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**What Is Tempest?**
Long ago in the El Nathian Mountains was a group of dragon hunters called Tempest. Their leader was cruel and viscous, or so it seemed. The leader was actually a kind man with a lion heart [pure good] that never meant any harm to anyone. His love of his life was until later the only one who knew the truth. A man from his own clan decided to spy on him and saw how soft he really was. While the leader was sleeping the clan members rallied together and set up an execution for the once proud ruler. Without a leader by them, the guild slowly died off. The man's lover had died of a plague. To these days, they say if you visit the now called "Lion's Castle" you can see the ruler's spirit roaming the halls in search of his lost love…

Yeah... kind of based on the original...

Since the old guild died off my O.C had made up his own with decent respects to the original by using the same insignia and font used...

Current Members:
NOTE: though the majority of these characters are NPCs, there are actual O.Cs put in from some willing to join in the past…


How to Join:
Fill in the following form:

>! Name:
Character picture: [any style/game is fine]
Powers: [if any]
Why I want to be in this Guild: [one paragraph long, no exceptions]
Online Games I play: [official versions, if you play on private servers just say "private ___" no eclipse MMOs]

Not all applications will be accepted, though I'm sure you all have what it takes :D
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