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Triad Patcher Ver Tutorial


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I was asking around and i forgot who it was (please post if you told me about this for credit on finding this) but i got this great updater from them at this website called Triad Patcher:

Here is the download link: [http://www.nitroconcept.net/produits/triad/release/TriadPatcher_v1.3.0.3.rar](http://www.nitroconcept.net/produits/triad/release/TriadPatcher_v1.3.0.3.rar)

Here is what it looks like at first: ![](http://www.nitroconcept.net/produits/triad/layout/triad_preview_1.png)

Here is the skin I redid it with to match my game: ![](http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb317/masterlegit/updater.jpg)

Also here is a tutorial for the updater in case you need assistance: [http://www.nitroconcept.net/produits/triad/howto.php](http://www.nitroconcept.net/produits/triad/howto.php)

I believe this is a great system because you can host your files online and they download them there (some examples of this is your own personal host or internet host such as [http://www.fileden.com/](http://www.fileden.com/))

You can also add html into the text box for news and other information from websources which you can upload to such as [http://www.googlepages.com/](http://www.googlepages.com/) These will help you upload the files such as the news and triad patcher.ini files to a webserver for the .exe to read from

**STEP 1:**

alright so basically you open the config.ini within the default folder under configurator then change it to look like this:

;Triad Patcher - Fichier de configuration
                - Configuration file

;  Triad Patcher.exe, GRF.dll et Config.tpc doivent impérativement être dans le meme repertoire que le fichier executable de votre client Ragnarok Online.
;  Triad Patchet.exe, GRF.dll and Config.tpc must be into the same directory than the executable file of your Ragnarok Online client.

; Options de base - Base options
;Langue des textes
;Texts language
;(francais, english, …)
language = english

;Langue du texte de "A propos"
;"About" text language
;0 = Francais, 1 = English
about_lang = 1

;En-tete du texte de "A propos", | = retour à la ligne
;"About" text header, | = carriage return
about_header = Enter information with | as a line spacing device

;Ne pas spécifiez de path signifie que le skin se situe au meme endroit que le fichier config.ini
;Leaving blank mean the skin is in the same folder as the config.ini file
;Couleur de transparence = FF00FF
;Transparent color = FF00FF
bmpskin_path =
bmpskin_file = skin.bmp ;Ne pas spécifiez de path signifie que la bannière se situe au meme endroit que le fichier config.ini
;Leaving path blank mean the banner is in the same folder as the config.ini file
;Format ???x88
banner_width = 545
banner_path =
banner_file =

;0 = Aucun, 1 = SWF (Flash), 2 = BMP, 3 = JPG/JPEG, 4 = PNG
;0 = None, 1 = SWF (Flash), 2 = BMP, 3 = JPG/JPEG, 4 = PNG
banner_type = 0

;Musique de fond - 0 = Désactivé, 1 = Activé
;Background music - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
bgm_enabled = 0

;Fichier MP3 pour la musique de fond
;MP3 file for the background music
(Ex: MyMusic.mp3, BMG\TriadBGM.mp3, etc…)
bgm_file =

;Sons des boutons - 0 = Désactivé, 1 = Activé
;Button's sounds - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
btnsnd_enabled = 0

;Création d'un fichier de log des actions effectué par Triad Patcher
;Creation of a log file that will logs all actions made by Triad Patcher
;0 = Désactivé/Disabled, 1 = Activé/Enabled
create_log = 0

; Diverses URLs requis pour le fonctionnement de Triad Patcher - Some URLs used by Triad Patcher

;URL de votre page d'actualité
;URL of your news page
news = ;URL de votre page d'inscription (afficher dans la fenetre A propos)
;URL of your registering page (displayed in About form)
register = ;URL du fichier contenant la liste des patchs (.ini)
;URL of the file containing the patchs list (.ini)
patchs_list = ;Nom du fichier executable de votre client Ragnarok Online à lancer (.exe)
;Executable file of your Ragnarok Online client filename to launch (.exe)
exec_file = ;Arguments à passer a votre fichier executable, peut etre laissé vide
;Arguments to pass to your executable file, can be empty
;(Ex: 1rag1, 1sak1, etc…)
exec_args =

; Zonage des éléments du skin - Skin's elements mapping
body_left = 0
body_top = 0
body_width = 545
body_height = 469

;Boutons lorsque la souris n'est pas au dessus
;Buttons when the mouse is not over
button_start_left = 0
button_start_top = 0
button_start_width = 0
button_start_height = 0
button_quit_left = 0
button_quit_top = 0
button_quit_width = 0
button_quit_height = 0
button_about_left = 0
button_about_top = 0
button_about_width = 0
button_about_height = 0

;Boutons lorsque la souris est au dessus
;Buttons when the mouse is over
button_startb_left = 1
button_startb_top = 470
button_startb_width = 84
button_startb_height = 22
button_quitb_left = 86
button_quitb_top = 470
button_quitb_width = 84
button_quitb_height = 22
button_aboutb_left = 171
button_aboutb_top = 470
button_aboutb_width = 84
button_aboutb_height = 22

