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Posts posted by Kemerd

  1. VC# 2010 Express: PQT8W-68YB2-MPY6C-9JV9X-42WJV

    VC++ 2010 Express: 6VPJ7-H3CXH-HBTPT-X4T74-3YVY7
    VWD 2010 Express: CY8XP-83P66-WCF9D-G3P42-K2VG3
    VB.NET 2010 Express: 2KQT8-HV27P-GTTV9-2WBVV-M7X96

    To all you people out there who are going to say:

    > *snort* You can't put *snort snort* Visual Basic *sniffle snort* keys out on Eclipse *snort* that's *snort snort* illegal!

    You can suck it, Visual Basic 2010 keys are free and legal to get by yourself.

    Yes, that's right, VB2010 keys are free.

    This is just for the newbies or people who can't find (or are too lazy to) get the keys themselves.

  2. Ever wished you had a server that was FUM? Sick of all those other servers with uptight admins, and HUGE spawn areas that are IMPOSSIBRU to escape? Want a clean server? WANT MONEY? Then get a jo- I MEAN JOIN THIS SERVER TODAY!

    The server is overall clean, and I try to keep it greifer clean, Meaning: No Huge explosion holes everywhere, no trolled areas, no random water or blocks. And, trees! The tree supply is always being replenished!

    Also our spawn area is short and sweet. No huge spawn, and definately no walking OVER 9,000 to be able to mine or chop things. 

    Our Plugins Are:
    CCTV Camera
    QuantumConnectors (Wireless Redstone!)

    Server runs 1.5.2, and we (*cough*I*cough*) try to keep it up 24/7.

    Join us at:

    If the server goes down, don't loose faith! It'll be back up shortly!

  3. I don't see why so many people stress over Unity, when Torque3D is about 5x better and easier in graphics and performance overall.

    What Torque 3D Matches Unity In:

    1\. Smooth art pipeline thanks to COLLADA

    2\. PhysX Implementation

    3\. Web Publishing

    4\. Integrated editors

    5\. Free support via community and documentation

    6\. Simple deployment

    7\. Shaders

    8\. Scripting

    9\. Intuitive user experience

    What Torque 3D has over Unity 3D:

    1\. Superior rendering capabilities which rival Crytek or Unreal. This includes effects that are not even possible with Unity such as post processing effects.

    2\. More control over your environment and level editing

    3\. More powerful and varied tools (all WYSIWYG)

    * Real Time Terrain Editor

    * Real Time Terrain Painter

    * River Editor

    * Mesh Road Editor

    * Decal Road Tool

    * Decal Editor

    * Material Editor

    * Datablock Editor, which reduces the amount of manual scripting you have to perform

    * Shape Editor, which allows you to custom build your animated objects and their animations from within Torque 3D

    * ToolBox

    4\. Based off an engine with far more [published games](http://www.garagegames.com/torquepowered/console) and a stronger track record

    5\. Way more employee to user interaction and support

    6\. A stronger, veteran community (I love the GG.com community)

    7\. Superior documentation: more content, higher quality, more features (dynamic docs), and more video tutorials

    8\. Torque 3D's networking is so much faster than what Unity offers, it's not even funny.

    9\. Full source code access

    10\. Frontline Award for Engine of the Year…hmm, that means far more people use our engine and found it to be the best you could use out of a competitive list. That includes Unity or Gamebryo

    Should I keep going? I think I could hit the post limit if I do.

    Just a quote... but seriously. This engine actually has a huge base, but everyone just ignores it.

    The rendering rivals CryEngine3. 

    Just putting it out there for people who need something like this.

    Oh, and it's realtime.
  4. The rules are simple. This is a game where you replace letters, and try to make a secret code for the next person to decode.

    After 5 guesses you have to tell us the code, and the message.

    All the guessers have to do is decode the message.

    Also, you can give one hint.

    Nothing to elaborate. More like swap every key on your keyboard over, so I might type:

    ;ryd ytu yjod @

    In this case, I went to the right one over every time I typed a letter. The message was: lets try this!

    L one key over is ;

    E one key over is R.

    And so on.

    Just something to do if you're trying to get your brain ticking. I'll start off this an easy.

    20-8-9-19 9-19 5-1-19-25

    Hint: Everyone knows this. You probably did it as a kid.
  5. It's all lies, see?

  6. For this tutorial, I'll be adding the option, WASD movement.

    Here's how to add an option for all those people who want options for certian things. This can only be used if you need an option for, let's say, transparent trees (like mine), in the code where the transparent trees make the trees transparent, I added


    If Options.STT = 1 Then




    End If

    So, this will require some thinking after the option is made. So with that, let's being.


    First, you want to go into frmMain, and bring the options to the front. (An easy trick is to right click on the front of the place where the options should be, and keep clicking go to back until the options are in the front. This is a simple yet useful trick when editing the pictureboxes.)

    Next, copy the label for music, and when it asks you to create a control array, select no.

    Create two _OptionButton_s. Name one WASDon and one WASDoff (or what your option is going to be named).

    Double click on the ON option button. Add this.


    Options.WASD = 1

    ' save to config.ini



    Double click on the OFF option button. Add this.


    Options.WASD = 0

    ' save to config.ini




    Next, in modDatabase search for:


    Call PutVar(filename, "Options", "Sound", str(Options.sound))


    At the bottom of that list, add:


    Call PutVar(filename, "Options", "WASD", str(Options.WASD))


    Still in modDatabase, search for:


    Options.Music = 1


    Add before SaveOptions:


    Options.STT = (1 if you want the default to be on, and 0 if you want the default button to be off.)


    Now, search for:


    Options.Music = GetVar(filename, "Options", "Music")


    Before that End If, add:


    Options.STT = GetVar(filename, "Options", "WASD")


    Now, search for:


    If Options.sound = 0 Then

    frmMain.optSOff.value = True


    frmMain.optSOn.value = True

    End If


    Under that, add:


    If Options.WASD = 0 Then

    frmMain.WASDoff.value = True


    frmMain.WASDon.value = True

    End If


    That should be it! Now you just have to call on the code where you need an Option!

    Option.WASD = 0 **- Off**

    Option.WASD = 1 **- On**

    So call on it like.


    If Option.WASD = 1 Then


    Else (This means that it is seeing if it's not on, so it must be off.)

    (You may want code that does something else when it's off, but most of the time you just want it to End, or End If. Do nothing.)

    End if

  7. _**I'm using EO 3.0**_

    Just curious, how would I go about rendering a png file in VB6, over the picscreen, and then have buttons over that rendered png without having the buttons be behind the rendered jpeg.

    Also, how would I go about getting pictureboxes to be in front of the picscreen.
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