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New Forsville


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That first map you posted was actually what inspired me to do this one. I've much to learn, but hopefully I'm making steps in the right direction. I'll keep checking out your maps and see what makes them as amazing as they are.

Thanks :D
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Yeah they are looking alright, the big thing I think is your cliffs; I always thought that the normal "height" of mountains and cliff tiles should be how they are most often in the tileset (3 tiles high). Do this and terrace the mountains more, like in the top-left of my first map. Even though it's basically the same height (6 tiles for both "levels"), it has a bit more depth and in a pinch you can jut that bit out for a detail outcropping. It also allows you to keep your height levels consistant; you have a couple issues with consistant height on your cliffs which is most notable in the top center of your map (the grey rock).

Also with your city, the walls/foundation of the city is too jagged. When it comes to engineered environments like cities, straight lines can be a good thing and often are better. Building a wall all jagged like that would be wasteful of resources and labor-intensive to construct. Straighter main walls with wall outcrops for watches would look better and map better than all the unneccesary corners.

Oh yeah and your city walls are too high; the stairs going to them go 1 tile, 2 tile, 3 tile high, but then the walls are all 5 tiles high (which look too high in my opinion, a lot of wasted tile space devoted to bleh blank walls).
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