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Posts posted by pandacoder

  1. @'Genusis':

    > So go with a integer.  yes there will be a slightly decrease in speed but its worth the size.

    Given how ancient the code base is, and therefore an ever decreasing number of knowledgeable maintainers, there's absolutely no reason to go for saving space at this point, it's a matter of ease of future use. I don't know how much this doubling would be, but I don't see it adding more than 16 bytes per user. Assuming it adds 16 bytes per user you would need millions of characters before it makes any noticeable difference. That being said changing this for the users/characters also means it should be changed for things like items, and whatever else. Assuming an average worst case scenario of added data of per se 32 bytes per object, you would need roughly 32,000 objects (characters, items, etc.) before it changes your data consumption by even _1 megabyte_. At this point in time, that's infinitesimal, and well above the average requirements for any of these games.

    In slightly-shorter-words: There is absolutely no reason to use anything other than longs if you are enlarging integer data types, as the gain in ease of maintenance or usage for future users or maintainers far, far outweighs the pidly cost in data size. Nobody here is making a game that will have millions of objects (I'd be surprised if any hit that 32,000 mark I mentioned earlier) that will be affected by this change, so the increase in data consumption will be utterly meaningless and _thus a moot point_.

    **_tl;dr: Take the 32-bit processor speed and software usability gains by using longs instead of integers, and don't look back._**
  2. @'ToshiroHayate':

    > A gem only shines when it's surrounded by dullness. You don't appreciate the sun until after it rains? No? Basically I value the courtesy of players more because it's "common" to get paired up with asshats.

    No, I detest the sun the most if it's right after it rains, it's foggy and muggy, and I detest it only slightly less when it hasn't rained. I would prefer however playing with a lot of decent people constantly than ever play with a toxic elitist. My solution to avoid playing with the latter is to just never play.
  3. @'SpiceyWolf':

    > Panda, he said he wanted to DRAW 2D. OpenTK makes it hell to carry out 2D tasks. If you need something quick/easy to learn(for 2D purpose) look into SFML my friend :)

    Actually he asked about 2D rendering in DX11, which is probably going to be harder than using OpenTK (and might I add that there are thousands of resources sitting on the internet for help in using OpenGL), so suggesting OpenTK was not even remotely a bad suggestion when OpenGL was brought up. SFML is limited, and has poor memory management making it difficult for inexperienced people to use it efficiently, so I'm not going to recommend that.
  4. OpenGL isn't DirectX?

    If you want to use OpenGL take a look at OpenTK. I'd suggest using OpenGL 3+ core features or later, don't use anything that is from OpenGL 1 or 2 and deprecated.
  5. So I went and created a testing system for our little pet project that outputs if you've passed test cases or failed them, which you can find [here](http://live.pandacoder.info/scripts/urlregextest.html).
    (if you didn't click "here": [http://live.pandacoder.info/scripts/urlregextest.html](http://live.pandacoder.info/scripts/urlregextest.html))

    **Something to note**: RegExr doesn't do the job properly, not sure why (though it comes close, but in my tester using the regular RegExp JavaScript object the Arabic URL is properly handled, as for some reason RegExr cuts off because of the \n character, which is part of \s).

    - if you were supposed to match it and you did, -1 point
    - if you were not supposed to match it and you did, -1 point
    - if it was a custom test that I added it does not affect your score (these are marked [OPTIONAL], and should be located at the bottom of all the test cases)

    **Clarifications I made**:
    One thing I did do is say that a partial match doesn't count, only full matches: e.g. in "http://google.com /querystring", "http://google.com" is a valid URL, but the whole thing is not.
    The reason I say that is is the appropriate way to go about doing this is because the purpose of our RegEx is to parse URLs in chat, which will most likely have other spaces.

    Instead of leeway which I just reasoned to give, a restriction should be that your RegEx must function without the use of ^$ around it, because if it requires that it's no longer realistic (^some regex$ matches from the start to the end of the string, unless you're using a RegEx engine that splits on new lines), and since from what I can tell the JavaScript RegEx engine handles it as from the beginning to the end of the string, and $ does not match line breaks.

