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Connecting Flash with VB6.


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Well, some of you know I am working on a game called: Negum Storm.
For my game, I am using a flash menu, the flash menu is connected to the client and the client is connected to the server ofc…
Players can login or register using the flash menu, so actually the only function of the flash menu is send the data typed by the player to the client, so the client can handle it and send it to the server.

Why I post this here and not on the resources topic?
Because I actually think it's more a "show off" then a release of my work.

Here is a screesnhot.
I will explain in the quote what it does.

>! ![](http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/6580/screenshotorm.png)
>! > The "small close.rar" contains the source code file of the "swfClose.swf" in Flash CS5, and the source code files of "projectVB6ConenctToFlash.exe" in VB6.
> The swfClose.swf has a button as you can see on the screenshot, if you click that button it will connect to the VB6 client, send ">0" to the VB6 client and then disconnect from the VB6 client.
> The VB6 client recieves the ">0" after accepting the connection request from the "swfClose.swf".
> So after recieving the ">0", the VB6 client will check if the first character is a ">", if so it will handle it using the command function, so it will send to the command function the "0".
> The command function will handle the "0" as closing the VB6 client in 5 seconds.


Another reason why I show this off, is because I suggest everyone to make a flash menu for their game, it's easy and very easy to update, like when it's a new year, you can easly update it so people see fireworks on the menu. I have learned ActionScript3 in 4 days, but I was serious.
Actually I have learned several programming languages, ActionScript3 is the most I like, but it's not the best. So yeah, maybe after this someone else would be interested in making a flash menu for his/her game.
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