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Posts posted by MCADAMS

  1. > I'm shitting myself at silver 1\. I get paired with the most retarded players I've ever seen. Our ahri went 0/10 last game… It was so bad. I keep finding myself placed with more and more dicks the further I climb... I'm so close to gold and I am unable to gain any significant LP in silver 1\. I have a suspicion if I loose the next game I'm demoted... Either way winning 12lp a game and loosing about 8 LP a loss isn't fun. I don't see myself advancing for some time...

    Just gotta brush off losses. I'm still in Silver IV but I know I'm going to climb up because I'm good enough. Just got to avoid going on tilt and worrying about the season ending before I hit gold.
  2. Typical ranked game. I get super fed and roam bottom, get more kills, take tower and drag, but my team is too horrible to carry. Top feeds. Jungle is Spanish and complaining he can't get kills and talking * to me. Also feeds. Corki gets the slightest advantage and thinks he can 1v3 anyone. Can't carry this shit. Thresh doesn't build a sightstone or buy wards and just buys defensive items and a sheen.

  3. WoW is so much less stressful than League. Even the hardcore stuff, because you can't go backwards, only up, I love it.

    Still climbing to Gold. I'm gonna get it before the season ends, it's just taking a while.

    If you want to get free elo just play Kassadin…seriously


    I've started to document my ranked games on a google docs file to improve and see my mistakes, so you can look at it here if you want!

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