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[EO2] New admin access level


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Ok, so I recently realised I was asking for tutorials and not giving back to the community. This is an easy tutorial and it is my first tutorial and after searching I found no one else had made one on this so I did. It works in EO2 but I don't know about other engines.

This'll add another admin rank to your EO2 game and give it a designated colour for name (as default for uncoloured admin ranks is black).

So, lets begin!


Open ModConstants and find this:

Public Const ADMIN_CREATOR As Byte = 4

Beneath it add

Public Const ADMIN_OWNER As Byte = 5 'You can change the "OWNER" to anything you want.
So, now you've added the rank! Now lets deal with the colours!

In ModHandleData find

Case 4
colour = QBColor(Yellow)

and add beneath it

Case 5
colour = QBColor(Pink) 'You can change the colour to what you want.


In modText find

Case 4
color = QBColor(Yellow) 

and add below it

Case 5
color = QBColor(Pink) 'Change colour if wanted!
And then it should have that as the colour!

Now, to let the server recognise this new rank!


In ModConstants find

Public Const ADMIN_CREATOR As Byte = 4

and add below it

Public Const ADMIN_OWNER As Byte = 5 'You can change the "OWNER" to anything you want.


You now have another admin rank that the server will auto-set as highest admin rank!



Want now to restrict an admin button? Maybe prevent Access Setting to only ADMIN_OWNERs? Then follow this!


Open frmMain and get to your Admin Panel (set fullscreen enabled and open fullscreen within VB6)

Now, double-click "Set Access" button.


If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_CREATOR Then

Exit Sub
End If

If Len(Trim$(txtAName.text)) < 2 Then
Exit Sub
End If


If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_SCRATSO Then 'Change SCRATSO to your
'Highest Admin Access!

Exit Sub
End If

If Len(Trim$(txtAName.text)) < 2 Then
Exit Sub
End If

And Voíla! You now have restricted admin promotions to your new rank!
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Whoops! Forgot this:


In modText find

Case 4
color = QBColor(Yellow)

and add below it

Case 5
color = QBColor(Pink) 'Edit the colour if wanted!


Updated Main post.

(If you miss that part out it still has the Name above the admin's head black - this turns it pink. ModHandleData's colours deal with Chat colour - It makes the name Pink in chat :D)
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