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Everything posted by Kimimaru

  1. Welcome to Eclipse! As of now, you cannot use 8-directions sprites, as the game only supports four directions: Up, Down, Left, and Right. The upcoming versions of Eclipse, such as Solar Eclipse, support diagonal movement, so you will be able to use your sprites there. It certainly is possible to modify Eclipse's current movement system so that it supports diagonal movement as well, but that would require a huge rewrite of the source code for the movement, tiles, mapping, and rendering sprites. I wouldn't count on waiting for Solar Eclipse, though, as it probably won't be released for a while. Eclipse Origins is still in development, and although it doesn't support 8-directional movement now, it may in the future.
  2. That means that there's some error with the packets. You may have to change some **If casestring = "…"** statements to **Case "…"**. Also, this isn't a scripting error; it's a sourcing error. By the way, change the code that SillyFace gave you to this: ``` Private Sub cmdFriendList_Click() Dim Index As Integer picFriendList.Visible = True 'Finds out if players are online or not For Index = 0 to 9 Call SendData("friendonlineoffline" & SEP_CHAR & lblFriend(Index).Caption & SEP_CHAR & Index & END_CHAR) Next Index End Sub ```
  3. Kimimaru

    Shop quandry

    To open the source code, you need **Visual Basic 6**. You cannot open it up and edit it with any other version of Visual Basic. It is possible for you to make places like caves and/or sewers dark all the time, although it may be a little difficult to attach light to the player, though it is possible. I haven't done this myself, and I've been really busy lately, so I don't think I'll be able to walk you through it, sorry. You can post on the Source Questions board, however, to receive additional help. You can make certain NPCs do certain things at certain times with scripting; you need to create an NPC in **Sub ScriptedNpcs** and then store the player's progress another time in the game. This can be accomplish by storing the player's progress in an external file (INI) using the **PutVar** and **GetVar** commands. Your spell problem may be a source code problem, but make sure you've downloaded Eclipse Stable because I believe its spells work. Also, make sure you've set the NPC as your target before using the spell by left-clicking on it. You should switch to Eclipse Stable because Eclipse Evolution 2.7 (it seems as if you're using that version) has this strange source code error with the banks. To use them, you must click in the very middle of the buttons on an extremely small area. You can simply expand the labels with Visual Basic 6, though.
  4. Although I haven't experimented with Eclipse Origins very much, I wouldn't recommend using it to make your game, since I do know that it isn't developed enough for a beginner to be able to make a nice game with. EDIT: Also, on Eclipse Stable, have you changed the Data.ini file to match your current settings? Make sure the port in the file is correct and everything.
  5. @XxshadowAssasinXx: > I can't even get Ambardia to run .I get this RTE when I try to update it. Also I like Super Mario Bros.Online, Its very active and fun. That is true, although Super Mario Bros. Online recently hasn't been as active as it has typically been because we've been turning the server on and off due to testing. We've nearly completed testing, though, and everything should be back to normal once we release the next update.
  6. You will need to obtain the Visual Basic 6 program so that you can edit the source and move the buttons wherever you'd like.
  7. I've tried some of the other games here, but I tend to stay concentrated on my own game. @Chief: > my Win 7 doesnt like to run the eclipse engine, and gets errors. All I had to do to get it working was run [this](http://www.worldwarproductions.com/eli/ELI%202%20Beta.exe) and turn off my UAC.
  8. Are you using a 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system? To check, click the Windows Orb at the bottom left, then right-click on Computer. From there, go to Properties, then look on that screen. There should be a classification called something like: **System type**. It should state whether your operating system is a 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system. If you have a 64-bit operating system, then you may need to use the 64-bit ELI in order to solve this issue.
  9. I've noticed that my IP changes from time to time, though not very often at all. To find out your new IP address, open up the Run command, and type in "cmd." Then, type in "**ipconfig**." It should list your Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, etc. and then your IP address. Go back to your port forwarding and replace the old IP with the new one you see in the command prompt. I hope that helps! By the way, when I got a new desktop computer, the IP addresses for my laptop and desktop actually switched, which I thought was very strange.
  10. Kimimaru

