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  1. Samon

    NPC chat

    Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You come to Alatik and ask: (Imagine this in your characters way) Hello, my friend, for what do you need me to summon me at this horrible times? // Alatik answers: I am in need of your help, my friend. You see, I need you to travel through the Wellforn forest, which is really dangerous, and you will get to city of Henabrod. There you must find my friend Jareco. Tell him this, by exact words: Greed can destroy worlds, cosmos, universes, and it is only the shadow of The Death's wrath. Once you said that he will recognize you as a friend of The Union of Aratakia. // You answer: Aratakia? That ancient city? It can't be. You must be lying! I know who you are, I know people love you, but why would i do this task? It is too difficult. // Alatik answers: Because it is ment to be. Go now, and please, do not fail me. I know you can do it! Bye. // He said no more, and you somehow realized this must be done. You must leave now.", GREEN) Exit Sub Case 1 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You approach the old man and ask him: (Itiycw) Excuse me, where is the city of Henabrod? // He answers: Just go south young man, but watch out on this mangy dogs that were released here by the bandits. My name is Tygo by the way. // You answer: Thanks Tygo, bye! // Tygo says: Bye…", GREEN) Exit Sub Case 2 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "The Thief tells you: Are you here to steal or you are here for a "friendly visit" to Jake? // You say: Erm...I am new here..just passing by..and who are you? // He answers to you: I? I am just a fellow.. well, I am nobody.. // You say: No, no, you wanted to say: I am just a fellow THIEF. I know your kind from my village. You are in the thieves guild, right? // He answers: Yes, but I am not only a newbie member. I have my well-earned rank of Recruiter. You have recognized me as a thief, so I must recruit you if you want. Go inside Jake's tavern at night, steal some goods, and then return to me. Here, behind me, so I can show you my Items.. // He finished speaking and you left. You must do what you want.", GREEN) Exit sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No NPC script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub This is it, please help me.
  2. Samon

    NPC chat

    I have created Case 2 in npc scripts. Those scripts worked just fine until now. When I remove case 2 they work fine again. It seems like I can have only case 0 and case 1 if I want it to work. How do I fix this?
  3. Samon

    A few questions

    Hello. I am new and I need a few scripts. 1\. I need scripts of spells that:Give custom of protection, lasts custom time Upgrades a skill for custom amount, lasts custom time. That adds mp and costs hp 2\. I need scripted tile that gives and (or) takes an item and sends a message
  4. Samon

    NPC chat

    And that npc will act friendly and say the message?
  5. Samon

    NPC chat

    I hate that limit of words in npc chat. Is there any script or something to remove that limit? Please, post it here.
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