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Everything posted by Pbcrazy

  1. It was supposed to be blocky. Though comfortably so, which I don't think I have yet. Aye, my colors are bad. And I'll work on the bottom transition. thanks!
  2. Well, I thought I'd give my hand a go at making a super simple tileset. Not sure how well I like it yet… But it's certainly better than my past attempts! ;) ![](http://crazestudios.com/upload/tileset_pre1.PNG) ![](http://crazestudios.com/upload/tileset_pre2.PNG) *What the heck is up with this forum and slightly resizing/messing with images?
  3. I simply meant that the only thing he claims to be able to do (photoshop stuff), is the half of the web design job (the other being coding) that most people are already capable of doing themselves.
  4. @Madara!: > HAHA' im Designer man, not coder =/ . i take the theme and i modify. "Im Web Designer" its a joke -.-' only graphic designer i hate html and css. So you're sayin' you can only do half the job, and even then, only the half of the job that most people can do to begin with?
  5. Pbcrazy


    @Andiii: > Lol, look at EA. AC and CoD once every year And they sell by the millions! ;)
  6. Pbcrazy


    I think perhaps, that if it looks good, and is well executed, who cares? Else we may end up debating the timing of all in the universe. "No, it's too soon, we just emptied the toilet 2 hours ago!"
  7. @Eckhart: > It's rather generic, but I suppose you already know that :P Yup, well aware, I just needed to get something done ASAP that didn't look like shit… haha @Wing: > I liked how it looked before. The other one is still there, this is a completely different design for a completely different project. @ everyone else, thanks guys!
  8. Actually, I think it looks fine without the radii. And if I did try to add the images for the corners, more than likely it'd just get forked up.
  9. Lol, so essentially just changing the naming convention/method, to something that more resembles language rather than code. Bleh, perhaps if i had to rewrite my own css I might, cause it does look nice, but eh. I like Twitter's Bootstrap, works pretty dang well for me.
  10. How's that now? @Pete: What exactly do you mean by semantic? Sorry, not one for vocab terms…
  11. Alright, I did a few fixes and finally got a chance to sit down with the client and work out some kinks. They want something up quickly though, and since the rest of the site pages aren't yet complete, I'm giving them the default homepage. Take a look. I think it looks at least a little bit better. [DTM](http://crazestudios.com/dtm)
  12. Hehe, aye. Will do, but that's an easy fix that just requires play tweaking, so I'm going to finish the layout first. The staff page requires lots of text… -.-
  13. They didn't request anything in particular. Just asked for a site. But I'm iffy myself on the background color, I just picked something that went along with the logo colors (desaturated olive and red). Got any better ideas?
  14. Hey guys, I've been working on this website for a local land surveying company. I just wanted you guys to take a look and tell me what you think of the layout and what not. I'm supposed to go meet with them tomorrow to show what I've gotten done so far, as well as get the details on another project. Please note, the staff page is still under construction. [Dodson-Thompson-Mansfield, PLLC](http://crazestudios.com/dtm.html) Thanks!
  15. Here's a rather generic UI I'm working on for a quick (and rather generic) game I have in the works. Tell me what ya think! ![](http://crazestudios.com/upload/menu_main.png) *for some reason, the forums are resizing the image a little, so it's not appearing as clear as it should, go [here](http://crazestudios.com/upload/menu_main.png) to get a better look*
  16. Better over the years? Haha, I hope you haven't had the misfortune to see some of my earlier work. :P
  17. (realizing I will be flamed for this…) So what you're saying is, we shouldn't do anything to try to solve this problem? Or just don't trust IC. Also, regardless of the organization, don't you all think we should be doing something to try to bring this man to court? I mean, what's so bad about attempting to make a brighter future? Or the more objectively, why can't we try to find some way to accomplish the International Criminal Court's goals? I dunno, on one side, I see all the nay-sayers, bashing away saying that this is pointless, or that the NGO shouldn't be trusted. Half the time it seems that people are accusing IC of failing to meet accomplishments they never were attempting to meet in the first place. And then bashing at the people who believe (if slightly naively) that they are helping to make a difference. On the other side, I do see a lot of bandwagon jumping. Almost seems like mass hysteria actually. But is it really so bad for so many people trying to help bring justice to those who've been wronged for so long?
  18. Thank guys! I was thinking, if I ever actually get to doing this project, to write it all in Java. :) Widest audience possible.
  19. A scavenger hunt of sorts. :) Have the server generate a random list of items, and the players must run around the game world, talking to NPC's, shopping, doing quests, killing mobs, etc. And who ever gets all the items first, wins.
  20. Good cause? Yup, probably. Good organization? Eh, I believe they're primary focus is on education about this problem. Hence the hype about money issues. Should we do something about this, aside from education? Ehh, heart says yes, mind says look into it more and watch your ass… haha
  21. Haha, I'm all about coming up with crazy new shit. ;) Thanks mate, same to you as well.
  22. Motive = Cause I feel like it. ;) I don't really make games for players anymore. I just make them cause I want to. Hobby kind of thing. So if I get a weird irking to do something seemingly odd, I don't care. Haha. I see what you're saying though, just not sure I want to do it is all.
  23. @Eckhart: > Yeah, it's a good ideal. Which is why you should make it simple for you and just let the player use the mouse. I don't understand why not to use it, really. It would be useful for hovering over stuff, rearranging the hotbar, clicking stuff, and many other purposes. > > Of course, if you're planning a game so simple that you can truly do all that you need with just 1-6, WASD, ctrl, shift, and space then you're probably fine without the mouse. Just don't let your challenges inhibit you from making an awesome game. > Definitely a good point, hadn't thought of that. I agree, the mouse would have it's place, but designing a game that doesn't _require_ it's use. I'd allow the mouse to be used to do the nice little stuff like you mentioned, but I want the meat of the game to be controlled without it. If that makes any sense?
  24. The blue tree border up in the top left clashes with the use of full blue trees in the left middle. But it looks nice other than that!
  25. @Eckhart: > You could make those cards just increase your stats, then you don't have to worry about a stat system too much. Instead of having spells like in eclipse, you could have spells that are cast from items, ie wands, so you don't have to worry about a spell menu. The same idea can apply to skills. In fact, every single weapon could have a unique skill that you can use with it, maybe by right clicking the icon. It would be a pretty interesting system I think. I know Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced uses a similar system, but not quite the same. It'd be unique. Ehh, I hate magic, haha. Nearly none of my games have it in them. And besides that, I think the screen is too small to really do any ranged combat. But the right click to do a specialty is interesting. Though I want to try to eliminate the mouse, so perhaps "CTRL" to attack, "ALT" to do a specialty, arrow keys and WASD for movement (that way left and right handed players can have their appropriate positioning), the hot bar selection is of course handled by numbers 1-6\. Perhaps "enter" or "space" to pickup an item, and maybe "shift" to interact (stuff like talk to NPC or open door, etc)? That should keep all the player input to a minimum. I'd probably end up using the mouse still, but the only thing it could do that you couldn't keyboard wise (without a little complication anyway), is hover over objects or items to have an info panel pop up. I always follow the K.I.S.S. rule as much as I can. Less overhead controls and flashy stuff, more gameplay and fun.
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