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Posts posted by Dthen

  1. =(

    Seriously, though. Your pixel art is really good.
    I'm not informed enough to criticise that, except that the shape of the blade on the second axe looks a little bit flat.
  2. The look of the GUI is altered by changing the images in the GUI folder, if you wish to move buttons or text field around, you must edit the source code, if you only wish to make aesthetic changes, edit the GUI files, in this case; Login.jpg
  3. This is sort of possible, if you make a master class and all people above access one are that class, then instead of using the block attribute, use a class block attribute instead.

    However, it's not worth doing as you can just shift+click anywhere on the map and teleport.
  4. To upload pictures such as tilesets and sprites, try www.imageshack.com or www.photobucket.com

    If you want to allow players to choose parts of their body when they create a new character, head, body and legs,
    go into your Data.Ini in your server folder, find where it says "custom=0"
    and change the 0 to a 1 so that it says "custom=1".
    Save the file and reload your server.
  5. Using EE 2.7, would it be possible, when a scripted tile is activated, say, to have the client load a map from a file either not in the maps folder or not following the "Map##" file naming syntax?

    If so, would this be possible via scripting?
    If not, would this be possible via source editing?
    If it would be possible via scripting and source editing, which would you recommend and why?
    How large a source edit would this require?
    Would this be easier in SE 1.0?
  6. 1\. Don't insult people trying to help you.
    2\. You're calling people dimwits when the second half of your last post doesn't make any sense.

    My advice: Write out exactly what you want, very carefully and slowly.
    The community here is friendly, except when you start insulting them.
  7. I'm currently seriously planning a large project, I have a team of three and we are designing our world, it's lore, history, classes, graphics etc. Until Solar Eclipse arrives, then we will begin on actually building it.

    Right now I am at the beginning of writing my game design document.
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