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Ruin Recruitment

Icie Juicy

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**Ruin Development Team and Openings**

>! **Project Leader**
Icie Juicy
>! **Project Co-Leaders**
Alpha C
>! **Head of Mapping**
**Planet Mapper**
**Dungeon/Interior Building Mapper**
>! **Head of Coding**
**Source Coder**
**Quests/NPC Scripter**
**Skills Scripter**
>! **Head of Graphics**
**Sprites/Items Creater**
**Tiles/GUI Creater**
>! **Concept Team**
Icie Juicy
Alpha C


>! **To apply for any of the positions above, please copy the form below and send it to me (Icie Juicy), either on this forum or on the Ruin Official Forum.**
>! 1) What position are you applying for?
2) What previous experience do you have in this area and for how long?
3) What is your specific area of expertise (example: skill scripting, sprites, tiles, dugeon mapping ect…) and how skilled are you in it?
4) How often would you be able to work on your area of Ruin?
5) Please provide examples of your past work in this area (not required/STRONGLY RECOMMENDED).

**Project Info and Links**

>! **WIP Thread:** http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,64029
>! **Ruin Official Forum:** http://www.ruinmmo.smffy.com/index.php
>! **Ruin Website:** http://ruinmmo.webs.com/

**Intro To Storyline (expanded in WIP)**

>! **Ruin:**
As any time in history before, war was commonplace on Earth. However as technological ages advanced, what was once minor destruction of towns and villages evolved into mass destruction of cities and countries. After over a century since the first and second atomic bombs had been put to work, thousands of newer and more catastrophic ones had been produced all over the planet. Eventually what were empty atomic threats transformed by fear into actual contemplation. As a single radical group gave way to the temptation, the third ever atomic bomb was launched against the United States of America. Then after over a century between previous devastions and now without hesitation, the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh atomic bombs were all launched simultaneously around the world. The effects of various biological, chemical and nuclear agents caused an unforseen problem as the atmosphere of Earth began to disintigrate. Large riots ensued as large masses of people fought to find safety on Earth or to escape it all together in the wanning days of the planet. However for those who remained it was too late. Earth had been infected with a cancer, one it would not escape alive, the human race…

**Concepts Overview**

>! **100% Custom Graphics:** Ruin will consist of solely custom graphics in it's final stages. Though graphics are not custom at this point, we will be 100% custom to include sprites, tiles, items, animations… everything!
>! **Unique Skills:** In Ruin you won't see the generic and overly used "cooking", "mining" and "woodcutting" skills. While those skills will be in Ruin, they only play a small role in the vast "Gathering" skill. Many other original skills will be used, such as Divinity!
>! **Entertaining Storyline:** The basis of Ruin is a compelling storyline, no childish or cheesy characters. This is a story previously untold, new and ever changing as you progress in Ruin. You may choose your allegiance with a certain faction you grow fond of or play rogue.
>! **Dedicated Developers:** While the current developers of Ruin are not the most experienced in using Eclipse, the dedication, project vision and experience in project management are an extremely successful combination.
>! **Vast Worlds:** Ruin has 4 seperate planets all under construction currently with their own unique areas to explore and train.
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