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Everything posted by Egon

  1. I have no dreams that I can remember. Ah well.
  2. Well, the night I had that dream I ate two chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips in them. Tonight I had pizza.
  3. I'm more of a turkey man myself. However, I do like my bacon and sausage.
  4. I actually had someone experienced in trying to explain dreams to tell me what mine was about. "Your dream is a status summary; these generally occur during smooth sailing, otherwise, your dreams would be sending you alarms. The subtlety of this dream is the shift in signifiers. The setting reflects your attitude toward the people around you and your attitude toward the things that are important to them. You appoint a small bar for your guests even though you don't drink. You furnish the room with an old TV for their entertainment, even though it appears you don't personally derive much satisfaction from television. You have a nice pool table with its own accent lighting [you probably play competitive sports] and you have a nice couch [you appreciate your leisure]. Basically, you care about what is important to the people you care about. When the dream introduces the forum and relative precedence, however, the people shift from representing people to now representing the priorities of your life. Basically, what it's depicting is that you want to attend to ten priorities in your life, and the addition of an eleventh is unacceptable. That is represented as bickering, misbehavior, swallowing the forum [internalizing the conflict], and ultimately pounding the eleventh priority into oblivion [one must admire your discipline]. However, one cannot "kill" a priority with one's fist, which is why he [who is really you] laughs at you. Don't be too hard on yourself."
  5. Bring it on. Its the same thing as normal meat grown on an animal. The only difference is that its grown off of the animal.
  6. I wonder if your dream jazz was any good.
  7. You should hear about one of my old dreams where I drempt I watched a steam train in space being driven by the Muppets cast going toward a black hole as they got sucked up. ..I should really stop eating food before going to bed.
  8. I know you guys don't know me, but I'm a very nice guy. I'm a volunteer fire fighter and love to help people. Well, tonight I had a dream that really shocked me. Let me set the world. It was in a dark room where I couldn't see the walls, like an endless black void all around us, only there was a also a black floor and black ceiling. The only thing on the ceiling was one of those lights you see hanging over a bar pool table. The room was much like a bar, only it had a tiny bar stand with no seats in front of it. A few feet from in front of it was a dark purple three person couch (armrest facing the bar). Behind the couch a few feet was a pool table. In front of the couch was an old tv that had broken rabbit ears and only was able to play static. It felt nice and cozy. The room was filled with people - Around 10 or so (Only one person I knew in the group, it was Robin). Everyone was having a great time 'on the forum' because apparently the room was an internet forum of some kind and I was the admin in charge of it all/creator. There was a 'Top 10 Users' list. Everyone was happy with that list. But out of no where one of the girls was getting angry and shouting at a man who had bumped her from the 10th slot. This man was being a terrible stick to her and me. I asked him to stop but he wouldn't. He just keep going at me now. It annoyed me so much so I took the forum down by eating it. I didn't actually dream of eating anything but I felt my stomach get full in the dream. I got another forum from somewhere and held it in my hand. I pushed him down and just starting trying to cave his face in with punches. Everyone in the room was just staring at him and me. This went on for a good bit. His face, nose, mouth, everything was bloodied and so was my fist. All the while he kept laughing. Somewhere in the back of my head I started to think "You know, this guy didn't really do anything. You need to stop this right now before you kill him" and then I woke up. I have never been in a physical fight in my life. My heart was beating and my arm was tired. I'm not an avid forum user and people don't get me angry (online or in person). I didn't know the guy in the dream. I didn't know the girl in the dream either. For some reason everyone was dressed kind'a punk-ish. The dream just kind of shocked me. I've never felt so much blinding rage and it was for no reason too.
  9. Egon

    L4D2 group

    MrBitz Add me. Let the fun commence. Just for God's sake don't make me be Rochelle.
  10. Egon

    Fun time killer

    1) Go to Wikipedia, click Random Article. The 1st article you get is the name of your band. 2) Go to quotationspage.com, select Random. The last four/five words of the very last quote on the page, this is the title of your band's 1st album. 3) Go to Flickr, click on “explore the last seven days”. 3rd picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. 4) Use Picnik.com/Photoshop/MS Paint/Another program to put it all together. ![](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs036.snc6/166616_935134466552_68132248_46417298_4114479_n.jpg)
  11. @Chief: > Why the shit is that so freakin cheap!? I spent $200 on mine which is only very slightly larger! I didn't go with a popular brand. Is yours Wacom or something? If for some reason someone wants the octopus without the background.. ![](http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/2766/octon.png)
  12. @.Aaron.: > Thats some cool stuff. What brand is the tablet. http://www.amazon.com/PenPad-7-7-Inch-Screen-Graphic-Tablet/dp/B003OBZRPU/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1295326098&sr=1-1 Thanks guys :p
  13. No-no, they are normal. The house is to the left of mine, The white car is in front of it (You can't see the house in that picture.).
  14. Okay, it took them a little more than an hour to get here. >! ![](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs058.ash2/36267_934278052812_68132248_46399418_2014182_n.jpg) But when they did get here they went right on in and talked to her for an hour~. Then they come over here and spent about 10 minutes telling me what happened. It was quite clear to them that she has problems and said that she is supposed to be going to see someone in a week or two. So I guess I just have to wait it out another week or so until she sees this person. What will happen next? Tune in next week!
  15. I can try to get a snap of the caller ID later on if you really want. I'm not sure if it will come up as anything though.
  16. Okay boys and girls, the Secret Service just called and are going to be here in about an hour to talk to Jo.
  17. Talked to a second deputy about the newest note Jo left about killing the president. He said that he was going to give it to the secret service or whatever. Then they will act on it as they see fit. After talking to me he also went to talk to her about the note. We'll see what happens in the next few days.
  18. ![](http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/3750/ducko2.png) ![](http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/4282/octo2.png) ![](http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8059/bgbigy.png) Made Skillzalot a new sig for his game too. ![](http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5149/sigec.png)
  19. @Roberto: > My main concern is the shading on the legs. I made them too dark ): If anything you could go darker! Here are some old projects I did with charcoal: ![](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v65/1/15/68132248/n68132248_31652127_5795.jpg) ![](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-ash1/v65/1/15/68132248/n68132248_31652120_3873.jpg)
  20. Egon

    Hey guys!

  21. Egon

    Hey guys!

    ![](http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2351/94451141.png) I wanted one soooo bad for sooo long. I finally spoiled myself and got one.
  22. @Rodriguez: > Dude … you live in one ducked up city. I say, use her figured mind control to sleep with her. She'll have to give in to it or admit that there is no mind control. It's win, win. ;D > > - Adulese I'd rather not take advantage of a mentally troubled girl :kiss:. Amazingly though the town is sane. Just my neighbors from that one house though… Their mother is a lovely kind hearted person. But almost all of her children and their children are completely troubled.
  23. Oh man, this story is about to climax. One of her family members is talking to her now trying to convince her that there is no cult in my town and that the fire department and I are not trying to harm her with mind control or no touch torture. If all goes well her family member will call the mental health place to see what can be done. Edit: Oh, remember in the first post where I talked about **child number one**? I found out what happened to her http://www.waff.com/Global/story.asp?S=11402721 I grew up with her son Jonathan. Never expected him to go _that_ crazy.
  24. Pomelo - If it's red on the inside.
  25. FASHION TOPIC, GO. I'm not really one for fashion but I know a lot of you are. Most of my clothes consist of hammy-down acid washed jeans and weird art show t-shirts. >! ![](http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/9984/shirtl.png)
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