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What do you think af my story?


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This is the story for my game to be, I just wanted to know what you think of it.

It all begins in 2015\. Once again, the UN refuses to make Idia, Pakistan and Isreäl full members of the UN security council. So they form a nation known under the name of the atomic countries.

From that day on, small conflicts started to happen between the atomic countries and the countires of the security council, but so small they were hardly worth mentioning. This kept happening for 200 years, but the conflicts never grew larger. But then on September 15 of the year 2215, an event started that would lead the world to destruction. Elections in India. This wouldn't have been so dangerous if not for one man: Ghandi Surtrama. He was the main  candidate of the Indian Ideologists - the most popular party of that time - and he was obsessed with numbers. That day 2.3 bilion Indians went to vote and the results were overwhelming! Surtrama was elected as president with 60% of all votes! It directly came clear that the people had made a big mistake, because President Surtrama acted like a dictator. India was preparing for war!

I took a long time, but in the year 2222 this war came. High Leader Surtrama - as he had named himself - set the date to 2/2/2222 for he thought that these numbers would aid him in his battle. And they did, On 12/2/2222 the whole Eurasian continent was in his hand. All resistance was futile since 1 bilion Indian soldiers flooded the continent.

The worst was yet to come… H.L. Surtrama now had an arsenal of 20000 nuclear weapons. And on 22/2/2222 he daclared war to the rest of the world. It was the shortest war ever. In 30 minutes the world was nothing but a great radiating ruin... Of the 12 bilion people that lived on the earth, only 5 milion survived. They formed a new world, though this took them many generations.

2000 years after this, the memory of the Great War was fading in the memory of the people, and two groups started to form.
One group believed in the power of radiation, a gift from mother earth. This group called themselves the Mother Earth Corp. (MEC)
The other group, wel it wasn't really a group, called themselves salvagers. As there name says, they salvage goods from bunkers from the time of the great war.

Now, you must choose your destiny.
Do you believe in the great power of radiation and mother earth or
do you wish to live from salvaged materials from the great war?
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