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Posts posted by Wicker_2009

  1. My comment was removed, on what grounds i don't know.

    I will try to be more constructive
    Mapping: It seems that it is a little square, what i mean is just unnatural, though everything else in the game does look nice, i feel the mapping could use some work, such as more non linear paths, instead of them always being straight kind of randomly curved etc. Possibly random higher grass patches, around trees etc. More curved cliffs and cliffs on top of cliffs.

    As for the path in town, based on your screenshot, there are edges, in the tilesets, that you can use to add to them to make them look better, they look to square the way you have them.

    Your caves look fine, but as for the snowy area in screenshot not bad.

    Its just my opinion but i believe the mapping could use some work. I am not trying to be rude at all just giving a bit of criticism.
  2. Game looks pretty good, only thing i have to criticize is that even though the mapping has improved, it really lacks in deph. I suppose it will improve over time, but remember mapping and balance is what makes the game.
  3. So i found this epic game on a game list, well come to find out it is kind of new, has paperdoll awesome gui, is well balanced, but has a small community. Highest level player is only 33, and i got hooked on to it, and played till like 16 last night XD, it has a lot of pvp

    Please come play with me! i am not going through any trouble of posting a picture, Just simply click the link it is not to difficult.

  4. Please look over my bad grammar.

    **Broken Alliance**
    This is going to be a simple game, you simply choose your gender, male or female. As there are no classes, you can build your character however you want. As this is going to be heavly pvp based, there are little limitations on kill restrictions, and many possible build outcomes for your character. As this project is in very early stage, it will take some time to get a release date.

    Mostly because i try to balance my games with a lot of thinking. It will take a while to be released, other then that as far as content, i will try to make replay value high, as it is going to require a lot of teamwork to fight bosses, this will make items have a lot more value. There will be several item rarities, and most npcs will have uncommon, and rare drops to increase pvp value. This will not be a casually simple game, you will really need to think over some fights, nothing will be two strikes the npc is dead, there will be purpose in switching maps, like most of these games npcs respawn so fast it makes it almost pointless to have more then one map with the same npc. And as for npcs having higher respawns then average, this will make gold a tad bit more worthwhile, And gold will have many more uses so selling your rare items will be worth the currency.  Boss fights will range from being simple to complex, some bosses will have many strategy outcomes, for example. A boss could have some weaker hitpoint, guards with higher damage, so you will need one player to distract the guards, while a tank is fighting the boss, then you would require some sort of heavy dps at a distance to make it faster. And healers will be needed, and because of this demand, a healer would normally get first picks in loot. What else can i say? i don't know how to code anything, so some help would be nice, but other then that it is going to be pretty straightforward. Say even if the alpha release, only had 35 maps, it would still have high play value, simply put it because pvp is going to be a lot more interesting because like i said you can build your char to fight different ways,

    To be honest this is the least of my worries, though most of the time a story is what drives the game, that is not the case for most eclipse games, who honestly gets indulged inside the story and itches to see more, i can't think of one eclipse game i ever played for the story. But it is simple there is a war raging between two  factions, one faction seeks domination and power, and the other simple wants world peace, they are also former allies, hence giving the game name broken alliance. Simple as this, so that is the story nothing more, nothing less.

    Beacuse i just started this, i really don't have any features neither could i really add any, as i have never programmed anything, or even know how to sadscript on something like xtremeworlds, but because i never spent any time learning, i really got used to balancing, and mapping with most tilesets.

    Screenshots - Note its a early wip, so i don't have to many maps done, and exuse my mapping because it is lacking. Because the tilset, is not highly detailed, yes the cliffs are kind of straight, and unnatural.


    The game will be broken into acts, the faster you progress, the faster new areas will be available this is obvious yes, but new

    **Balance Concepts**
    I wrote out these ideas for my other project konma online, but never fully applied them, yes so what i am going to use the items from that game, and its ideas, because it taken me some time to think of them.

    Consider this you start off with 10 even stat points in all your stats. You gain 15 stat points by  every 5 levels.

    If you want to wear armor or be a pure, as no item has a level req.

    15 Points to spend.
    Swords: You spend 8 points for a sword leaving you 7 for a shield.
    Enforced sword/Req:50Str
    Thrashing Blade/Req:58Str

    Bows: You spend 5 points into str, and 2 points into speed this leaves you 8 for armor, as you can't wear a shield
    Swiftbow:/Req:20str /15 speed
    Florebow:/Req:30str /19Speed

    Daggers: You spend 8 points into str/speed leaving you 7 for a shield.
    3 intro str, and 5 into speed.
    Small Kriss:Req/13str/15speed
    Iron dagger:Req/16str/20speed
    Leather claws:Req/19str/25Speed
    Steel Claws:Req/22str/30Speed

    Staves: You spend 8 points into magic, leaving you 7 for a shield .
    Wooden stave:/Req:18Magic
    Felion stave:/Req:26Magic
    Kaim stave:/Req:34Magic
    Maihem stave:/Req:42Magic
    Tahelm stave:/Req:50Magic
    Reinbalmed Stave:/Req:58Magic

    Spears: You spend 7 points into str leaving you 8 points for armor, and shield.
    Steel Spear:/req:17str
    Fortified Spear:/Req:24Str
    Triple tip spear:/Req:31Str
    Mithril Spear:/Req:38Str

    Shields: Your left over 7 points can be put into shields, if you desire, unless you want to go pure!
    Steel Kiteshield:/Req:24Def

    Armor: Your left over 8 points can be put here into armor, if you desire unless you want to go pure!
    Bronze Plate:/Req:18Def
    Silver Plate:/Req:26Def
    Chain Mail:/Req:34Def
    Swift Plate:/Req:42Def
    Gilded Plate:/Req:50Def
    Guardian Plate:/Req:58 Armor

    Spells are for all classes, so you can use them if you have the magic.
    Flare:/Req 18 Magic
    Bubbles:/Req 26 Magic
    Ice strike:/Req 34Magic
    Blaze:/Req 42 Magic
    Divine Heal:/Req 50 Magic
    Boulder:/Req 58 Magic
    Devistating Strike:/Req 66 Magic
    Snare:/Req 18 Magic
    Confused:/Req 20 Magic
    Rage is a special spell that only requires you to find it, it is very rare and requires no magic +50% strengh, and drains
    25% of your life and 100% of your mana. Last only 8 Seconds.

    small heal + 12
    Medium heal + 24
    Large heal + 32
    Small mana + 12
    Medium mana + 24
    Large mana + 32
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