; Coordonnées des éléments de l'interface - Interface's elements coordinates
body_width = 545
body_height = 469
button_start_left = 395
button_start_top = 69
button_start_width = 84
button_start_height = 22
button_quit_left = 395
button_quit_top = 90
button_quit_width = 84
button_quit_height = 22
;Le bouton A propos doit être visible (minimum 5x5 pixels)
;About button must be visible (5x5 pixels at least)
button_about_left = 395
button_about_top = 111
button_about_width = 84
button_about_height = 22
progressbar_left = 18
progressbar_top = 438
progressbar_width = 509
progressbar_height = 18
webbrowser_left = 17
webbrowser_top = 161
webbrowser_width = 511
webbrowser_height = 252

; Options des éléments de l'interface - Interface's elements options
; 0 = Désactivé/Disbled, 1 = Activé/Enabled
;Note: Le bouton A propos n'est pas désactivable
;Note: About button cannot be disabled
button_start_enabled = 1
button_quit_enabled = 1
progressbar_enabled = 1
webbrowser_enabled = 1

; Bar de progression et navigateur web - Progress bar and web browser

;Couleur de la bordure de la bar de progression, format HTML (RRVVBB)
;Border color of the progress bar, HTML format (RRGGBB)
progressbar_bordercolor = C0C0C0

;Couleur de fond de la bar de progression, format HTML (RRVVBB)
;Background color of the progress bar, HTML format (RRGGBB)
progressbar_backcolor = FFFFFF

;Couleur de remplissage de la bar de progression, format HTML (RRVVBB)
;Foreground color of the progress bar, HTML format (RRGGBB)
progressbar_forecolor = C0C0C0

;Couleur de la bordure du navigateur web, format HTML (RRVVBB)
;Border color of the web browser, HTML format (RRGGBB)
webbrowser_bordercolor = C0C0C0

; Style des textes
;Nom de la fonte du texte (police de caractères)
;Font text name
button_name = MS Sans Serif

;Taille du text, en pixel (entre 6 et 16)
;Font size, in pixel (between 6 and 16)
button_size = 8

;Couleur au format HTML (RRVVBB)
;Font color, HTML format (RRGGBB)
button_color = 000000

;0 = Normal, 1 = Gras
;0 = Normal, 1 = Bold
button_bold = 0

;Nom de la fonte du texte (police de caractères)
;Font text name
body_name = MS Sans Serif

;Taille du texte, en pixel
;Font size, in pixel
body_size = 8

;Couleur au format HTML (RRVVBB)
;Font color, HTML format (RRGGBB)
body_color = 000000

;0 = Normal, 1 = Gras
;0 = Normal, 1 = Bold
body_bold = 0

**STEP 2:**

Alright the next step is to make the .exe file, go to the configurator folder again and open up the Triad Configurator.exe and then place the languages.ini and config.ini into the correct boxes, then click the Build the output file at the bottom, this will give you a .tpc file

-now take the Triad Patcher.exe, the GRF.dll file and the new .tpc file and place them all into your client folder

Now the Triad Patcher.exe file should work (you can rename it whatever you want with the .exe at the end of the name)

**STEP 3:**

Go to the "Packer" folder and open the Triad Packer.exe

Here click the add button and add all the files you would like updated by the update server make sure to include folder directorys for the client (in example a tileset1.bmp would have to be added: GFX/tileset1.bmp) if you don't do this the files will all be in one folder and your client executable program will not work

Next save a file list to the packer folder so you can have a backup for later and then pack the files to an easy to find location such as your desktop

The new file should be whatever you saved it .tpp (lets say i saved it as Patch1.0 it would be called Patch1.0.tpp on my desktop) This file will need to be uploaded to a direct upload source _Find a source like this and then upload it to that source. Next take the url of the file and place it into the patchs_list.ini file as shown:

; Liste des patches - Patchs list

; 0 = Non, 1 = Oui
; 0 = No, 1 = Yes

;Interdire la récupération des patches
;Deny the patchs downloading
deny_getpatch = 0

;Interdire le lancement de Ragnarok
;Deny the launching of Ragnarok
deny_play = 0 ;Chemin du répertoire des patches
;URL of Patchs directory
;patchs_directory = ; http://adresse/patch = 0 ou 1 (0 = Ne pas installer, 1 = Installer)
; http://location/patch = 0 or 1 (0 = Do not install, 1 = Install)
; Ex: http://www.no-ip.com/Triad_00.tpp = 1
**STEP 4:**
Host this patch_list.ini on a hosting directory (i used googlepages.com again just like the news.html file we uploaded earlier)

Now attempt to open your Triad Patcher.exe in your client folder and see if it works correctly with all of your files and settings

EDIT!!!!!: Easiest and best way to host files I've found is with mediafire, yes mediafire

Here is how to make it work:
1) It will make the process a lot easier if you are using Mozilla Firefox and download this: [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/26](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/26) this will make it possible to copy the source url to files which is what direct file hosting is

2) Upload your .tpp files to mediafire

3) Download the .tpp file regularly and then right click on the file in the status download bar and click "Copy Source URL" which will give you a direct link to the file

4) Then just add the .tpp link into your Patchs_list.ini file and upload that to the correct place for your updater to work!

Hope this tutorial helped you if it didn't tell me what im missing thanks!

Master Legit
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