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Everything posted by eamaan1

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjqrWrj7Ouo see that and u will understand what i mean
  2. it is a mmorpg online game and it searchs for ppl and then connect with them all over the world
  3. which is the best soft ?? from them all for making a game like that ??
  4. How to make a game like this go to here www.naruto-arena.com using VB6 Plz tell me lil Info plz and THX
  5. How to make a football 2D game :icon_meditation:
  6. How to make a patcher for my game ??
  7. eamaan1

    Plz help

    i have made it
  8. eamaan1

    Plz help

    plz tell me this is my own tileset i wanna make the black parts go away here is the scree shot ![](http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/eamaan10/Screenshot_3.jpg)
  9. eamaan1

    Plz help

    see this and plz tell me how to remove the black parts ![](http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/eamaan10/Screenshot_2.jpg)
  10. eamaan1

    Plz help

    i need to make tilset but when i click it it is comming black parts is there plz explain me what to do plz help me i am waiting only for that plz
  11. mash u also PM me caz tommorow i think i cant be online ok ? and THX
  12. k mash i believe u xP and are u making ur own game if not can u help me with sprites??
  13. Marsh after u take the thing and make the link not available ok?
  14. hmmm what u mean ?? plz can u tell me brefily
  15. How to make the tiles setes black part go aways for good :azn:and THX
  16. plz can u explain me whihc is the best soft and how do i draw the sprite
  17. eamaan1

    Making Tileset

    how to make my own tileset and when i put it to the game there is black parts y and how can i remove the blacky parts :renzo: and THX
  18. eamaan1

    Need Help

    Thx i have put 0 to NPC in everything THX guys
  19. eamaan1

    Need Help

    When i enter to game and i have made my self an admin and then i made a wep and a NPC which attacks if i attack it after that i put them on the map and after i took my wep when i press CTRL near the NPC i cant attack it Nothing happenes Plz help me and THX
  20. when i compile my Client.exe it says error its says meathod or data member not found and the errored code is ``` Call frmMainMenu.MenuMusic.StopMedia ``` then here is the whole code's ``` Option Explicit Public Sub MapMusic(ByVal Song As String) If Not Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).music = CurrentSong Then Call PlayBGM(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).music) End If End Sub Public Sub PlayBGM(Song As String) If ReadINI("CONFIG", "Music", App.Path & "\config.ini") = 1 Then If FileExists("\Music\" & Song) Then If Not LenB(Song) = 0 Then If Not Left$(Song, 7) = "http://" Then Call frmMirage.MusicPlayer.PlayMedia(App.Path & "\Music\" & Song, True) CurrentSong = Song Else Call frmMirage.MusicPlayer.PlayMedia(Song, True) CurrentSong = Song End If End If Else Call AddText(Song & " does not exist!", BRIGHTRED) End If End If End Sub Public Sub PlaySound(Sound As String) If ReadINI("CONFIG", "Sound", App.Path & "\config.ini") = 1 Then If FileExists("\SFX\" & Sound) Then Call frmMirage.SoundPlayer.PlayMedia(App.Path & "\SFX\" & Sound, False) Else Call AddText(Sound & " does not exist!", BRIGHTRED) End If End If End Sub Public Sub PlayBGS(Sound As String) If ReadINI("CONFIG", "Sound", App.Path & "\config.ini") = 1 Then If FileExists("\SFX\" & Sound) Then Call frmMirage.BGSPlayer.PlayMedia(App.Path & "\BGS\" & Sound, True) Else Call AddText(Sound & " does not exist!", BRIGHTRED) End If End If End Sub Public Sub StopBGM() Call frmMainMenu.MenuMusic.StopMedia Call frmMirage.MusicPlayer.StopMedia Call frmMirage.BGSPlayer.StopMedia CurrentSong = vbNullString End Sub Public Sub StopSound() Call frmMirage.SoundPlayer.StopMedia End Sub ``` And i dont know how to make it correct i have put a music to main menu and the error is occuring to the main menu music Plz tell me i pressed File > Make a client.exe and compiled whne i was doing that this error occoured and THX
  21. When i tried to run the Main menu.frm it says Error Method or data member not found and the highlighted come is ``` Call MenuMusic.PlayMedia ``` The Whole code is ``` Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Long Dim Ending As String For i = 1 To 3 If i = 1 Then Ending = ".gif" End If If i = 2 Then Ending = ".jpg" End If If i = 3 Then Ending = ".png" End If If FileExists("GUI\MainMenu" & Ending) Then frmMainMenu.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GUI\MainMenu" & Ending) End If Next i Ending = ReadINI("CONFIG", "MenuMusic", App.Path & "\config.ini") If LenB(Ending) 0 Then Call MenuMusic.PlayMedia(App.Path & "\Music\" & Ending, True) End If Call MainMenuInit End Sub Private Sub Form_GotFocus() If frmMirage.Socket.State = 0 Then frmMirage.Socket.Connect End If End Sub Private Sub picAutoLogin_Click() If ConnectToServer = False Or (ConnectToServer = True And AutoLogin = 1 And AllDataReceived) Then Call MenuState(MENU_STATE_AUTO_LOGIN) End If End Sub Private Sub picIpConfig_Click() Me.Visible = False frmIpconfig.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub picNewAccount_Click() Me.Visible = False frmNewAccount.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub picDeleteAccount_Click() frmDeleteAccount.Visible = True Me.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub picLogin_Click() If LenB(frmLogin.txtPassword.Text) 0 Then frmLogin.Check1.Value = Checked Else frmLogin.Check1.Value = Unchecked End If Me.Visible = False frmLogin.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub picCredits_Click() Me.Visible = False frmCredits.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub picQuit_Click() Call GameDestroy End Sub Private Sub Status_Timer() If ConnectToServer = True Then If Not AllDataReceived Then Call SendData("givemethemax" & END_CHAR) Else lblOnline.Caption = "Online" lblOnline.ForeColor = vbRed End If Else picNews.Caption = "The server is down." lblOnline.Caption = "Offline" lblOnline.ForeColor = vbRed End If End Sub ``` i wanted to make the GUI bigger so i run the programm and how do i make it save and make the main menu bigger and THX :azn: psss:"If u are confused ask me i will tell u"
  22. eamaan1

    GUI Thingy

    what do u mean??? Can u explain it to me briefly :huh:
  23. eamaan1

    GUI Thingy

    i did know how but cant make it bigger i have downloaded Eclipse-Evolution-2.7-Source but when i make the main menu GUI bigger and save it in VB6 then when i open i cant see it bigger its the same size y? (Eclipse.vbp) Plz help me out
  24. eamaan1

    Source code

    Where can i download Source code?? ^_^ :icon_alabanza:
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