    **By the way, my entry (388 characters, but given the clarifications I made above it matches every single test case that is currently present):**
    @Marsh: I'll be on the shoutbox sometime in the morning if you have any comments about anything I wrote here.
  6. **Updates**
    glfwCreateCursor() – broken, haven't figured out how to fix this one
    glfwGetGammaRamp() -- less than desirable implementation, but it works
    glfwGetMonitors() -- less than desirable implementation, but it works
    glfwSetGammaRamp() -- untested, might just work or have the same problems as glfwCreateCursor()
  7. **What is GLFW3?**
    @GLFW3 Website:

    > GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts and receiving input and events. It is easy to integrate into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main loop.
    > GLFW is written in C and has native support for Windows, OS X and many Unix-like systems using the X Window System, such as Linux and FreeBSD.

    _Note: This means it's just a windowing system. Creating an OpenGL binding is something I'm also considering doing, but the OpenGL API is far larger and far more difficult to implement a binding for and test to see that every single facet of the binding works._

    **What is glfw-net?**
    glfw-net is a .NET binding of _only_ GLFW3 (so no earlier versions) that is meant to mimic the GLFW3 API as close as possible – types and casing are almost exactly the same. Obviously since GLFW3 supports multiple operating systems the goal of glfw-net is also to support those same systems. Currently due to the limitations of C#, the C# equivalent of C++ API calls need to be prefixed with "GLFW3.", but if my interpretation serves correct, with Roslyn, C# and Mono will support static imports like Java, allowing you to drop the "GLFW3." entirely. With everything being said, glfw-net is not meant to fit the code style of C#, as it is not meant to be a wrapper. It's designed to maximize copy-pasting between C++ and C# code to facilitate easier porting.

    **Current shortfalls?**
    Unfortunately at the moment, since the official GLFW3 website does not provide binaries for systems outside of Windows, I have only packaged binaries for x86 and x64 Windows compiled with VC2013 (so potentially will not support older Windows systems). In addition, I've only tested about 20 API calls and ensured that the program did not crash prior to or after the call (for example my original implementations of for example ```
    ```didn't crash when I called it, but when I tried to close the application after the API call it crashed instead of closing normally).

    **So why have I posted this when most of it's untested?**
    First off, I know some people around here like tinkering with things, and this is something that may pique their interest. Second of all, I can't test for example, the joystick related API calls, since I don't own or know where I can borrow a joystick. Third of all, at the moment I am unable to test OSX or Linux, so I'm hoping someone will compile some binaries for them as well as test API calls to make sure I don't have any stupid bugs that don't show up on Windows. Lastly, I know a lot of people around here are starting to get into, or have gotten into C# programming, and I'm trying to encourage moving off of, and staying off of, any version of VB, as well as some innovation so people won't just use things like SFML (which has terrible memory management for objects despite having a fairly simple/good API) and will instead think further outside the box.

    I haven't tested to see if anything will work right now with glfw-net (haven't had that much time, and I just started on the binding about 24 hours ago, which includes sleep and working time), but somebody might be able to get glfw-net to work with OpenTK, which would provide a means to use OpenGL with GLFW3 from C#, without using something like Pencil.Gaming (which seems to have a. a less than desirable GLFW2/3 binding implementation and b. a bloated implementation). There are OpenGL bindings in C#, just none of them live up to the standard LWJGL3 has set, which from my experience with it and the underlying C/C++ APIs, is really good.

    **Repository** – https://github.com/lodico/glfw-net
    **License** – MIT (open source, free for commercial use and derivative works so long as the license is packaged with any distributions of the source code, read the license file for more detail)

    **.NET 4.5** – if someone wants to see if glfw-net works on an earlier version of .NET and submit an issue to the repository for me to change the version, go ahead, but otherwise it's staying on 4.5
    **GLFW3 library files for your system** – obviously if the provided GLFW3 binaries don't work for you (stored in the 'lib' directory tree) you'll need to compile your own (or download the binaries if you're running Windows but can't use the VC2013 binaries that I provided, but I find this unlikely if your version of Windows supports .NET 4.5)
  8. > There are probably more people that go into Computer Science for database and networking than programming, but right Computer Science is a broad scope when compared to the many divisions of other sciences out there (Chemistry, Biology, etc).

    You'd be surprised to know that the other sciences are far more broad than you might think, and many specialized facets of computer science are tied fundamentally to them.

    That being said, yes, I agree with the first half of what you said, with a slight addition. Relative to programming, I believe the number of students who actually go into the "science" part of computer science is minimal in comparison. Also, databases and networking _is_ programming, and from the people I have talked to, most plan on going into some facet of game development (e.g. UX, AI, localization), database related programming, high-level networking related programming and a mobile applications.

