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Ruins of Hell

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Posts posted by Ruins of Hell

  1. @Xlithan:

    > Which bugs were missed so I can fix them?

    [I don't think this one is.](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,80930.msg880033.html#msg880033) If you find any more, the Q&A board / this topic is always open for bug reports. I think most of the major bugs have been fixed already.
  2. @sotvotkong:

    > oh thank you so much.  compiled like a snap of the fingers.  but does that change other things i should be aware of?  using p-code to compile?

    There are [some differences between P-code and native code](http://vb.mvps.org/hardcore/html/p-codeversusnativecode.htm). I warn you that P-Code can also be decompiled. I think it would be a better idea to perhaps optimize the event system to use less memory, so it can be compiled natively.
  3. As per a suggestion from a user I have cleaned up this thread to remove an argument which was unrelated to the topic. I was invested in the discussion, and I do not want to make it seem that I am abusing my powers by removing dissenting opinions. If you want the original text of the discussion, you are welcome to privately message me. In addition, if you wish to continue a discussion we were having before I removed these posts, you are welcome to privately message me as well.

    I appreciate your understanding in this matter, and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
  4. @Xlithan:

    > Does this have all the bug fixes from EO 2? It would only make sense to release a new official version if all previous bugs were fixed. I'll check it out anyway.

    Yep (well most, it seems he missed one or two).


    > 6/19/12 - Release of Version 2.3.  This version includes A TON of bug fixes including all the general EO bug fixes in the Script Tutorial Index (Thanks Justin!). It also includes a new demo meant for new users to Eclipse as a whole. It is kinda fun, even for advanced users of Eclipse. (Thanks for the mapping Kibbelz!)
  5. Will the source code tutorials for EO 2.0 work for EO 3.0? - Probably not. EO 3 uses DirectX 8, so any tutorial that requires rendering things on screen may not work.

    Is it more stable and bug-free? - If you haven't installed EO bug fixes, yes. But if you want a DirectX 7 version of Origins that is more stable, you should either add the bug fixes yourself or use EO 2.3, which also has an event system.
  6. Make sure that all the sprites are in numerical order (1.bmp, 2.bmp, 3.bmp, 4.bmp …), and that they are all .bmp files.

    Also try changing to the sprite in the admin panel, and see if that works. That way we can find out if the error is with the Change Sprite feature or the actual sprite itself.
  7. @Alpha:

    > It would take quite an amount of time to convert Eclipse to the iOS and Android. Plus you need to make it touchscreen compatible. If you have the programming knowledge to do this, good luck :P

    This topic is about 2 months old. Please do not post in topics older than 1 month (except for the Resources section and a few other sections, where it is permitted. The full rules say this in more detail.)
  8. You can't call a private sub from outside the form. So you can't call a _Click, _OnMouseOver, et cetera event from outside of the form.
  9. @DeathTheKid:

    > General's right, generally even the top coders here are amateur  I'm sure they'd even admit to that. I'd still say not to sell yourself short you're definitely no noob come to coding. Sorry to barge in, goodluck.

    >knows nothing about programming
    >insulting programmers
  10. @Dawntide:

    > what the duck are you talking about? You need to zip your game, you can not split the files up, because then the updater will not work. The gamefiles need to be in 1 .rar file.

    He means to split up the files into multiple files, and then upload them as version 1-5\. You aren't supposed to zip up the entire gamefiles, only the ones you want to update. I don't like this solution much, but it is valid. What Robin said is unrelated to this, so quoting him is worthless.
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