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I am starting on my mmorpg that is called magic. I am new to Eclipse so bare with me as I update this. I am going to make it with Eclipse Origins 4.0\. I hope you will enjoy it.


Long ago before any man or woman sat foot on the magical world of chyt there were 3 gods who constantly fought over the planet and who would rule it. Eventually the gods decided to rule the planet together and place Several different races on the planet and make them fight each other.

Classes(All will be based around magic of course)

Wizard(Tank) Wizards are capable of doing unimaginable destruction, and eliminating a massive number of enemies at once.

Mage(DPS) Mages are capable of causing destruction with unimaginable speed, taking their foes out quickly.

Monk(Healer) Monks are blessed with the power of healing. They are the most important class in any party and shouldn't be underestimated.



High Elf


More coming soon!


Everything Eclipse Origins 4.0 offers

I could use some help with making my game so if you're interested please post on here or send me a pm.
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Long ago before any man or woman sat(Should be set) foot on the magical world of chyt(is it pronouced Chite or Sh*t or Shite?) there were 3 gods who constantly fought over the planet and who would rule it. Eventually the gods decided to rule the planet together and place Several different races on the planet and make them fight each other.
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