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Posts posted by LeaRae

  1. I think there's things to be gained from going to college immediately after high school - it might be different over there, but in the US there's a stigma if you don't go right away…
  2. is there a way to see how many ants are near one of your ants?  If you know where your ants are, and you know how many ants are near you ants, you could make a rough estimate of how dense the enemy ant population is.

    Once you form the 'gradient' of enemy ant density, you could make estimates and decisions based on it…

    (just pondering while knowing nothing of what you can really do)
  3. I wouldn't specialize in game development - instead, study Software Engineering which is a somewhat more "real life application" of computer science.  It will open your eyes to how software is made, and then you can make anything.  Also, you'd then have a degree lending it self to being team lead or a manager - and that's where you want to be. DESIGNing code instead of WRITING code :)

    I'd say a portfolio is the biggest thing.  Get projects out there.  When I apply for jobs and I show them Coloreye on the Android market or my website at http://leafexcavations.com they love that stuff!  Keep the code clean, you never know when a company will say, "You look good, send me some code" - Just happened to me, luckily I had some code I felt like sharing!

    I am temporarily dropping out of uni right now, I'm planning to go back but not for a year at least.  Who knows, if I get a great job I might not need to go back.  Anyone who talks to me knows that I Know My Shit.  While Mirage Source got me started, it didn't teach me development practices or how to work in a team.  I'd say you should go to college/uni, if not just to learn that stuff as well as leadership and teamwork skills.

    As far as internships go, there are two types.  There are paid internships and unpaid internships.  Let's just say this: unpaid internships are for artists, not scientists or engineers.  If a company tells you the internship is unpaid just walk out.
  4. Yeah, moving the exit is fine.  Doesn't matter a whole lot, you could remove it too but it would select a different target if there were multiples stacked.

    I'd restructure the method a bit, move the targetType checks before the For loops and you can eliminate having to loop that many times…
  5. @Shadowwulf:

    > Say I have three bow types.
    > Wooden, Steel, and Silver.
    > Assuming we aren't using separate items and using limited ammo…
    > Should all bows fire wooden arrows or should the arrow type match the bow?

    Silver is awfully soft, it doesn't have the tensile strength to make a bow.  At least make your choices realistic; it's all about the carbon composites ;)
  6. ```
    #Const a = 1

    #If a = 1 Then
        Const b = 1
        Const b = 3
    #End If

    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Debug.Print b
    End Sub
    Swap a flag, build a release or dev version… am I rite?  It's the forms that are big in the exe, so disabling the code wont see a huge size difference... but you can super easily disable the functionality...

    you can totally build the forms in code instead of the graphic editor, too, which drops the size of the exe considerably.
  7. I've been featuring Hatsune Miku every season since December, 2007… I cosplayed her in May, 2008 (before she was cool) :)

  8. Hi All, My name is Lea.  I already wrote a big long intro thread which disappeared when I clicked submit.  So for the sake of my sanity, I will rewrite it quickly.

    I've been around MS/PW for years.  About 11, actually.  I know some stuff about this stuff.  If you've been around that long, you probably knew me as Dave, Daru, or Lea.  Oh, the chicken is mine.. always has been :)

    In the MS community I was mentored by several awesome people including GSD and Verrigan who I attribute to my current 'success', and I've designed and written several systems that are probably still used in Eclipse (though I cba to actually look) including awesome server panels, new stats, genders, binary file systems, binary network protocols, and other neat performance or feature additions.  I wrote a lot of tutorials, too.

    I worked on MirageRealms with Robin for just a short while, and I also played with Merrimint which isn't around anymore but had some pretty awesome features in it.  My real interesting project was Valkoria, which was never really released, but had some never before seen things in it.  I got bored and never finished it, not even sure what's there anymore.  Valkoria Software is now the name of my company, though, so I guess I can't forget my roots.

    In 2007 I started school at the Milwaukee School of Engineering where I learned all about Java, AVR Assembly, C, C++, VHDL, and other things.  I've developed graphics APIs from the ground up, I've designed microprocessors, and I've built ethernet routers.  I've done some pretty cool stuff, I guess.

