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Everything posted by thezeus

  1. That's a very poor way of doing it, but i assume its a method. Adding a new piece to the database on both sides of client/server would serve the trick. It would have to be an attribute if done right.
  2. I don't think it would be a very hefty script. I'll try brainstorming it as well. If anyone else would like to jump in… feel free.
  3. thezeus

    Help me plz

    http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68370.0.html In Client ``` ' General constants Public Const GAME_NAME As String = "YOUR GAME NAME" Public Const MAX_PLAYERS As Long = 70 Public Const MAX_ITEMS As Long = 255 Public Const MAX_NPCS As Long = 255 ``` Goto your Server Folder and edit your Options.ini [OPTIONS] Game_Name=asdasdasd Port= 8245 MOTD=asdasdasd Website=http://asdasdasd.com
  4. No need for 1.2 when 1.3.1 is out.. *wink wink*
  5. thezeus

    Can't walk?

    This may be a dumb question, but have you checked to make sure you don't have wall attributes around you?
  6. Please share your information with the class
  7. thezeus

    Quests in EO

    Not currently, it must be put in yourself. They may be in future editions. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,65299.0.html http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68426.0.html
  8. thezeus

    [EO] Boss Npc's

    I triple doggy dare you to do it today, lol.
  9. Robin, I'm doing a little googling, and I think I get what you are saying. I'll have to look and see how to do it. Edit: Thank you for the advice. Learning photoshop batching is amazing. Thank you for introducing me to it. I got all 288 sprites modified.
  10. In 1.3.1, the error is: Compile error: Method or data member not found which finds the error at .scrlSpell1.Value = Npc(EditorIndex).Spell1
  11. @Dzastin: > ``` > ' Check if completed walking over to the next tile > If Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then > If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_RIGHT Or GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_DOWN Then > If (Player(Index).XOffset >= 0) And (Player(Index).YOffset >= 0) Then > Player(Index).Moving = 0 > If Player(Index).Step = 0 Then > Player(Index).Step = 2 > Else > Player(Index).Step = 0 > End If > End If > Else > If (Player(Index).XOffset If Player(Index).Step = 0 Then > Player(Index).Step = 2 > Else > Player(Index).Step = 0 > End If > End If > End If > End If > ``` > Thanks! This did not work for the following sprite layout: ![](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx117/richconner/722dcecf.jpg) I would greatly appreciate any assistance on this code. I have 288 sprites I'm working on in this format and converting them would simply be a big headache.
  12. I'll mess with it tonight. I didn't see a huge amount of differences either. I'm at work, so I was simply starting a discussion of 1.3.1 version. I'll try my luck and post the source if I get it done.
  13. Anyone have any suggestions for the initial steps of adding guilds to EO 1.3.1? Anyone care to release a little open source or some recommendations of where to start?
  14. Mate, I strongly recommend working with EO 1.3.1 and not ES. It is not supported as much.
  15. @Sekaru: > It's as simple as finding the render order in the 1.1.0 source and then copying it over >_>. I'm assuming 1.1 used a horizontal format like the one i posted, yes? Can anyone provide this for me if that is the case.
  16. Any chance of porting this to 1.3.1 mate?
  17. I posted it within tutorials. [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68386.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68386.0.html)
  18. I was brainstorming is helping teach people how hard monsters are.. it is obviously an option I'd like to convert eventually to be within the options to turn off and on; however, I think this is a good start. If anyone knows why the # is lower than the text let me know and provide a bug fix. Search within Client ``` Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long) ``` Change the code to ``` Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long) Dim TextX As Long Dim TextY As Long Dim color As Long Dim Name As String Dim NpcNum As Long Dim TextA As Long Dim TextB As Long Dim Strength As String NpcNum = MapNpc(Index).num Select Case Npc(NpcNum).Behaviour Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_ATTACKONSIGHT color = QBColor(BrightRed) Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_ATTACKWHENATTACKED color = QBColor(Yellow) Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_GUARD color = QBColor(Grey) Case Else color = QBColor(BrightGreen) End Select Name = Trim$(Npc(NpcNum).Name) Strength = Trim$("STR: " & Npc(NpcNum).Stat(Stats.Strength)) TextX = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).x * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(Name))) If Npc(NpcNum).Sprite < 1 Or Npc(NpcNum).Sprite > NumCharacters Then TextA = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).x * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$("STR: " & Npc(NpcNum).Stat(Stats.Strength)))) TextB = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - 32 TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - 16 Else ' Determine location for text TextA = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).x * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$("STR: " & Npc(NpcNum).Stat(Stats.Strength)))) TextB = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - 32 TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(Npc(NpcNum).Sprite).lHeight / 4) + 16 End If ' Draw name Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextA, TextB, Strength, QBColor(White)) Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Name, color) End Sub ``` ![](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx117/richconner/display.jpg)
  19. Thank you brother, let me perfect this and release it.
  20. What is the callup for players and npc's strength attribute figure? Much like how you do Npc(NpcNum).Name for name. I've attempted .str and .strength, but those are not the case. Where in the source can I discover all of these. Once I have this I'll have a fun little addition for the source forums.
  21. Where is the NPC Item Drop located at within 1.3.1? I've been searching; however, I didn't see it within the NPC subs.
  22. I'm going to implement this in a bit, but I have a question. Does this box pop up when you click on an npc or is it when you log in? I haven't heard of what effect causes it to come up.
  23. thezeus

    [EO] Boss Npc's

    This is not compatible with 1.3.1 correct?
  24. Could I trouble you for a screenshot of this in-game? I'm not certain if I want to implement this or not without viewing such a graphic. If not, thank you for your contribution! It looks great.
  25. Dza, that wouldn't change the format issue. That is for the frame walking mod, but it's not the actual format change, is it? Is that within bltplayer?
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