    > I think many people here have a mistaken notion of what Computer Science actually is.
    > Actual programming is such a minor part of Computer Science. In many respects, programming is to Computer Science as Algebra is to Advanced Mathematics; it's used extensively, but your education won't focus on it. A large part of our curriculum is oriented towards understanding different types of algorithms, data structures, and computational models. Yes, quite a bit of this requires programming, but programming isn't the center-piece.

    This is true, although while programming is a small portion of computer science, as I stated above, most computer science students I know want to become software engineers (programming, this is the application side) as opposed to computer scientists (the theory side).

    My responses to other posts given, if you want to go into the games industry you also need to pick whether you are going to go for just undergraduate school for a Bachelor's degree or enroll in graduate school for either a Master's or Doctorate (PhD) as well.

    In addition, if you are going into games I don't recommend Ruby, I recommend C++, C#, Java, JavaScript and if you have something specific in mind, even Python, with experience in at least one of the following: OpenGL, DirectX, Unity, Unreal, WebGL, OpenGL ES.

    The following will likely not help you get any decent job in the industry: Visual Basic (any version), RPG Maker, Game Maker.
  9. > Nintendo would make way more money if they allowed Let's Plays and such of that nature in the YouTube space. I actually bought Mario Kart 8 after seeing someone play it. Now tell me about irony.
    > The problem is that by taking videos off of YouTube harms their credibility with the fans and harms potential marketing/awareness they would of got from that video. Basically, Nintendo is an outdated company that lives by its old methods of protection, when it should fully exploit them to live longer rather than die than their characters would be stolen easily anyway. Don't get me wrong, Nintendo won't die that soon, but this could lead them to their demise if they push hard enough against it. But heck Sony has a bigger chance of collapsing as a company.

    The fact that they made a statement allowing it on Nicovideo should be a tell-tale sign to you that it's likely coming to the YouTube space as well, they aren't stupid. There _is_ a contest on Nicovideo starting December 1st, which is probably why it was announced now.
  10. > Nintendo is still really bad about ownership laws. May lead to their downfall as a company, but best of wishes to them.

    What's theirs is theirs. Universal is the one who sued Nintendo for infringement on King Kong with the creation of Donkey Kong after they (Universal) had previously fought a court case on the stance of King Kong being public domain (thereby Nintendo being able to commercialize their derivative character). Now talk about bad ownership there. ~_^

    What Nintendo is, is a company that is extremely protective of their characters, and rightfully so. Sony and Microsoft have business interests outside the realms of the Playstation and Xbox. Some of the most well known Playstation and Xbox games are things like Call of Duty and Battlefield. Nintendo? Pikmin, Pokemon, Mario, Luigi, Zelda, Fire Emblem. Nintendo lives by their characters, and dies without them.
  11. > They're saying that "let's play" video makers can legally create said videos as long as they are not producing a cash flow. My interpretation anyway.

    True, however it's limited.

    > Nintendo announced on a stream that videos featuring their games properties uploaded to Nicovideo.jp is allowed. So far, they have acknowledged it for Let's Plays, Game Music Covers, and Fan Art. Nothing else.
    > ~~Under a Creative Endorsement Program from Nicovideo (Dwango), which rewards video creators for making high-ranking videos, Nintendo will allow videos using Nintendo properties to receive such prizes. ~~
    > ~~There is a list of titles which they have not revealed for which the Creative Endorsement Program can be applied to, so it only applies under these titles. The program will be activated on 1st December, so expect more details later on.~~

    In summary you are allowed to upload to Nicovideo.jp, and you are only allowed to upload Let's Plays, GMCs and Fanart.

    This does not include YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc. This also doesn't include streaming sites like Hitbox and Twitch. Nintendo may or may not revise their statement to include these sites as well.

    The text I added a strikethrough to is valid, but it's specifically related to the Creative Endorsement Program and receiving something of monetary value, not uploading for free.
  12. > Better off just providing a URL to their website or page.

    Not when, based on their license, you are legally required to provide a copy of their license. Since the project is now using Gradle I think it _may_ be a non-issue now though.

    Edit: Gradle License Task [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24280284/list-all-gradle-dependencies-with-their-licences](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24280284/list-all-gradle-dependencies-with-their-licences)
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