    Shop quandry

    You will need to edit the source code to allow shops to accept more than one currency. Luckily, I've made a tutorial for doing this, and it's very to easy to follow. Check it out here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,53860.0.html Good luck!
  11. I'm pretty sure it does, but you have to replace the links there or you'll be using my images.
  12. Would you guys be able to write the same type code in HTML for me please, in that case? It's supposed to check to see if it connect to a server's IP and port. If it can, it will display one image; if it can't, it'll display a different image.
  13. Hey, everyone! I'm sorry, but I didn't know where to put this topic. Anyway, I have this PHP code that I can use to put up my own server online/offline images, but unfortunately, my webhost doesn't allow me to insert my own PHP code, only HTML. I'm wondering if anyone can convert this code to HTML for me. Thanks in advance! ``` [img]http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn38/Kimimaru4000/ServerOnlineGUI.png[/img] [img]http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn38/Kimimaru4000/ServerOfflineGUI.png[/img] ```
  14. You need to source edit this, so make sure you have Visual Basic 6; otherwise, you cannot make source edits.
  15. Kimimaru


    To compile your source, go to File –> Make client.exe. Then, choose the name of the file you want it to output and click "Ok." Wait for it to finish, then it's done! The .exe file you've made will contain the most updated coding in it. To run your file through Visual Basic 6, look for a little button at the top resembling this: â–º. Click on that button, and your program will run with the most updated code.
  16. Kimimaru


    Did you compile your source code into a .exe file, or did you run the source through Visual Basic 6 by clicking the Play button?
  17. Kimimaru


    For the NPC names, open up the **Client** source, and head over to **modGameLogic**. Find **Sub BltMapNPCName(ByVal Index As Long)**. In it, you should see this: ``` Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - NewXOffset, TextY - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - NewYOffset, Trim$(Npc(MapNpc(Index).num).Name), vbWhite) ``` Change it to this: ``` Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - NewXOffset, TextY - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - NewYOffset, Trim$(Npc(MapNpc(Index).num).Name), QBColor(BRIGHTCYAN)) ``` For the NPC text, open up the **Server** source, and head over to **modGameLogic**. Find **Function CanAttackNpc(ByVal Attacker As Long, ByVal MapNpcNum As Long) As Boolean**. In it, look for something like this: ``` If NPC(NPCnum).Behavior = NPC_BEHAVIOR_SCRIPTED Then MyScript.ExecuteStatement "Scripts\Main.txt", "ScriptedNPC " & Attacker & "," & NPC(NPCnum).SpawnSecs Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, Trim$(NPC(NPCnum).Name) & " : " & (NPC(NPCnum).AttackSay), GREEN) End If ``` Now, look after the "Else," and take a closer look at this statement: ``` Call PlayerMsg(Index, Trim$(NPC(NPCnum).Name) & " : " & Trim$(NPC(NPCnum).AttackSay), GREEN) ``` Change it to this: ``` Call PlayerMsg(Index, Trim$(NPC(NPCnum).Name) & " : " & Trim$(NPC(NPCnum).AttackSay), BRIGHTCYAN) ``` This statement may be slightly different in your source, but still, make the same change to the color. Please note that you will see this statement **4** times within the Function. Make the change each time you see it.
  18. Okay, but if I rendered the text, would it be possible for me to update the text whenever the player attacked, for example?
  19. Hey! I'm blitting graphics onto **frmMirage**, and I have labels in the same spots as the graphics. How can I make the labels, which are transparent, appear above the rendered graphics? I've tried right-clicking on the labels and selecting "Bring to Front," but this hasn't worked. Can someone please tell me how I can do this? Also, if I cannot do this with labels, then with what object can I do this with to achieve the same results? Thanks in advance.
  20. I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about, but I think you want to try to move your scripting Subs to the source. To do this, simply copy and paste your scripting Sub and put it in the Server source, preferrably in **modGameLogic**. Then, find a statement like this in the source: ``` MyScript.ExecuteStatement "Scripts\Scripts\Events.ess", "ScriptedNPC " & Attacker & "," & NPC(NPCnum).SpawnSecs ``` Replace that with: ``` Call ScriptedNPC(Attacker, NPC(NPCnum).SpawnSecs) ``` Of course, you may need to change it up a little more than that. I don't use Eclipse Stable, so I wouldn't know the exact way to do this. Also, please note that you may have to change some things when you're moving something from scripts to source because scripting sometimes has some commands that sourcing doesn't, although you can easily add them into the source.
  21. Kimimaru


    Well, you shouldn't quit. You should at least give the program a try. Now that you "put it back to normal," you can go on your game and get a feel of the overall nature of Eclipse. Then, you can start changing things to your liking. Check out some of the tutorials on the website if you need help because some of them are great. Don't give up this easily.
  22. I got it working myself, with a little of Balliztik1's help!
  23. Kimimaru


    That's the **Client** folder. Before you double-click to go in there, there should be another folder called **Server**. Double-click on that one and run Server.exe.
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