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What parts would make it most sucessful?


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Topic: all the topics are based around a virus that gives people zombie like features.
1\. You wake up in a house and learn about a wierd virus going around giving people zombie like features. The owner of the house gives you a gun and tells you about the surrounding area and tour off on your own.
2\. You beginin at a stronghold against the virus and this selected area would give you your quest and goals in the game to do.
3\. You just beging at your own house ready to kill, join other players an go around slaughtering  zombies.

Player vs player:
1\. Have no player vs player at all
2\. The option to be a zombie and go around killing survivors and npc humans and visa versa almost everywhere on the map.
3\. The final option is player vs player only in certian arenas or fight zones.

The map: the map is based on the United States but I'm thinking of working on a future update of having options to ttavle I other regions around the world.
1.the map will be really large and will try to make it most relistic to the world. (I have heard of a game called fallout 3 and was wondering was this like the map and storyline like fallout?)
2\. The map is a decent size but not related to relasitc like only important LANd marks and the map could change from city to forest to town to desert.
3\. Not based really on any country just towns, citys, deserts, ect.

So please help me, also I will be on a pc tomorow to fix any typing errors as this was all type on my iPod touch.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The main problem with a zombie-based game that is PvP, is balancing.

I was thinking of a zombie game a year or so ago, I was planning to have it something like the game Urban Dead, where if you die you become a zombie, but it's possible for you to search out scientists and get "cured". A method like this might be plausible.

As far as the map, having it in the wilderness isn't that great for a zombie theme. The point is that zombies are corrupted undead humans, and humans exist mostly in population centers. Population centers are cities.
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