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Everything posted by alextoti99

  1. thx a lot dude, i thought that they were going both at the same :P my bad lock the topic fixed
  2. yeah i have teamviewer could u? :D i can now :D sent u a pm iwth credentials
  3. when doing this the yellow line goes at the message send at server adn nth happens , my bad i didnt understand it now i think i did :P
  4. with which button cna i do that :P sry im new with vb6
  5. i dont get any error, the client just close when i step on the tile
  6. Hello, im writing a code that when a play steps on a tile to send a packet and open a window at client the code: Client: ``` ModBuy: Sub OpenBuy(ByVal name As String) frmBuy.Show frmBuy.lblname.Caption = name End Sub ModEnum:SSentBuyChar ModHandleData: HandleDataSub(SSentBuyChar) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleSetBuyChar) Private Sub HandleSetBuyChar(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim buffer As clsBuffer Dim CharName As String Set buffer = New clsBuffer buffer.WriteBytes data() CharName = buffer.ReadString Set buffer = Nothing Call OpenBuy(CharName) End Sub ```Server: ``` ModEnum: SSentBuyChar ModServerTCP: Public Sub SetBuyChar(ByVal index As Long) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You can't continue on the rest map without buying the game!", Red) Dim buffer As clsBuffer Set buffer = New clsBuffer buffer.WriteLong SSentBuyChar buffer.WriteString GetPlayerName(index) SendDataTo index, buffer.ToArray Set buffer = Nothing ModPlayer: ' Premium If (GetPlayerX(index) = 26) And (GetPlayerY(index) = 11) And (GetPlayerMap(index) = 10) And (GetPlayerBoughtChar(index) 1) Then Call PlayerWarp(index, 10, 31, 11) Call SetBuyChar(index) End If ```The error is that when i go on that tile the client closes automatically without any error.
  7. didnt understand u btw this is the window: http://prntscr.com/fny35k
  8. frontier eclipse. yes they are ok in the scroll bar, but it doesnt show the image. in the preview and doesnt use it.
  9. I have some animations in the graphics, but in the editor they are shown black.
  10. alextoti99


    ah :O i thought threw source :P thank you
  11. alextoti99


    How cna i change client icon?
  12. Its not sth difficult i just thought that it could help some people. Its client Only. Difficulty: easy. First: Right click on the project at project manager add -> add form -> Splash Screen Then go at ModGeneral and find Public Sub Main() If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler +frmSplash.Show ------------------------------ +frmSplash.Hide MenuLoop Add the lines with the + , without the + Also delete the SetStatus if you want or you can modify them. Splash Screen Done. Now the tip of the day/week/month etc. Create again a form add-> add form -> tip of the day Then make the form as u like to fit with the game. And in mod input: Select Case Command(0) +Case "/tip" + frmTip.Show Case "/help" So when the player types /tip the tip form will show. You can add code to initialize the graphic at it too.
  13. ive found the first, was an event in the map. I was speaking for events. anyway thank you. found everything :P
  14. then the sprites are from gamemaker
  15. you mean how the engine parse the files .png or the eclipse's tilesets?
  16. alextoti99

    Tile Sets

    they are all .png the first 39 work, the rest dont. ive test them all in other engines and where ok edit: found it, 40.png was missing my bad
  17. if the webserver is with the gameserver? and register to the server the same time? otherwise with ftp? also how can i see the layot of the files? accountname pass charrname   d ?f   ? *   ³                    ‚  F  F  F they are encrypted
  18. alextoti99

    Tile Sets

    Why does my client load only 39 tilesets, while i have 73?
  19. When join the game for first time i get a text, how can i change it? Also are there any way to create events that will start on enter? Finally how can i add more commands? /command and //admincommand ?
  20. Is there any known way to register threw website?
  21. alextoti99


    thx found it, lock it
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