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Everything posted by unknown

  1. As jcsnider alluded to .NET is an entirely different language than VB6\. VB6 is a procedural programming language .NET is an object oriented programming language. A good design pattern in VB6 is not a good design pattern in .NET.. This requires conversions to be rewrites of the entire system utilizing a new design paradigm. It's very hard to do this correctly. .NET is identical to Java in many respects.. If you want to see an orpg done right in an OOP oriented language read through [SimpleOrpg's source](https://github.com/coxry/SimpleOrpg)
  2. I think that bug is fixed in the latest build. Try re-downloading the client.
  3. @¢ι¢ι: > That's really awesome. > > You got a better chatbox. I think you should make it smaller Yeah I think I will make it smaller in the future. It's better than what I had before and simpler to design for now. When I make it smaller I'll have to make it more window-like & movable so I'm not going to prioritize it. @Sick: > Looking good, now on to character creation? ;) I'm still deciding what data I want in the database, how I should use connection thread pooling, and whether character creation should happen in the client or not. Character creation and persistent data is pretty huge. I think it's safe to say I'll be working on this in the near future. @[rose: > link=topic=80295.msg860155#msg860155 date=1337822857] > Glad to see you're following through. Thanks, I'm actually really happy with the code base it's incredibly easy for me to add onto/update.
  4. Thanks. Today I added warps, changed the mask of the outdoor maps to look dark (and give you a better feel of how cool it can look) and made server map loading less work. >! [![](http://i.imgur.com/WY9tcl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/WY9tc.png) >! [![](http://i.imgur.com/2KTZAl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/2KTZA.png)
  5. Good enough. I'm creating a new thread for every user which is fast but memory consuming. I tried to make it modular enough to switch in your own NIO networking system (or even use [Netty](http://www.jboss.org/netty)) which will reduce total memory usage. I also turn off [Nagel's algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagle's_algorithm) which is a good idea when creating realtime TCP Multiplayer games. I need to update the server networking so that it queues messages instead of having a bunch of synchronized blocks.
  6. I was busy all day so here's a micro update focused on chat. I added a chat history window (tab opens/closes) >! [![](http://i.imgur.com/OzIVUl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/OzIVU.png) I also changed the chat packet, fixed a couple of annoying bugs (like backspace) and added wordwrapping for bubbles. >! [![](http://i.imgur.com/hTM9ol.png)](http://i.imgur.com/hTM9o.png) It's all online. Download the latest client to check it out.
  7. @[rose: > link=topic=80295.msg859663#msg859663 date=1337662224] > You should add a clipping mask, make a fog of far / flashlight effect possible. Fully planning on it. I already added a 'lighting' system to [Troglodytes](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,79755.0.html) (which was essentially that) @abhi2011: > Is Java hard? @[rose: > link=topic=80295.msg859692#msg859692 date=1337667021] > Not really, but then again a basic understand of programming theory is helpful. > > After you learn the basics for programming, it turns out to be about preferences, how you'll utilize the language, and what libraries are available. I agree with rose.. Java is easy. Programming in any language is easy. Theory, and designing larger projects in general is difficult.
  8. Thanks guys! Here's a little update, I added a mask map property in the following format.. r,g,b,a A mask can be added to any map and it will be drawn on the upper most layer.. Here's an example of what a mask can look like >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/MXhAll.png)
  9. Simple ORPG Engine **Current Features** * Written in Java so it works on Windows OSX and Linux * Open source (see Github link below) * You can use [Tiled Map Editor](http://www.mapeditor.org/) to edit maps * RGBA mask map property * [H2](http://www.h2database.com/html/main.html) embedded database support is provided by default * SHA-256 stretched individually salted passwords * Configurable [C3P0](http://sourceforge.net/projects/c3p0/) database connection pooling * Various commands and admin access * Embedded [Jetty](http://jetty.codehaus.org/jetty/) updater ![](http://i.imgur.com/FkLAh.png) **Download latest build** [Server SNAPSHOT-1.0](https://github.com/downloads/coxry/SimpleOrpg/SimpleOrpg-Server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-release.zip) [Client SNAPSHOT-1.0](http://github.com/downloads/coxry/SimpleOrpg/SimpleOrpg-Client-1.0-SNAPSHOT-release.zip) *Note* To run the server/client click run.bat **Git the source** [http://github.com/coxry/SimpleOrpg](https://github.com/coxry/SimpleOrpg)
  10. Thanks! Final update: We finished the entire engine/game a little earlier today. I'm going to spend a week or two cleaning it up and then release it as open source.
