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Posts posted by Koovo

  1. I liked the bit about the origins (no pun intended) of the engine and the community that it birthed.  Much obliged, Robin.  This proves the information you possessed would be helpful in filling in some historical gaps.  It's all accurate, right?  Just thinking about the impending edits (if I ever get to 'em) is headache inducing.

    I have only just learned of the changes that have taken place.  The new design is definitely a step above its predecessor.  The old website required female dog slapping.

    Edit: I hate your censors. >.< When exactly did the change happen?
  2. @Hyperion: Praise the Almighty. I think we are on the same page. My initial and subsequent posts succeeded in failing.  Perhaps my blunder was including the bit about rights and whatnot.  Sometimes I find it difficult to express myself with the written word, especially with a delicate topic such as this. 

    Is the following not unlike your view on the matter at hand?

    Person A finds Person B (insert adjective here) because he/she is gay.  But Person A does not act upon his/her opinion and therefore should be protected from attack.  Basic human rights are not in question and are not demanded to be only for a select few.  Leave Person A alone.

    I do not know.  Here is the link I mentioned in my earlier post. Sadly, I cannot remember the URL for another article linked by Neil Gaiman via Twitter a year ago.  So this journal entry will have to do.

    [Neil Gaiman's Journal: Why defend freedom of icky speech?](http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2008/12/why-defend-freedom-of-icky-speech.html)
  3. @Sage:  To be honest, I do not know how to effectively answer that.  We both may not have our ears open.  Leave those that do not bully or kill alone. Does that help at all?

    My choice of words have proven ineffective.  Perhaps the well-written article of another will help me better explain.  If not, I'll concede.

    Link:  (Insert two links here when I find them…)
  4. @Robin:  My statement is based off a few social incidents. The film, _Brokeback Mountain_, was brought up and an attempt was made to corner and cage my personal opinion. I dismissed myself from the conversation at that point. Targeting you specifically was not my intent.

    The person in question does not tolerate or understand what it is to be gay.  So what?  Just leave him to his own devices.

    @Miguu:  Hitler was decidedly evil, his actions extreme.  In time, Southern Americans learned that African Americans breath the same air.  I speak of those who do not vocalize their opinion, but are denounced for their views when they do.  If their words lead to crimes of blind hate, rise against and do not waver.

    I do not know.  I am f@#!ing tired right now. Maybe I am missing something?

    Off-topic:  Why all the anti-American sentiment?
  5. I'll hand over my two cents, for what their worth. (Which may amount to nothing, but duck you.) As I've said before, I was never a member of a debate club.

    Helladen may have attempted to "troll" others who support gay rights.  If this is the case, shame on him.  If not, shame on you.  Some people are uncomfortable with gays.  Deal with it.  Stop demonizing the rest of the populace that disagrees with your viewpoint.

    I grow weary of being forced to accept gay marriage and associating issues. So if I don't like gay people, I should be burned at the stake?  I do not actively protest nor do I purposely murder same-sex couples. Leave me alone already.

    As for dubbed versus subbed anime, I stand on middle ground.

    Wow, Minecraft is impressive.  Especially the game's retro-style graphics.  The developer's philosophy is one all MORPG developers should adopt: if it's not fun, scrap it.  I'll purchase the game when multiplayer support is implemented and free of game breaking bugs.  I already subscribed to your YouTube channel and hunger for more lusty adventures.

    Oh, you need a video editing suite to upload to YouTube? I thought it was a painless process…
  7. You have a plethora of options to choose from, chief of which is **Linux** and to a lesser extent, **BSD**.  The following link is one of great importance on your journey to a Micro$oft free computing experience.


    I make love to this site on a daily basis.  As for suggestions on which distribution to install, take a peek at the Page Hit Ranking sidebar. Most will recommend the top ten distros, others are more selective.  I recommend [TinyMe](http://tinymelinux.com/doku.php) or [Puppy](http://www.puppylinux.com/).  Both are light on system resources.

    Another website that pays host to a helpful community of Linux users is NotebookReview.com.


    When Micro$soft decided to molest the wallets and computers of consumers with Windows Vista, I found refuge on the [Linux Compatibility and Software](http://forum.notebookreview.com/linux-compatibility-software/) section of the forums.  Good folk they be.

    Crap. Just re-read your post and realized you may not be novice when it comes to the Linux world.  Whatever, I'll just add this link as well.

    [An opinion on the differences between BSD and Linux](http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20100802#qa)

    Happy hunting.
  8. Bah. I never posted consistently and my knowledge in all aspects of game design is severely lacking. 

    I finally found a job in the real world so when extra cash is handy I’ll be looking for a new Twitter background (my personal account).  Still using the GraphicsPanda name?

    @Robin:  Shhh.
  9. Perhaps a [Page](http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php?campaign_id=372931622610&placement=pghm&extra_1=0) is more appropriate instead of a Group?  I use Facebook to connect with family and to gather news from companies and businesses.  It's not too bad if you wear an Internet condom (privacy settings).

    Update: Thank you Google.  http://mashable.com/2009/05/27/facebook-page-vs-group/
  10. I'll be sure to scope them out. Thanks for the link.

    MyWorld is not being developed with an MORPG engine, but one capable of 3-D graphics?  Why the change of heart?  Sorry, been awhile since I last read a status update.

    Other Web hosts:  http://www.webhostingchoice.com/
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