    While I know a lot of languages, I wouldn't call myself an expert in any.  I placed 186 of 1530 teams in the IEEExtreme programming competition 5.0 last weekend, so 87th percentile isn't bad at all.  I guess I Know My Stuff.

    I'm also hugely involved with FIRST Robotics.  I coach two FLL teams, mentor two FRC teams, and work with the Collegiate Aerial Robotics Demonstration which took place at the FIRST championship last April.  I also formed a FIRST support organization at MSOE which went on to win first place at the CARD competition with our two robots, one which flew.  If you're in a high school with a FIRST team and you're not involved, GET IN THAT!

    I am a published Android application developer.  If you want to, go check out my free application, ColorEye.  It tells you neat things about colors.  [https://market.android.com/details?id=com.valkoria.software.coloreye4](https://market.android.com/details?id=com.valkoria.software.coloreye4)

    I've also done some web development.  Back in my MMO days, I was an avid (and somewhat infamous) EVE online player who has appeared in several famous videos and I may or may not have possibly stolen at least one player owned station worth several billions of ISK.  Daru Nada was my main :)  Anyways, web development.  I created  a suite of online tools to be used from the in game browser.  [http://www.leafexcavations.com](http://www.leafexcavations.com) I haven't played EVE in a year, haven't updated that site in longer, and still it gets 15 hits per day.  Nice.  It's not too impressive from a regular browser, but it does some very cool things if you happen to be using EVE's in game browser.

    Anyways, I might be around a bit to offer some kind of help or to talk about some Cool Stuff.  I'm bored, so I'm around, I like helping, but I wont do things for you.  I won't join a project unless you pay hourly.  I got my own stuff going, and that pays :)

    I guess I can show you some pictures of me too, for fun. 

    >! This picture was taken in Moab, UT last June.  I was at a restaurant with my brother and took it with my phone for fun.  I like how it turned out.

    >! This Picture was taken at a small robotics competition where we used Vex robots.  I'm loading our team mate's robot with soda cans so they can go score.  Our team name was "20% Cooler".  With the Rainbow Dash theme and TONS of Rainbow Swag, we were without a doubt at least 20% cooler.  Female brony here :)

    PS: fwew
  9. New code, with notes.  Hope the assignment isn't late :)



    int iRandom = 0;
    int input = 0;
    char CRepsonseYorN = '\0';

    // we need a number to flag our while loop
    int bGameRunningFlag = 1; // treat 1 as true, so 0 means false?


    // you should seed your randomizer before you call it.
    // the function is called srand() and you usually pass a time to it.

    // Generate random numbers
    iRandom = (rand() % 10) +1;

    // Welcome player and ask if he/she would like to play
    printf("Welcome to the number guessing game!\n");
    // using GOTO is considered bad practice.
    // It makes code difficult to maintain,
    // hard to read, and it's almost never necessary
    // as a rule of thumb, "never use GOTO when something else can do the job"
    // so, we can remove your
    // and use a loop instead
    bGameRunningFlag = TRUE;
    while(bGameRunningFlag == TRUE) {
    printf("Would you like to play? Y or N...\n");
    scanf("%c", &CRepsonseYorN);

    if ( CRepsonseYorN == 'Y' || CRepsonseYorN == 'y' )
    // user has decided to play
    printf("Input a number from 1 - 10 please!\n");
    scanf("%d", &input);
    if ( input == iRandom)
    printf("Congrats you have picked the right number\n");
    // don't need this; when the loop is done it will restart the game
    //goto continue;

    // Input wrong number or input a character
    printf("You did not input the correct number you input was a character\n");
    printf("Please try again\n");
    // don't need this; when the loop is done it will restart the game
    //goto continue;

    if ( CRepsonseYorN == 'N' || CRepsonseYorN == 'n' )
    // user has decided not to play
    printf("Thank you for your input. Come play again!\n");
    // this is dirty, move system("pause"); to the end of the program
    // and let the loop fall through when you set the flag to false

    bGameRunningFlag = FALSE;
    // next time around the loop, it will evaluate FALSE and not run
    // so the program will exit, woohoo!


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