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  1. The random message is not activated with arrows, is good for me. And i have found another funcionallity, with GetScriptedNPCName i prevent to activate npcs with arrows. But, i found an error in the script of the first post, with the map index, that i have put it "1" , and is GetPlayerMap. Then here is the script ``` Function GetScriptedNpcName(Index) Dim dir dir = GetPlayerDir(Index) dim masX dim masY If dir = 1 Then masX=0 masY=1 Else If dir = 2 Then masX=-1 masY=0 Else If dir = 0 Then masX=0 masY=-1 Else If dir = 3 Then masX=1 masY=0 End If End If End If End If Dim cc cc = 1 Do While cc < 20 If GetNpcX(GetPlayerMap(Index),cc) = (GetPlayerX(Index) + masX) Then If GetNpcY(GetPlayerMap(Index),cc) = (GetPlayerY(Index) + masY) Then GetScriptedNpcName = GetNpcName(GetMapNpcNumber(GetPlayerMap(Index),cc)) cc = 20 'Exit Sub End If End If cc = cc + 1 Loop End Function Sub RandomNPCMsg(Index, NameNPC) Dim total total = GetVar("\Scripts\npcextras\RandomMsg.ini", "" & NameNPC & "" ,"total") Dim num num = rand(1,total) Dim msg msg = GetVar("\Scripts\npcextras\RandomMsg.ini", "" & NameNPC & "" ,"var" & num) Call PlayerMsg(Index,msg, WHITE) End Sub ``` The usage in ScriptedNpc(Index,Script): ``` Case 4 'RANDOM Messages Dim NameNPC NameNPC = GetScriptedNpcName(Index) Call RandomNPCMsg(Index, NameNPC) Exit Sub ``` Then put script to 4 in all random messages npcs. The "\Scripts\npcextras\RandomMsg.ini" is this (in total, total of possible messages): ``` [NPCRandom1] total=2 var1=message1 var2=message2 [NPCRandom2] total=1 var1=message1 ``` The other funcion is to prevent activate ScriptedNpc with arrow: ``` Case X If GetScriptedNpcName(Index) = "Name_of_Npc" Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"This activated only near npc",GREEN) End If Exit Sub ```
  2. (edited) sorry, i look for solution now
  3. Yes, the arrow activate npc but then, a lot of scripts based on ScriptedNpc's do the same, ¿how can i control it?
  4. > Your function should work, but if a scripted NPC is activated by a player's arrow or if there are several npcs near the player, it may run into some issues. Ok, very thanks [rare name admin], i go to test it
  5. Hi but, if i do ``` Case 2 Call RandomNPCMsg(Index, "Larry") Exit Sub ```I must use more than 1 script slot and with > Target = Int(GetPlayerTargetNpc(Index)) > Call PlayerMsg(Index,Cstr(Target),YELLOW) > NpcName = CStr(GetNpcName(Target)) GetPlayerTargetNpc returns -1, and not have any result because any npc have -1 number. ¿Is this correct? Then if this function is fine i can post this but i wanted an opinion before, thanks
  6. a ok, im not sure if not are any function to do, but, this are for a modification of random messages scripts: ``` Sub RandomNPCMsg(Index, NameNPC) Dim total total = GetVar("\Scripts\npcextras\RandomMsg.ini", "" & NameNPC & "" ,"total") Dim num num = rand(1,total) Dim msg msg = GetVar("\Scripts\npcextras\RandomMsg.ini", "" & NameNPC & "" ,"var" & num) Call PlayerMsg(Index,msg, WHITE) End Sub ``` And RandomMsg.ini : ``` [RandomNpcMsg1] total=2 var1=message1 var2=message2 ... [RandomNpcMsg2] total=1 var1=probando1 ... ``` But im seeing a fail, if a i have various npc with same name… , then i need GetScriptedNpcNum Is funny eclipse xD (The script is for have different npc random message in 1 script and 1 file, i see in tutorials some that are for only one, then for use less scripts) sorry for my english
  7. Hi all, I've few days with eclipse, ¿there are any way to get name of scripted npc? I think this function, but i not know if are better way. Thanks :D ``` Function GetScriptedNpcName(Index) Dim dir dir = GetPlayerDir(Index) dim masX dim masY If dir = 1 Then masX=0 masY=1 Else If dir = 2 Then masX=-1 masY=0 Else If dir = 0 Then masX=0 masY=-1 Else If dir = 3 Then masX=1 masY=0 End If End If End If End If Dim cc cc = 1 Do While cc < 20 If GetNpcX(GetPlayerMap(Index),cc) = (GetPlayerX(Index) + masX) Then If GetNpcY(GetPlayerMap(Index),cc) = (GetPlayerY(Index) + masY) Then GetScriptedNpcName = GetNpcName(GetMapNpcNumber(1,cc)) cc = 20 'Exit Sub End If End If cc = cc + 1 Loop End Function ``` (Edit:) The line: GetScriptedNpcName = GetNpcName(GetMapNpcNumber(1,cc)) is wrong, the correct is: GetScriptedNpcName = GetNpcName(GetMapNpcNumber(GetPlayerMap(Index),cc)) down in other post is the correct script
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