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Everything posted by Slasheree

  1. when editing the map place a 'NPC Spawn' tile
  2. I think this works, don't remember: ``` Shell "explorer.exe " & "http://www.blahblah.com" ```
  3. if you want me to try tracking the source of this error, you can pm me
  4. or just ``` MyString = Left$(, Len() / 2) ```
  5. I managed to implement d3d8 'proper' fullscreen mode in this engine: (at 2:02) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihX3ZTMWd2A&feature=player_detailpage#t=121 Is this what you're reffering to ?
  6. for facing right for example, you'd put something in the gameLoop(): If Player(Myindex).Dir DIR_RIGHT And ConvertMapX(MouseX) > Player(Myindex).x Then SetPlayerDir(DIR_RIGHT) Dunno if the code is completly right, and I don't remember if the SetPlayerDir function even exists… it's just an example of how i'd do it...
  7. I dunno if DD7 has this too, but Dx8 is not 'non power of 2' friendly, so you'll have to use tilesets with dimensions power of 2 XD So use dimensions like 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 and so on and you won't have any problems
  8. Sherwin, if you haven't already done this, try my code and tell me if it does what you want, just don't use it on the map bounds, I'm guessing it would cause errors xP ``` 'this is just for when the player is facing up If getplayerdir(index) = DIR_UP Then Dim distance As Long = 0 Dim isAlreadyHit As Boolean = False For i = 1 To Range ' vertical For a = 0 To distance ' middle and right part of the cone If isNPCHere(Player.x + a, Player.y + i) Then Call sendanimation(mapnum, animationnum, getplayerx(index) + a, getplayery(index) + i) isAlreadyHit = True End If Next distance = 0 'reset distance For a = 0 To distance ' left part of the cone If isAlreadyHit = False Then If isNPCHere(Player.x - a, Player.y + i) Then Call sendanimation(mapnum, animationnum, getplayerx(index) - a, getplayery(index) + i) End If End If Next distance = 0 isAlreadyHit = False Next End If ```
  9. the animation file client-side is just an animation picture, in the server side they are more complex they store frame speed, sound, and what not, I think that what you want is to create the 'animation' (image, sound and such) through the admin panel (F1 or /admin in chat). Animations aren't created by adding images, they must be created by the Admin panel > Edit Animations o:
  10. Slasheree

    Screen size

    you can always make it so that when you maximise the game window (or even resize it manually), it would show more tiles and the gui would be aligned accordingly.
  11. Slasheree

    Screen size

    learn to make real fullscreen mode I guess… I had my own modified version of eclipse (dx8) and I had real fullscreen toggable in the options menu (no error when Ctrl+Alt+Delete, nothing, just fine fullscreen and it didn't stretch the images horribly…) [EDIT] found the video I made showing it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihX3ZTMWd2A&feature=player_detailpage#t=119 PS: Put fullscreen 720p ^_^
  12. width: 32pixels, height: 32 pixels, whole image: 1024pixels(32x32=1024) ![](http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/6231/oduf.png)
  13. could you give me the download link to that engine ?
  14. What engine are you using ? Cause that's the way some programmers think 'fullscreen' is made and they wrote it that way (streching image to the screen resolution). That could be completly normal and not be your pc's fault…
  15. ![](http://www.speedtest.net/result/3163184238.png)
  16. instead of using MyIndex in 'Player(MyIndex).Walkthrough' try using index: ``` Player(index).Walkthrough ``` [EDIT] Never used that version, I might be wrong…
  17. the engine in this video uses dx7, your argument is invalid XD
  18. like this ? :b [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_iw7E8IuAU](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_iw7E8IuAU)
  19. Currently in university (learning Java woohoo), and already have work in Everember :) Thx anyway
  20. I was just messing with you, but you know I'd make that just like putting butter in bread (at least you should think that XD) :b
  21. [link](http://www.everember.com/) :t ro ll fa c e:
  22. when will another programmer contest happen ? o:
  23. do you need to have posted lots of tutorials to enter this ? O.o
  24. I guess I could enter this, just check the stuff i did xD Also, I'm the head programmer of a game, should I post a link or something ? Some of my work here in eclipse: >! [1](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/131126-csde-take-screenshot-snapshot-of-game/),[2](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/131708-where-the-hell-can-i-find-this-version-of-csde/),[3](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133673-my-version-of-eclipse/),[4](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133865-some-more-systems/)
  25. anything showing up in the error log ? (check in the 'logs' file [client-side])
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