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A Couple Questions


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I'm using the latest Origins. Also, I can provide more details if you need. Also, I'm assuming at least 1 of these would need sourcing, so if it does, please let me know (And point me out a tutorial if you know of one please).

1\. Key attribute isn't working? I place a key attribute, and when I use the key, the sprite doesn't go away (It's on the mask layer), and it stays open forever.
SOLVED: Unfinished, need to source it in (Thanks Ryoku Hasu).

2\. Is there a list somewhere of the experience needed per level?
SOLVED: It's actually a formula based on your level (Thanks Ryoku Hasu).

3\. Certain items I make are invisible when dropped… What would cause that?
FIXED: Made all the items 64x32

4\. Can you make non-currency items stackable?

5\. Can you make multiple drops / a range of the number of items dropped (I.E. a blob can drop 5-25 Gold Coins, and a 1/10 chance of a blob goop)?

6\. While I'm moving left or right, a black dot appears at the back of my character (2 pixels) on the third frame, no matter what sprite I use. It only happens when I use the paperdoll of my axe, but I checked it, and it contains no dots whatsoever. I tried recolouring the whole transparent part of the paperdoll, but I still get that dot… See the attached file for an example of what I mean.
FIXED: The paperdoll was misaligned and was interfering with itself (Thanks Becky).

7.  I tried putting in an OGG file, but it won't let me select it for the theme of a map… Yes, it is in the right folder.
SOLVED: Need to add in OGG support through source (Thanks Ryoku Hasu).

8\. When I play a WAV sound on my computer, it runs fine. When it plays on my client, it's silent. I zipped up my client and sent it to a friend. It worked just fine for him. What's wrong?
FIXED: My sound was off (Thanks Ryoku Hasu).
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1) there is no keys, its a part of the unfinished door system. to fix this install my tut on advanced doors, keys, and switches.

However, I do not fix the key tile. I just give you an alternative door system, one that's finished.

2) There is no list, EXP to next level is calculated on the server side in the form of a Formula.

7) OOG files are not supported by EO, you have to add support for them.

8) check to see if you turned sound off in your EO options
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