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Everything posted by Relly

  1. @Fuu Thank you, and yes I still need to do water transitions. (procrastinating on it) @Jungle Stop looking so hard. >.< @Eckhart Meh.. I guess it _could_, but it isn't necessary..
  2. I still haven't done the water transition, and I like the sand transition to dirt.
  3. Soyea, water 2 wins, and redid sand: ![](http://i.imgur.com/AX89c.png)
  4. Not sure which water is liked more, personally I like the first water tile. @Jungle Meh, if people download the game and work to rip the graphics, I'll have to let them (of course that doesn't make it right). But I won't let them waltz onto a graphic thread, right click, and have my graphics with no trouble at all. Vote on water! ![](http://i.imgur.com/RgEsO.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/Q99qq.png) 1 2
  5. The darker one then: ![](http://i.imgur.com/A1z7c.png)
  6. ![](http://i.imgur.com/wwegd.png) Looks too simple to me.
  7. Gawsh such long replies.. ;P Anyway I didn't even notice the grid until you pointed it out, I'll get that fixed. Which color is better? ![](http://i.imgur.com/b8Fve.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/ZXBAq.png)
  8. @fortunato Well it seems that everyone else didn't mind, and some Eclipsians love stealing work (past experience), so I'ma stick with jpegs. You only mentioned things that were already addressed, I said I was going to make a water-sand transition tile already x_x. @Jungle I don't really like to look at pixel art to do pixel art, It just doesn't seem right. I guess I'll _have_ to at least try to make a new sand because of the amount of complaining, but I remember having a hard time with it. First Attempt: ![](http://i.imgur.com/lapji.png)
  9. Is it just me or does this have dark spots in it? ![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS09n2vL5mGwctZYzwWNBQXYs_lbyU_1mUJgDqCaRa-krJ-5Bic)
  10. To me, sand is grainy, and so that's how I portrayed it. I do want to make a shore-type edge, like the foam of water at the beach, though.
  11. Thanks, it would be awesome if we could make a game as good as Haven and Hearth!
  12. Yes actually xD. I was wondering when someone would notice. (the birch trees gave it away I'm sure) As for the dungeon floor, I did notice it wasn't as dark as I thought it was. (I made 'em a while back) New stuff: ![](http://i.imgur.com/8JGPo.jpg)
  13. It's all good, Fuu left. Back to thread topic, did Dfox20 make the Barbarian Boss sprite? It's quite different than the other sprites.
  14. Whack said that his artist uses RMVX sprites as a template, I think there was mis-communication here. There is no problem with him using the RMVX base sprite as a template and making PDs for it. He didn't actually _edit_ the RMVX sprite. Also, you are both quite arrogant. ;]
  15. Yea.. the yellow-ish one doesn't look good, probably won't ever be in the game. Oh yea an update, dungeons: ![](http://i.imgur.com/OcPVQ.jpg) And another mock-up of the newer water: ![](http://i.imgur.com/8C36q.jpg)
  16. I used the wrong grass (oops), so don't worry about it. >.< The dirt path to the left? I like how it blends in.. If you're talking about the path to the right, I used bad coloring, the grey one looks better I guess. The mock-up was mainly about the water. >.<
  17. Lol, small graphics is the style. Re-sizing it is a completely different style. Them being the only thing darkly outlined doesn't make them pop enough..?
  18. UPDATE: New water: ![](http://i.imgur.com/ngkJk.jpg)
  19. Oh wow, I'm not used to this many replies.. Anyways, I forgot about the outlines, this is a bit of an old mock-up. At one point in time I was going to outline everything you can interact with, but pretty much everything would've been outlined, so I stopped in the middle. Right now, the only things outlined are characters. I honestly agree with you on the trees. I made them pretty quickly (it was actually a joke) and when the others saw it they liked it. *shrug* I think I will make a simpler water to match the style a bit better as well. Thanks for all the feedback and compliments! Also, the forums got hacked not too long after making this topic. I have my suspicions.. >.>
  20. Here's some art for a game I've been pixelling for named 'Crawle'. More info on that [here](http://sleepystudios.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=10). Tell me what ya' think: ![](http://i.imgur.com/P4xXE.jpg) ![](http://i.imgur.com/8C36q.jpg) ![](http://i.imgur.com/OcPVQ.jpg) ![](http://i.imgur.com/8JGPo.jpg) ![](http://i.imgur.com/AX89c.png) (intentional jpeg) Like I said, if you want to know more about Crawle, or any other games by us, go [here](http://www.sleepystudios.com/).
  21. Here's an updated tileset also showing some ground and inventory item icons. >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/036c778063280f3fa98739c7f72ab608.png)
  22. Well the "sand" is actually dirt, but I agree it could use some detail, that's one of the things that Duders made, not me. Also, here is how the sprites look on these tiles: >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/272dd2229508198d3223fbdd5b6316f9.bmp)
  23. Why o-o -Added a map of some tiles.
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