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PRC Online


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PRC Online
Project ReCreation

Genre: Science Fiction
Era: 2200
Location: Earth
Website: [http://www.prconline.webs.com/](http://www.prconline.webs.com/)
Release Date: 2011


In the year of 2035, aliens whom called themselves Trii (Tri- e) made a first visit to our planet of earth. The US government had tried it's best to destroy the Invaders, but after just 1 month they had taken over half of the country, and over 30 other countries had been destroyed. The Trii had sent a message, hacked into every human communication frequency, which said:

    "Greetings People of Earth. I have no Idea what lead you to thinking we've of hostile intentions, but we mean you no further harm if you agree to stop this nonsense and join a Planetary treaty.  The treaty will keep us from destroying one another and will keep you from being destroyed by the other people of other worlds.

I can see that your technology Lacks and a war among our races would result in your deaths. We'll halt our advance, you've one passing of your moon to agree to the treaty or your people will die."

    - Trii Leader, Ganru

After 3 days all the countries of Earth agreed to sign the Trii's treaty stopping the Invasion.

30 years after the Invasion, the two races grew closer, and the Trii helped the Humans to build better technologies, and the world was finally in a state of peace.

However a man by the name of Gregory Legionmare created a device in secret away from the eyes of the Trii, that could be used to destroy the Trii Hybian Ships.

On the New year of 2098 someone triggered a number of these weapons around the world, which caused the world to transform into a complete wasteland. Only a few thousand Humans and Trii survived in the most remote locations around the world.

The world as we know it is gone, obliterated to dust. The old world is no more so a new one can be made, the Recreation process is among us. Let us rebuild, a better world.

(ATM I've got none, I need a rewrite of the programing to proceed onto this step.)


Creation System
Battle System
Major PvP
Alien Spices
(see lower part for explanations.)

What assistance will be Needed:
Programmer/ scripter = 1
Spriter = 1
Landscape Pixeler = 1
Server Host = 1

Mappers= 20
music Composers = 1
sound composers = 1

other help accepted.

If you would like to help please PM me on my website: [http://www.prconline.webs.com/](http://www.prconline.webs.com/)


Creation System
This is a system which allows the player to build and design their own weapons, Items, armor, and devices. Once you learn how to operate it's workings correctly, there's really nothing you cant make.

Battle System
The battle system is full of intense combat and can leave you dead before you even have a chance to fight. with both combos and headshots plaguing the player in the heat of battle you'll want to stay on your guard at all times.

Major PvP
With most of the Playing field in a giant strategic Battlefield, there's almost no one who is safe from your mayhem. Build guilds and alliances to take down your enemies and build an empire.

Air is important, that's what keeps us alive, VAU marks the total amount of Oxygen in the area, it's replenished with a good environment, but it can make playing harder in desert areas.

Alien Spices
You can play with either a Human character or an alien known as the Trii. However though there are only 2 playable races, there are many more who will try to kill you.

Disasters, so to speak, these play an almost chaotic role in the game's geographical state and can drastically alter who is in control.
Thank you for reading.

If we get 100 members on our site [http://www.prconline.webs.com](http://www.prconline.webs.com) by the time we launch, I'll boost the game's exp rate by 3x, if not then I'll keep it at 2x for the launch week. I also expect this game will be released around March 2011.
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