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Posts posted by Lithumist

  1. Once i had a dream of an exact scene. Then, later that day, i saw that exact scene. Everything and everyone was in exactly the right place. I had fogotten about the dream until that i saw it again, it was really weird.
  2. Im using SDL for my rpg engine im making in c++, but i found SFML. I cant be botherd to switch the whole engine to it now.

    But one thing i like about SFML is that all the functionality is in separate headers. So if you only wanted to create and manage a window, you just include the window header. But in SDL you include everything, all the time.
  3. @Lukin:

    > If a brick weighs 1kg and a half brick..
    > Wouldn't we need to know what the half brick weighs, because it could be more than the 1kg provided? It doesn't say that the brick weighs 1kg, just that with the half brick it does.
    > If not the most logical is a half brick is 0.5kg and then its 1.5kg per brick, but then the half of a brick is 0.75kg.. Mindfuck.

    What do you add to half a brick to get a whole brick?

    Half a brick.

    And the question says the weight of 1 brick is 1kg + the weight of half a brick.
    the only other thing you could add to half a brick to get a whole brick, is half a brick.

    Therefore half a brick must be 1kg. Thats the hard part done.
    Now you know that half a bick is 1kg, so a whole brick is 2kg.

    So a brick and a half is 3kg.
  4. @Draken:

    > he is saying  1.5 bricks = 1kg
    > or saying 1 brick = 1kg and asking for how much 1.5 would be which is 1brick =1kg so 1.5 bricks =1.5kg

    nope, im saying that 1 brick weighs 1kg + half of the weight of a brick

    understand now?


    > @Lith:
    > > 1 brick = x
    > > x = 1kg + x/2
    > x - x/2 = 1kg
    > x(1 - 1/2) = 1kg
    > x(1/2) = 1kg
    > **x = 2kg**
    > check your math.

    sorry i ment that x is the weight of 1 brick.

    The question asks what is the weight of 1 brick + the weight of half a brick.
    The question also says the the weight of 1 brick is 1kg + the weight of half of a brick

    So if x is the weight of a brick…
    x = 1kg + 1/2
    x is equal to 1 killogram plus the weight of half a brick.
  5. here is a word problem i found, it took me about 20 minutes to find out the answer and i dont even know if it's correct. Here's the problem:

    1 brick weighs 1kg plus half of a brick. How much does a brick and a half weigh?

    My answer:

    >! 3kg
    >! i used algebra to work it out.
    1 brick is 1kg plus half of a brick.
    half of a brick plus half of a brick is a brick.
    so doesnt that mean the half of a brick is 1kg?  :huh:
    if half of a brick is 1kg, then a brick must be 2kg
    then a brick and a half is 3kg

    What do you guys think the answer is and why
  6. I have a question

    do you think i should use freewebs as a web host.
    I dont mean using their sitebuilder and useing the free stuff.
    They have stuff that you have to pay for, do you think i sould use freewebs or a hosting company



    > I don't think people would appreciate it if you were pirating their maps to find out secrets about them.

    I didnt say i was doing it, i tested it with my maps when i saw a maps folder in the kryce-online client


    > They can see the maps anyway by playing the game.

    I mean if you open map editor with the coped maps on a different server


    but you could copy the maps from the client and put into an eclipse server and see the maps, you could get secret info about the maps that could give you an advantage. And what happens when you edit the maps in the client and run the client, will the maps be different in the game where the maps came from?


    can someone tell me why maps are stored in the client folder?
    there is a folder in my client with all the maps i have used so far.
    I have tested them too.
    i coped the maps folder from my client and pasted it into a new server folder(not the server for the client that i coped the maps from) and ran the server and the client and the maps worked!
    Wouldn't this not be a good idea, because everything is supposted to be stored in the server
  7. Im, having problems with 2.8 :sad:

    what i done is downloaded the compiled version and renamed the "server.exe" to "new server.exe" and the "client.exe" to "new client.exe".
    I then put the new client into my 2.7 client folder and the new server into the server folder.
    Everything works fine apart from 2 things:
    movement is very bad(if i press up it goes 2 tiles up and 1 to the left)
    when i equip something it give me an error
  8. This is what i mean:

    i would like to know how to make a sadscript command that looked abit like this:
    the command would show a pop up box, like the box that comes up when you step on a house tile, but it would only have text.
    I could use it for npc speech.

    I hope you understand now :cheesy:


    > Umm. I'm pretty sure there's already a function in Sadscript for this.
    > QueryBox?

    I think that query box is like player prompt, doesn't query, mean question?
  9. Hi, i was wondering how to make a pop up box that could come up, just a normal windows one.

    Its kinda like the player prompts, but with just text.

    also, is it possible to make it accessed by scripting:


    I dont know if there already is one built into the engine, if there is, im sorry :embarrassed:
  10. Im sorry if this have already been asked, i used search and couldnt find anything and looked in the FAQ.

    can i convert my 2.7 game into a 3.0 game?
    everything, the maps, scripts etc…
  11. Is there a function or a way to open a players bank by scripting, because i would like my players to just type in /bank, and if they are on a town or village map, then  there bank opens. XD

    I know how to do all the rest except actually opening the bank.
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