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Everything posted by thezeus

  1. I'm increasing my knowledge. The reasoning for this is because a byte only goes up to 255 and long goes to 2,147,483,647. This is correct right?
  2. (I solved this) Answer: Within modConstants make sure the following is set: ' Constants for player movement: Tiles per Second Public Const MOVING_WALKING As Byte = 1 Public Const MOVING_RUNNING As Byte = 2 If it is different there will be npc warping instead of talking.
  3. Has anyone ever caused NPCs to warp around instead of walk from XY to XY? What was the cause of this. Thank you for your brainstorming in advance.
  4. Change the ini within the file to the ini you would like. Don't forget to check the port within both the server options.ini and the client config.ini.
  5. How do I modify the viewable main play screen from the default 14x12 to something such as 20x20 (for example)
  6. Great addition, please continue working on this. This is excellent.
  7. And yes, I know the right order is goofed up. This was a quick example of the format I have.
  8. I've been messing with blt; however, I'm having some trouble modifying it to use the following type of sprite. ![](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx117/richconner/tadpole.jpg) The frame goes, up, down, left, right. 2 are walking and the final is attacking. Do you have any advice or assistance. I appreciate any help beforehand.
  9. I apologize if the above was the answer, but I am looking to modify down the number of animation frames for walking/running from (3 or 4) down to 2. I also want to set a 3rd as the attack animation. Could you provide a little more in-depth assistance on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I have done a search and haven't found an answer. Is there anyone who has added the run feature? Perhaps I'm just new to EO and haven't found it.
  11. @MrMiguu: > @[email protected]: > > > Nice work Zeus the game looks awesome keep it up :) > > He like totally didn't like make this dude. True statement. Also, I never did see this pop-up on the main page or the header of TODF? Did I miss it?
  12. Is there anyway you can let the TODF admins know that I did an interview with MMOFront.com and name dropped the Touch of Death Forums in it? I also talk about the history of Odyssey and Mirage Online. Is there anyway we can get a link to the interview on the announcement page? I'd appreciate the word of mouth if possible. http://www.mmofront.com/odyssey-classic-online-interview.html
  13. I'm in the process of doing an interview with mmofront.com and they are asking me about my past work regarding Mirage Online. I'd like to name drop Touchofdeathforums.com. Can one of the admins contact me? e-mail is [email protected] thanks.
  14. Thanks for trying guys. Lots of good changes are coming soon. A new GUI, and some PvP additions/changes.
  15. Ive seen a few of you on. The more the merrier! Remember TODF365 for 10 free levels.
  16. No problemo, its full circle. Odyssey caused Mirage, which I helped create, Mirage produced Eclipse Engine, Eclipse Engine produced TODF, now Odyssey and Mirage are strangely linked again.
  17. This sounds awesome, but I don't get it. Explain.
  18. In Odyssey, 2 million gold is like having… about 100 gold in WoW. I hope that helps. I'll be introducing a Giveaway code for TouchOfDeathForums on Friday because I love this community.
  19. 10 Free Levels for TouchOfDeathForums.com Users! Everytime it is redeemed the message "Welcome *name* from TouchOfDeathForums.com!" will broadcast globally advertising this awesome community. 1. Download the client at http://www.odysseyclassic.com 2. Create a New Character 3. Go to the Redeem Code tile 4. Type "todf365" ![](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx117/richconner/540x268.jpg) **Game:** Odyssey Classic Online **Website:** [http://www.odysseyclassic.com](http://www.odysseyclassic.com) **Direct Download:** [Click Here](http://www.odysseyclassic.com/downloads/OdysseyInstall.exe) **Type:** 2d Top-View Online RPG **Started:** 1998 **Engine:** Odyssey Engine **Magic:** Yes **Guilds:** Yes **Max Level:** 80 **Store:** Yes **Description:** "The Most Strangely Addictive Game Ever". Odyssey Classic Online is ran by Code Mallet, best known for BATTLECITY (http://battlecity.looble.com/) and Spark (http://www.spark-hq.net/). It is a 2d top-view online RPG that is set within a mid-evil setting. There are several player classes available and is both PvP and quest based. "The Odyssey Engine" is the sole inspiration for many other games such as the original "Mirage Online", which ultimately transformed the ease of Online RPG creation with the Playerworlds program. ![](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx117/richconner/9.jpg) ![](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx117/richconner/4.jpg) ![](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx117/richconner/5.jpg) ![](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx117/richconner/8.jpg) **Player-made PvP Video** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G78MWHDz5aI
  20. Are you going to add a side version? I'm extremely interested in seeing this. The front and back have never really been issues; however, making the sides look human have always been what takes the most time from my sprite creation. I'm assuming its the same method.
  21. Typically, I draw over an overlay that can be used on any surface, but this is very nicely done as well. This may make me change my methods.
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