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Posts posted by Kemerd

  1. This is stock EO 3.0.

    Hello there, and it's me, Kemerd! With yet another question. (Yes, yes. Another one.) I've been wondering… How would I go about making my GUI and other things transparent? Here's a look at what I'm looking to make transparent.

    >! ![](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/9651/finishedgui.png)

    I'm trying to make the .jpeg files transparent. Meaning, that I'd rather not render the WHOLE system over,(meaning the positioning and rendering the actual .png file, and since everything is already connected to the picturebox, there would be almost a total rewrite) just actually load the .jpeg files, and then make them at, let's say 50% transparency. (I'm going to probably loading a picture behind those two pictureboxes so that's not really the problem.)

    Also, can I make chat semi-transparent, maybe loading another .jpeg as the backround and making that semi-transparent? Or could I make the backcolor semi-transparent?

    Thanks, again.

  2. I've follow this tutorial, and my setting are:

    1156 and 800\. I've resized it once, and I've also made the picscreen width and height, scalewidth and scaleheight bigger, (to 1156 and 800) So, everything is 1156, and 800\. But why is my picscreen not resizing bigger? Should I not have adjusted the scale width/height? I've deleted all the maps.

    Also, I know the GUI is messed up, but I'll fix that later. I just need the picScreen to get resized, then I can make the GUI I need.


    I know the brown part is my piscreen, the maps just aren't showing up on it.

    Using EO 3.0, [http://www.touchofde…een-resolution/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/118055-game-picscreen-resolution/) with that
  3. Aria the Scarlet Ammo is pretty funny, and good. I guess. But D.Gray Man is better. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) XD
  4. Sorry… On meh phone. I'll post it up tomorrow. Thanks for all this help!

    EDIT: HEre ya go.


    If isDirBlocked(Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).DirBlock, direction + 1) Then

  5. I have my game and all, and everytime I try to move, it errors out on the directional blocking check line. Subscript 9.


    If isDirBlocked(Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).DirBlock, direction + 1) Then


    in modGameLogic. I already tried replacing the module with a fresh version, but that didn't work. Help?
  6. >! So I just declare that… and bam? Cool. Thanks. I'll test it out.
    >! But I only have
    >! Public Type TempPlayerRec
    >! and at the beginning is..
    >! Public Player(1 To MAX_PLAYERS) As PlayerRec
    >! I have the error
    >! [background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]Compile Error: Expected: line number or label or statement or end of statement[/background]
    >! [background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]It already delclares hair as a long. (before, in the orginal tut) So….[/background]
    >! [background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]And [/background] Player(index).Hair, is equal to hair with is declared in modPlayer
    >! ```
    >! Sub SetPlayerHair(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Hair As Long)
    >! If index <= 0 Or index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub
    >! [u][b][i] Player(index).Hair = Hair[/i][/b][/u]
    >! End Sub
    >! ```
    >! It's aslo delcared in…
    >! ```
    >! Sub AddChar(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Byte, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long, ByVal Hair As Long)
    >! ```

    Ok. I got the server. Now I have a problem with the texture in the client. D383d or something. I'll try to fix it. Thanks! ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png) Oh. Just had to replace that with gTexture instead of G3DT…
  7. Thanks. And by that do you mean the original code? What am I supposed to declare as a byte or string or whatever.

    ByVal Hair As Long

    That? Then do I add it in the binary opening the the #f? Where am I supposed to add it? (Sorry, I'm just confused.) Thanks
  8. What is player udt? Also, where am I supposed to save/load the hair data?

    Wait… I get what you're saying.. but where is everything added? (EDIT: Sorry for double-posting. I was using my phone. EDIT EDIT: Thanks mod for fixing it.)

    Also I have in addChar


    Player(index).Hair = Hair


    and at the end of the sub, it calls for SaveChar

    Link to tutorial I'm using. [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123485-csde-character-customization-gender-hair/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123485-csde-character-customization-gender-hair/)

    I'm also using Eclispe Reborn, and it could also be used to EO 3.0 (I think.)
  9. You know how there was the CS:DE Hair customization tutorial? I got it all converted over. Except the Saveplayer and LoadPlayer subs, in modDatabase.

    Here's what I was supposed to do.

    > In the **SavePlayer** sub,
    > Find:
    > PutVar filename, "ACCOUNT", "Level", Val(Player(index).Level)
    > Underneath it add this:
    > PutVar filename, "ACCOUNT", "Hair", Val(Player(index).Hair)
    > In the **LoadPlayer** sub,
    > Find:
    > Player(index).Level = Val(GetVar(filename, "ACCOUNT", "Level"))
    > Underneath it add this:
    > Player(index).Hair = Val(GetVar(filename, "ACCOUNT", "Hair"))

    So, I tried EVERYTHING. Here's my subs without any added code. I tried putting it in #f, doing all this in the Trim$, and frankly, I don't know what to do. Any help?


    Sub SavePlayer(ByVal index As Long)

    Dim filename As String

    Dim f As Long

    [color][font] filename = App.Path & "\data\accounts\" & Trim$(Player(index).Login) & ".bin"

    f = FreeFile

    Open filename For Binary As #f

    Put #f, , Player(index)

    Close #f

    End Sub[/font][/color]

    [color][font]Sub LoadPlayer(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Name As String)

    Dim filename As String

    Dim f As Long

    Call ClearPlayer(index)

    f = FreeFile

    Open filename For Binary As #f

    Get #f, , Player(index)

    Close #f

    End Sub

  10. It's telling me that the Argument is not optional in mod general on


    If ConnectToServer(1) Then

    Call SetStatus(strConnectedAddChar)

    Call SendAddChar(sChar, SEX_MALE, newCharClass, newCharSprite)

    Call SetPlayerHair(I, buffer.ReadLong)

    End If


    with the line


    Call SendAddChar(sChar, SEX_MALE, newCharClass, newCharSprite)


    I didn't modify that. I was adding the CS:DE hair customization system to Eclispe Reborn.
  11. D. Gray Man. Trust me. You'll love it, and it's pretty long. (Though netflix removed most of the episodes.) But half the episodes are dubbed, and the others are subbed. (Like 200 episodes or something.) Also you could try Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. It's pretty much the same at first, but the rest is based on the Manga instead of not being based on the manga. (The first couple episodes are pretty much the same as the first couple episodes of the original FMA.)
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