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PokeTwitch -Base


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So, I've recently started a development on pretty much rewriting Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Rescue Team) in C# using SFML. The project started on twitch as just coding for fun. It's not gonna be a game I'm hosting when I'm done. It's purely for practice. When I'm done developing this, I'm gonna modify it and make it into a 2D "Game Engine", kinda like eclipse. It already has multiplayer compatibility. The source to the program is ONLY edited during live streams. And NO COMMITS OR PUSHES to the git repository are accepted. This is for community development and we only work on it during the stream. I try to stream daily, usually around night times after work. Excellent work and I mentor and explain EVERYTHING I'm coding as I'm doing it.

In the chat we discuss concepts, make suggestions, try to fix bugs, and much more as a twitch group. It's a great educational experience. At the end of every stream we plan on what next stream's goals will be and we try to stick to that plan alone. So, you always know what the topics are ahead of time.

If you're interested in Network, C#, Programming Patterns or more, you should subscribe and check out my channel at:

For our git reposity:

-You may branch, but WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY PUSHES!
(there were 2 commits pushed off the stream but only to fix the usage of references when you download the project)

Last night was Stream day 3, and here's what we have complete:

Network Layout
Observer Pattern for plugins and event handling with hooks!
BasLib for plugin and quicker development
Rendering Animations
Rendering Sprites
Rendering Maps (With unlimited Layers (fringes + masks))
Map Scrolling
Window Resizing expands the view, not resizes sprites
Added a few Interface objects
began developing the main menu
Added Player Binary File Storage
Added Registration Handling
Added Login Handling
Normalized player movement based by pixel (NOT TILE MOVEMENT)
WASD Input for movement
Input key registration through hooks
Basic Chat

screen shots:

This thread probably won't be updated every stream so, this might be outdated if you're reading this after today:

Next Stream Goals:
Advanced User Interfaces (Chat box, adjustable screen objects, GUI options),
Basic Audio(Menu Music + SFX),
Network Error Handling + Networked Players
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This isn't the engine, this is a game, it will eventually become an engine after we're done, I'm gonna modify, it won't be pokemon based, and actually the only reason why I titled it pokemon was because PMD had a lot of the game features I wanted, and it's a popular game topic for Twitch. After I modify it for engine stuff, it won't have anything to do with pokeman
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