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Opinions needed for my roleplaying game.


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I need some opinions on which looks better on paper spell 1 or spell 2 for my roleplaying game.

The difference between the two is, spell 1 states you have the Move Silently Condition (positive status effect). Spell 2 states you are moving silently.

The actual gameplay is exactly the same either way, it's just how it looks on paper as well as wording of spells that remove status effects.

**ST:** You see the band of ogres ahead.

**Character:** I chuckle to myself, I begin to move silently to sneak past them.

**ST:** You step on twigs as you sneak past them, however no noise reaches the ogre's ears. You sneak past them easily.

Spell 1 Example
**[10 Energy Points] [Self]

_The Rogue becomes silent as the wind, all sounds that would be caused by the Rogue cease._

The Rogue becomes silent as the wind, the Rogue then acquires the Move Silently Condition. While the Move Silently Condition is activated all unwanted sounds coming from the Rogue ceases.
If the Rogue has the Stealth Condition activated as well it increases the difficulty to detect by an additional perception roll.
If the Rogue uses the Rogue Steal Technique while the Move Silently Condition is activated the Rogue acquires a +1 on their attack roll. This technique lasts 4 rounds.

Spell 2 Example
**[10 Energy Points] [Self]

_The Rogue becomes silent as the wind, all sounds that would be caused by the Rogue cease._

The Rogue becomes silent as the wind and begins to move silently. While moving silently unwanted sounds coming from the Rogue ceases.

If the Rogue is stealthed as well as moving silently the difficulty to detect the Rogue is increased by an additional perception roll.
If the Rogue uses steal while the moving silently the Rogue acquires a +1 on their attack roll. This technique lasts 4 rounds.****
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I have another question and I hope to get some more feedback :)
Question boils down to is this too far from the norm to enjoy or is it diffrent enough you would actually give it a try.

For example the Rogue class has 5 spell categories; Assassin, Ninja, Thief, Bard,and Trickster (non-violent illusionist). Each category has 15 spells in it and as you level up you get to choose 2 spells. What makes this unique is you can effectively create a custom character with the spells that you want, as well at a certain level you choose another class to help build your custom character.
Another example is the Sorcerer class has; Elemental, Psionics, Illusionist, Summons, Sorcery.

Would that be better or would the classic I'm a thief or a mage and as I level up I get these spells I might never use?

Anyone that roleplays or plays games please give feedback or suggestions :)
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I like the mechanic, I might suggest changing the names though to less reflect specific professions and more a kind of theme. Some are obvious, like Assassin and trickster, but with some of the others I wonder about. What would the Ninja abilities be that were different from Assassin? What does the Thief category entail?
Having them named more like Assassination, Mystic Stealth, Treachery, Manipulation and Trickery would be good, in my opinion. Just easier to figure out what the theme is.

I do like the concept though. A similar thing has been done in many games, such as Talent points in World of Warcraft, but if you made it the primary source of abilities for the class it would work quite well. Perhaps some abilities (i.e. stealth) would be available to all, but the vast majority requiring specialization within one of those branches.

In short, I like it, I would use it, it does however look like it could use some minor, almost fluff based tweaks.
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