  11. We added a push particle effect, a better kill particle effect and a flame. Check them out >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cml_52QbJc The blood doesn't look right in the video, here's how it actually looks when you kill stuff >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/xTxFul.png)
  12. Thanks :) We're going to have a lot more updates soon. Here's a video of our death particle effects, trinkets modifying stats and regular trinket implementation. It's really beginning to look cool! >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTlX6AHEcUA **Another update** A* enemy AI.. paths are drawn in blue, we're still working on making the enemy follow the path exactly that should be done today. Also the options menu is done :P >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXeBnk9QQsg
  13. The polymorph trinket UI is finished, here's a video. We're still working on enemy AI and regular trinkets.. Also we're beginning to generate some new content, you'll probably see it in my next update. >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0TyzzKznJQ Also, lighting is off on this map it can easily be turned back on.
  14. @7Eleven: > Am I reading this right? Turbo Nips.com? What do turbo nips have to do with the storyline? > > PS: The lighting video demonstration was awesome! I really like the old school NES title btw. Thanks. Turbonips.com is awesome! A while back we were drinking, trying to come up with a good domain name for Troglodytes that wasn't already taken.. Amazingly enough nobody had thought to register turbonips so we jumped on the opportunity.
  15. They aren't temporary boosts, they're permanent boosts similar to the Binding of Issac.
  16. Thanks. No dinosaurs dropping chain-mail, they will drop teeth though which you can add to your weapon and increase damage. There will also be other trinkets like a torch which increases sight, meat which increases health and a polymorph trinket which allows you to change into an enemies form and gain higher stats. All trinkets you'll just pick up and use, there is no inventory. We'll also spawn a random rare trinket on certain maps.
  17. Here's a micro update. You can see the new menu, also enemies and you turn red when they're hit. >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQZwjxYLdek
  18. Yeah that looks right. Since you will be doing stuff with Monster in Player you will have to include it from the Player.cpp file
  19. No multiplayer currently planned.. Trying to keep it as simple as possible while creating an awesome game. Multiplayer is a good idea though.
  20. Lol, I brought this up today.. My teammates agree that we should have a lizardman :P Here's a SS of our new menu screen.. It pans over a map at random and has better looking text. >! [![](http://i.imgur.com/VDfIKl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/VDfIK.png) We're currently working on an A* AI algorithm (AI that can move through a maze), I should have something on that in a couple days. I also made the map darkness configurable via a map attribute, and should have the trinket UI done soon.
  21. haha we should have that sprite in our game
  22. Include monster from player. Also, make sure to have stuff like this in your header files: ``` #ifndef _MONSTER_H #define _MONSTER_H .. class stuff .. #endif ``` I'm not sure how to fix your circular problem.. According to Wikipedia you have to use a [forward declaration](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_declaration) trick which seems hacky. **Classes shouldn't depend on eachother that way** which is a bad answer, but true. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_dependency Here's the exact code from wikipedia for creating a forward declaration **File a.h:** ``` #ifndef A_H #define A_H class B; //forward declaration class A { public: B* b; }; #endif //A_H ``` **File b.h:** ``` #ifndef B_H #define B_H class A; //forward declaration class B { public: A* a; }; #endif //B_H ``` **File main.cpp:** ``` #include "a.h" #include "b.h" int main() { A a; B b; a.b = &b; b.a = &a; } ```
  23. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/troglodyte My friend who came up with the name learned about troglodytes in an ancient prehistory class lol
  24. Yeah I don't think we will have lighting on enemies.. There will be torches and fire pits that are generated by our particle system that give off light. The graphics we have in place are really just placeholders. We're focused on making a really cool engine and game first, hopefully we can attract a graphics artist to help afterwards. We have a few people helping us develop new graphics, so hopefully we can show off some of their work soon. On another note, if anyone wants to help create maps please do so.. Use [Tiled](http://www.mapeditor.org) and our [resources]( If it's any good I'll post a demo using it.
  25. Thanks for the input. It's pretty easy to change the name, I kinda like it but if enough people don't we can change. On a related note, we bought the domain http://turbonips.com to host our completed game which I think is very memerable. Here's another video demonstrating lighting.. I experimented a little bit with lighting enemies, it's subject to change. >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW6A5fBLOII
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