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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I am not entirely sure how they work, but to change them open ur server folder.  In it there is a file called 'data.ini' (it just shows up as data on the screen) with a little notepad next to a gear.  Scroll down until u find these entries:


    classes has nothing to do with it, but u can change the names of all the stats if you want.  to change what they do, go to the file called stats (also in the server folder).  There, you can change what they do to an extent ( such as how much HP, MP and SP they give per level).  Hope this helped =D
  2. Lately i've been contemplating ways to constantly keep stuff on the internet but where i can only access it….. and the best thing i've come up with is just emailing it to urself :) lol
  3. well, my only concern is that I dont know much at all about the server and port forwarding… I suppose i should do that right now.  Also, you wouldn't need to help me until Shensai I beta comes out, because that will be the epic engine that I will put this game on.  Thank you for volunterring, I will post a List of developers and developers needed sometime in the near future.
  4. @ICT I may add some more detail on parts that i hardly describe of the plot, and then also i will add more to the plot as more players do stuff, so it will be kind of like you make your own plot.  And then i will post updates on what has happened (i.e. if say a tshourin guy kills a few newbs i will have the tshourins make progress in the war).
  5. Shadow Of Lynthia: a game that goes beyond mindless killing and boring spawn camping

    **Infinite Quests**:  There will be plot quests and random quests, random quests will repeat an infinite amount of times, so you will never run out of quests.
    **Sailing**:  You will be able to have a boat and sail all across Thagados, even to otherwise unreachable islands.
    **Skills**:  You will be able to become skilled in anything you choose, be it Smithing, Woodworking, or Herb Cutting.
    **Dungeons**:  Dungeons will be few, but each one will have 3-8 floors, closer to the bottom enemies will get stronger, and on the bottom floor there will be a boss and possibly mini bosses(depending on the dungeon).
    **Class Advancements**:  Here nothing is final, but most likely once you reach a certain level a menu will pop up asking you if you would like to switch classes, and if so, which class you would like to become.
    **Completely Custom Tileset**:  The tileset will be custom, and made by me.  I will post pictures soon.

    Here is the storyline.  It is very long, so if you just want an overview feel free to skip to the last 2 chapters. 

    chapter 1:  The Beggining
    In a large world, there is only one spot in which civilization has reached anything wonderful, Thagados.  In the realm of Thagados, there are 2 continients.  In the north-east there is Feldere, and in the south-west there is Khly-Chuan.  On the year 138  A.P.(after prehistory) a force greater than all others came.  Magic.  At first it was just Haatnal, Ark knight.  He had magic.  It was deep inside of a cave, sitting on a pillar.  It was an orb.  Haatnal picked it up with great faith and it burst into light.  From that moment on, he was capable of casting spells through the use of an energy called 'mana'.  It is still unknown on how it works.  Haatnal gave this magic to simple humans using his will.  But the humans were scared of Haatnal's profficiency with magic, so they attacked him and drove him into a cave.  The humans studied magic, and at that same time they began to learn how to craft with iron, a stronger metal than bronze.

    Chapter 2:  Dark Ages of Thagados
    At the time of the discovery of iron, most kingdoms in the continent of Feldere were small or even city states.  With the discovery of iron and magic at one time, several small empires arose.  However, none of these was of much importance.  The only reason these empires are of importance at all is because they created cultures.  There were several main cultures: Albinian, Augustinian, Feshminian, Neurint, and the yellow shore culture.  The Albinian Culture was in the south west, and had a fairly bad military in general.  They lived in a continental climate.  The Augustinian culture focused primarily on education, and there army mainly consisted of mages. The Neurint culture had strong warriors and good sailors, because they were surrounded by mountains and oceans.  The Yellow shore Culture had many rogues fighting to control the governments, and thus they became weak.  These cultures laid the foundation of empires to come.

    Chapter 3:  The kingdom of Lynthia
    An Empire of Augustinian culture Began to become a regional power.  It's Name was Lynthia.  It came from Western Augustine region.  It used horsemen equipped with long lances to destroy infantry, and then would send in strong swordsman followed by longbowman.  A very large advantage that lynthia had was that it had one of the few natural horse lands in all of Haatrine.  This means that it was one of the few empires posessing horses, an important strategical resources.  Eventually, Lynthia was able to unite all of the Augustinian Cultures.  Then, once King Garinas became king, they conquered Most of albinie.  Under Garinas' rule the people were upset.  There was little food, little justice, and even littler wealth.  Garinas' prime general was general Contrajus Gallus, who's favorite strategy was burning everything.  This meant that most farmers were in the Augustine province and that food had to be transported all the way to albinie.  Many thieves intercepted caravans, and travelling by sea was far too long.  Garinas finally died, and his successors conquered all the way to western Neurintland.  Now it is said his spirit lives on in the caves of Augustine

