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Tree Tutorial


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Hello, its me, Enixcloud. I found a cool, and easy way to make a tree, so I'll share it with you guys.


choosing white as the 2nd color, and putting your forecolor as one of the leaf color. Next, pass the tree, making sure the canvas is not white, or it'll screw your colors up. When pasting the tree, you choose transparent. The box is below the tool boxes.

Remember to add the trunks. PS: If you don't rush like I did, the tree will look great. If you also have photoshop, make a light source.

[For people who learn by reading without images]

1) Draw your leaves, depending on what you want.
Now Flip it four ways, using the Control-R in paint. Choose "horizontal" then "vertical" then "horizontal" and then "vertical" Remember you paste your new directional leaf.

2) Divide your four leaves into halves. This will help you when you fill the tree.

3) Rotate your halves using Control-R. Choose 90 degrees, and doing it once is enough.

4) Now using "eclipse" tool, which draws cirlces/ovals, draw your shape of the tree. Fill it in with your leaves, and you're done. If you have whites in your trees, you can get rid of them by replacing it with one color by
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