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Posts posted by java

  1. Hey there guys
    I'm making a chibi version of diablo in Java

    Well, actually the only thing similar between my game and diablo will be the combat styles and loot etc :)

    Discuss, flame, talk about how it's not going to work, whatever

    But if you're a great breeze editor then PM me with some edit examples. Breeze will be the base.
  2. Hey guys,

    take one for the team and join my Allods Online fansite!

    Because Allods Online is opening Open Beta in 2 days, i decided to launch my site today after the long long maintenance. (It was open previously but closed for maintenance, 2 weeks or thereabouts.)

    So sign up and post around :)


    Awesome name huh?
  3. @olife1:

    > i didnt know that there was a php part of this site dedacaded to registering users at any rate i would emagine that it would be a source code edit for the php and mysql connection any way i wonder if you used the java version of eclipse to connect to the mysql database and used that as the way you would store stats and in that case you could then use php to manage you accounts

  4. @.:Ev1ltyphoon:.:

    > 2.3 gigs
    > [dutch]
    > Da moet ge zelf me een stomme Belgische trage internetverbinding me downloadlimiet kunnen downloaden  ;)
    > [/dutch]

    You own a stupid slow Belgian internet connection something something limit
  5. @Keebler:

    > if it wasent for us then you would all be speaking German rate now.



    Thanks to you faggots World War 2 happened. America's "isolationism"! Your president Woodrow was a smart cookie, but congress sure wasn't! They put the USA into "isolationism" to protect it's own people, and didn't do ANYTHING to intimidate Hitler, or support the Allies. You guys only came into the war when Pearl Harbour was attacked. (i went to pearl harbour - it's pretty harrowing)

    The only thing useful you did was nuke hiroshima.
  6. oh come on now, i got a warning for this?

    what an interesting thread it has turned out to be.

    When i think of the term "American" i think of the following things:
    My trips to America - i loved hawaii but hated LA (except disney land and universal studios, years ago)
    How massive your mcdonalds meals are in comparison to NZ
    How full mcdonalds always is
    How you can either pay $100 to go whale watching, or go to honolulu's mcdonalds
    The video i posted
  7. This is a debate saying that Americans are stupid in comparison to other developed western countries.

    America is tied #19 on the education index of 2008\. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_Index


    I'm pretty much asking for some patriotic yankee's do have a debate with over this.

    I've been to America three times in the past 3 years. All over the news is America this, America that, there is NOTHING everrrr about international news unless it's sports or a terrorist attack. Not even politics.

    Now i too agree that there are some bloody smart Americans, i am a big obama brother (that's what black people say right?) but the majority are just so uneducated and everybody is part of a stereotype.

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