    Chapter 4:  The 2 princes
    Garinas' great great great great grandson, King Trajonstine was 32 when his wife gave birth to twins.  He named one Tibaudius and the other Neron.  When Trajonstine became 48 he died of illness.  His 2 sons were still 16, which was far too young to become a king.  So Lord Vereleusus was elected temporary king.  He was Trajonstine's brother.  He did not do much, but he kept the empire alive.  Eventually, the Hyontian empire started to invade, so he created a peace treaty with them.  The Hyontian empire's army consisted 40% of mages, so in the treaty it banned the practice of any 'destruction magic'.  Eventually, Tibaudius and Neron became 20, the proper age to become king.  Vereleusus at this time had been in the throne for 4 years.  The empire then split into 3 major parties.  One was pro-Vereleusus one was pro-Neron and the last was pro-Tibaudius.  They had been doing minor fights and riots for many years, but now it started to heighten.  So a suggestion came into place.  It was that Tibaudius and Neron would duel, and whoever would win became the king.  On the day of the duel, Vereleusus sent a small army of mercenaries to attack the province of Staleria, the home of Tibaudius and Neron.  Both Tibaudius and Neron were recalled to there home to defend it.

    Chapter 5:  The anarchist and the Storm
    The defense of Staleria was easily successful.  But Neron got  a bad wound on his left arm.  The duel was postponed 3 weaks.  On the day of the duel, Neron and Tibaudius fought hard.  Tibaudius got a very bad wound on his sword arm, but managed to reopen the wound that Neron had.  Neron eventually got Tibaudius to surrender, but Neron was heavily wounded.  Neron was put into the throne shortly after the duel.  At this time, the anarchy reached new heights, of amazing terror.  Then, a bad storm broke out in Augustine, near the capital.  It flooded the capital city, and several other nearby cities.  The floods ultimately wrecked the palace.  The floors were covered in mud, the walls were broken in places, and most of the wood was damaged.  It would cost approimately enough grain to feed 800 people for 3 months to fix the castle.  Until one anarchist decided to take things into his own hands.  His name was Firgus, he was a rogue anarchist who beleived in true justice, but with all the anarchy it was impossible.  He killed Lord Vereleusus and Caused a revolt in the Cezere province.  His rebellion did not succeed until the eighth time, but he gained the Cezere province for himself.  Then, other parts of the empire that did not belong began to rebell.  The expert magicians of the yellow shore in the south decided to rebel, and quickly succeeded.  This made a huge problem in the kingdom's military.  Eventually, All of neurintland was given up because of the different culture and the riots that happened there daily.  The empire was falling apart.

    Chapter 6: a land in chaos
    Now, the kingdom of Lynthia was in a major decline.  In the course of 5 months, Lynthia had lost 6 provinces.  Eventually, Lynthia entirely broke up.  Fergus conquered most of Augustine, A mage named Yeltskan took over the yellow shore and a bit more, Shira the archer took over most of Feshmin.  A warlord named Jorgrund established a large state in Neurintland.  The empire was divided.  Meanwhile, in the south western continent, an empire was quickly coming to power.  They were the Tshourin empire.  They quickly conquered the south Western continent.  Then they started invading the north eastern continent.

    Chapter 7:The Invasion
    THe Tshourin empire attacked the south-east of the north eastern continent.  They took a strong base.  Eventually, they took over all of western feshmin, and the western part of the yellow shore.  At this time, all the lords decided to unite.  They built a base in Jemuhai plains, in the center of the north eastern continent on feshmin land bordering the galinas hills, and the firgus' land.  It was near the former capital.  Many heroes of the north-eastern continent arose.  Some were great archers, some were rogue warriors that fought with creative styles, some were mighty mages from the south, and some were exotic warriors from the Hyotsan dynasty.  This was the key time in history, that changed the world.  A new era was on the horizon, with the discovery of gunpowder that happened in the chaotic era.  It was time for a change.
    And then maps to help you out with the plot:

    Starting classes:
    Rogue, warrior, mage, archer
    Tier 2 classes:
    bandit, Pickpocket, brawler, knight, wizard, battlemage, ranger, hunter
    Tier 3 classes:
    Thief, assasin, outcast, raider, monk, gladiator, paladin, samurai,, priest, sorcerer, spellsword, shaman, forester, sniper, beastmaster, gunner
    Tier 4 classes: Master mind, ninja, barbarian, berserker, mercenary, holy knight, daimyo, cardinal, war mage, voodoo master, explorer, eagle eye, mountaineer, engineer

    How the classes work:  At level 1-20 you are a starting class, at level 21-40 you are at Tier 2 classes, at level 41-60 you are a Tier 3 class, at level 61-80 you are a tier 4 class.  When you first make a character, you choose a tier 1 class.  Then once he reaches level 21 you have a choice of 2 tier 2 classes to make him.  When he gets to level 41 you can choose between 2 tier 3 classes.  Finally at level 61 you become a certain fourth tier class that is similar to your third tier class.

    Progress I have made
    red-little or no progress
    yellow- Making progress
    green-complete or almost complete

    Infinite Quests-6%

    In Game Lore-15%
    Tileset- 16%
    Improved Battle system-15%


    Skills:Mining, Lumber jacking, herb gathering, hunting, smithing, wood working, chemistry, Tailoring

    Some Screen Shots:
    (These won't be in game maps, because i will use a different tileset.  I would still like a review on how you think I am doing though!)

    Jeff: Main producer, Storyline, Maps, NPCs
    Urame: Scripts and probably more as we progress

    I am in need of a GFX artist!!!
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