https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/9f63c59f705cede0a278d51f6a7c07167f85ca29a77668ba5dc4483734a746fd/detection) Hope you'll like it. Thank You.
  5. Hi there, Was wonder where to submit the game for game jam competition. Thank you in advance.
  6. @'Slasheree': > Pseudo-code would probably go something along these lines > > Create 3 variables: > int mx, my > boolean mmov > > –- On form events --- > MouseDown: (X and Y are received by parameter) > If inDraggableAreaCheckHere Then ' inDraggableAreaCheckHere is where you calculate if the click was within an acceptable area (usually if clickY mx = X > my = Y > mmov = True > End If > > MouseUp: > mmov = False > > MouseMove: (X and Y are received by parameter) > If mmov Then > Form.x = Form.x - (X-mx) > Form.y = Form.y - (Y-my) > End If Thank you
  7. Please close this thread. Thank You so much for all your help.
  8. Run time error 429 ActiveX component cant create object when i open SvR.exe please help me out Thank You
  9. deminizer


    Run time error 429 ActiveX component cant create object when i open SvR.exe please help me out Thank You
  10. @'Mohenjo: > Update your main post with the features you want and what you think would be a reasonable price. My guess is that you would be charged around > - Pokemon battle system –------------------------- $70 > - Pokemon Gym system ----------------------------- $30 > - HM's like surf , flying , rock smash etc -------- $30-40 > - Elite 4 ( Online players as those people ) --- $30 > > Any other programmer feel free to put in what they think the systems would be worth. Added some more - Admin Panel ( edit tilesets, NPC , Items , Level of player , ETC ; same stuff as origin)–---------------- $20 - Event system –-------------------------------------- $20 - Map editor ( pokemon spawn system ) –------- $30 Other stuff are reasonable price.
  11. Bump~ Come on no voulenteers ?
  12. Please tell me how to make a border less form move. Thank You.
  13. @'Chief': > You would probably have more success if you listed out the features that you need. This would give people a better idea if they can help you or not. Pokemon Feature - Pokemon battle system - Pokemon Gym system - HM's like surf , flying , rock smash etc - Elite 4 ( Online players as those people ) Basically all pokemon style.
  14. It would need a full modification then c: * * * PM me if interested anyone who is abel to .
  15. Im willing to pay for an engine for whom who can develope as i like please message me if any one is willing to. Thank you.
  16. @'Mohenjo: > Click the form, go into the properties tab/menu and there should be a "Background:" that you can change. There is no background in properties tab there is a picture tab but picture is not inserted
  17. Bump~ Help me remove the Eclipse Renewal 1.7.0\Eclipse Renewal 1.7.0\client\data files\graphics\gui\menu\background.jpg From VB6 form PFA attachment for more details
  18. Is it possible to remove the background image from via the frmForm code or any other frm ? i would like to remove the Background .jpg please help me what should i delete from my coding ``` Option Explicit Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "GetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "SetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal crKey As Long, _ ByVal bAlpha As Byte, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Private Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20) Private Const WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000 Private Const LWA_COLORKEY = &H1& Private Const LWA_ALPHA = &H2& Private Sub cmbClass_Click() newCharClass = cmbClass.ListIndex newCharSprite = 0 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() 'Set the Form transparent by color. BackColor = RGB(127, 127, 0) 'Unique but explicit (non-system) color. SetWindowLong hWnd, _ GWL_EXSTYLE, _ GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) Or WS_EX_LAYERED SetLayeredWindowAttributes hWnd, BackColor, 0, LWA_COLORKEY Dim tmpTxt As String, tmpArray() As String, i As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler ' general menu stuff Me.Caption = Options.Game_Name ' load news Open App.Path & "\data files\news.txt" For Input As #1 Line Input #1, tmpTxt Close #1 ' split breaks tmpArray() = Split(tmpTxt, " ") lblNews.Caption = vbNullString For i = 0 To UBound(tmpArray) lblNews.Caption = lblNews.Caption & tmpArray(i) & vbNewLine Next ' Load the username + pass txtLUser.text = Trim$(Options.Username) If Options.SavePass = 1 Then txtLPass.text = Trim$(Options.Password) chkPass.Value = Options.SavePass End If ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "Form_Load", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler resetButtons_Menu ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "Form_MouseMove", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If Not EnteringGame Then DestroyGame ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "Form_Unload", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub imgButton_Click(Index As Integer) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Select Case Index Case 1 If Not picLogin.Visible Then ' destroy socket, change visiblity DestroyTCP picCredits.Visible = False picLogin.Visible = True picRegister.Visible = False picCharacter.Visible = False picMain.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick, -1, -1 End If Case 2 If Not picRegister.Visible Then ' destroy socket, change visiblity DestroyTCP picCredits.Visible = False picLogin.Visible = False picRegister.Visible = True picCharacter.Visible = False picMain.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick, -1, -1 End If Case 3 If Not picCredits.Visible Then ' destroy socket, change visiblity DestroyTCP picCredits.Visible = True picLogin.Visible = False picRegister.Visible = False picCharacter.Visible = False picMain.