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Posts posted by SawQuart

  1. You cant make it like Runescape, but if you edit a NPC, youll see that you can edit "talk". It will display a message in the chat box. If you want to make a different chat with the NPCs, try using Flash Theater. You can learn how to use that by looking at some tuts on it. The chat way is the easiest though!
  2. Ok, so I did the portforwarding thing from all the tuts. Each time it didnt work. Then I tried Hemachi. The server IP was my Internal IP and NOT the Hemachi IP like it was suppost to be. When I opened the client and put in the Hemachi IP, it worked and granted me access. Can anybody else access the files and play on my game online? Or do I have to portforward again?
  3. **Intro**

    So you have probably looked through the lush supply of music eclipse has to offer. You may have wondered how you could make it, or even edit it. Here is a simple, but deep guide on how to edit, make, and/ or compose great music for your game. I'm not just gonna go over the basics… that gets boring. For example, I'm not going to tell Mac users to use Garage Band, I'm going to tell them how to edit a song made in garage band (mostly because everyone that's interested in music and has a Mac already has knowledge in that field).


    So you wanna make music? This part is the hardest to explain, but pays off. Search around your house for instruments. You probably have found something like a drum, piano, and/ or a guitar (if you don't have one, or any, of the listed instruments, don't freak out! You can do 2 things. You can either be creative and make something that produces a beat or a pitch, or you can look up a free software on the computer that can make pitches. Search google for "free computer keyboard piano software". There are so many options that it would be a waist of time listing them.) So, by this point, you have something that can make a beat, and something that can make different sounds loud enough that a computer microphone could pick up. Now is the simplest part. You have to compose the music. This may sound hard, but hey, you shouldn't be aiming to become the next Mozart. All you have to make is a tune that is semi-catchy, but not annoying. It can be really simple, and have the same effect on the listeners that another, complex, song. Remember: People that generally are listening to the song, are playing a game too. And if your game is good enough, people won't care about some cheesy tune. In fact, the cheesier the better. One exception though. Don't go and make a bad tune for the menu. People who are just joining the game tend to care more about the sound of the music than the graphics of the main menu. A great example of this is Runescape. Ever notice that the opening fanfare is a bit more constructed than the rest of the music in the game? So overall, just create a great opening menu, good graphics in the game, and you'll be the next World of Warcraft. Not so fast. In order to create music, you need to record it to your computer.


    Congrats! You have just hopefully mastered the art of composing and making great music. Now you just have to record and edit it. A great software I recommend to you guys is WavePad Sound Editor. This COMPLETELY FREE software will make your music days much more successful. This program lets you record, edit, and distribute your music. You can change the pitch, speed, and much more. If you aren't satisfied with this program, just search google or yahoo for "Free sound editor". This software is really self explanatory. Just record your music and edit. Many people refuse to lower the volume of their music, which is a major problem in Eclipse because you can't use the actual engine to edit it and the sound is overwhelming.

    Here's a list of music creation software:

    -Wavepad Sound Editor


    -NCH Software Suite (contains multiple free softwares!)

    So that's pretty much it. You can now hopefully make, compose, and edit music in a successful fashion. Good luck and thank you for reading the tut  :cheesy:

    -SawQuart Productions
  4. I have the portforwarding set up, but Im confused about 3 things:

    1\. Which server does the "PlayersClient" run on? I can't get the client connected with the internet because (im just guessing) I dont have a server set up for it. Should I copy another server and put it in the client folder or what? The tuts seemed to miss this topic…

    2\. What folder do I put the client folder in? Different tutorials said different things. Im confused.

    3\. How do you edit the player's client? Every time I did (before it started glitching) It would glitch. This isnt a part of the about questions, just dont think of this when trying to give a diagnosis...

    Please help me! I have fans waiting for the beta release this week...
  5. SawQuart Productions needs a mapper. We are making a giant MMORPG, and we need help. If you would like to apply, all I need you to do is sign up at [http://lordsofnobility.tk](http://lordsofnobility.tk)
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