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick, -1, -1 End If Case 4 Call DestroyGame End Select ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "imgButton_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub imgButton_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler ' reset other buttons resetButtons_Menu Index ' change the button we're hovering on changeButtonState_Menu Index, 2 ' clicked ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "imgButton_MouseDown", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub imgButton_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler ' reset other buttons resetButtons_Menu Index ' change the button we're hovering on If Not MenuButton(Index).state = 2 Then ' make sure we're not clicking changeButtonState_Menu Index, 1 ' hover End If ' play sound If Not LastButtonSound_Menu = Index Then PlaySound Sound_ButtonHover, -1, -1 LastButtonSound_Menu = Index End If ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "imgButton_MouseMove", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub imgButton_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler ' reset all buttons resetButtons_Menu -1 ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "imgButton_MouseUp", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub lblLAccept_Click() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If isLoginLegal(txtLUser.text, txtLPass.text) Then Call MenuState(MENU_STATE_LOGIN) End If ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "lblLAccept_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub lblSprite_Click() Dim spritecount As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If optMale.Value Then spritecount = UBound(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).MaleSprite) Else spritecount = UBound(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).FemaleSprite) End If If newCharSprite >= spritecount Then newCharSprite = 0 Else newCharSprite = newCharSprite + 1 End If ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "lblSprite_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub optFemale_Click() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler newCharClass = cmbClass.ListIndex newCharSprite = 0 ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "optFemale_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub optMale_Click() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler newCharClass = cmbClass.ListIndex newCharSprite = 0 ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "optMale_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub picCharacter_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler resetButtons_Menu ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "picCharacter_MouseMove", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub picCredits_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler resetButtons_Menu ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "picCredits_MouseMove", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub picLogin_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler resetButtons_Menu ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "picLogin_MouseMove", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub picMain_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler resetButtons_Menu ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "picMain_MouseMove", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub picRegister_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler resetButtons_Menu ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "picRegister_MouseMove", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub tmrUpdateCredits_Timer() ' Don't update if menu is not visible If frmMenu.Visible = False Then Exit Sub ' If we're connected we don't need to update anything If IsConnected Then Exit Sub ' If the the timer is paused but we're not connected clear it If StopTimer = True And IsConnected = False Then StopTimer = False End If ' Check if the timer is disabled If StopTimer Then Exit Sub If ConnectToServer(1) Then Call UpdateData StopTimer = True End If If IsConnected = False Then frmMenu.lblCredits.ForeColor = vbRed frmMenu.lblCredits.Caption = "Loading Error from server" frmMenu.lblServerStatus.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub tmrUpdateNews_Timer() ' Don't update if menu is not visible If frmMenu.Visible = False Then Exit Sub ' If we're connected we don't need to update anything If IsConnected Then Exit Sub ' If the the timer is paused but we're not connected clear it If StopTimer = True And IsConnected = False Then StopTimer = False End If ' Check if the timer is disabled If StopTimer Then Exit Sub If ConnectToServer(1) Then Call UpdateData StopTimer = True End If If IsConnected = False Then frmMenu.lblServerStatus.Caption = "Offline" frmMenu.lblServerStatus.ForeColor = vbRed frmMenu.lblNews.Caption = "The server appears to be offline. Please try connecting again later." frmMenu.lblServerStatus.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub tmrUpdateVersion_Timer() ' Don't update if menu is not visible If frmMenu.Visible = False Then Exit Sub ' If we're connected we don't need to update anything If IsConnected Then Exit Sub ' If the the timer is paused but we're not connected clear it If StopTimer = True And IsConnected = False Then StopTimer = False End If ' Check if the timer is disabled If StopTimer Then Exit Sub If ConnectToServer(1) Then Call UpdateData StopTimer = True End If If IsConnected = False Then frmMenu.lblVersion.ForeColor = vbRed frmMenu.lblVersion.Caption = "Error" frmMenu.lblServerStatus.Visible = True End If End Sub ' Register Private Sub txtRAccept_Click() Dim Name As String Dim Password As String Dim PasswordAgain As String ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Name = Trim$(txtRUser.text) Password = Trim$(txtRPass.text) PasswordAgain = Trim$(txtRPass2.text) If isLoginLegal(Name, Password) Then If Password PasswordAgain Then Call MsgBox("Passwords don't match.") Exit Sub End If If Not isStringLegal(Name) Then Exit Sub End If Call MenuState(MENU_STATE_NEWACCOUNT) End If ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "txtRAccept_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ' New Char Private Sub lblCAccept_Click() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Call MenuState(MENU_STATE_ADDCHAR) ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "lblCAccept_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` Or please tell me how to change my picture format to .gif or png
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